4B | SATURDAY, MAY 1, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS CLUES ACROSS 1. Engine additive 4. A hearty laugh 8. Restrain 10. Dried coconut kernels 11. Nefarious 12. Elderly 13. Central part of a church building 15. Throw into confusion 16. Intestinal 17. Qualities of being religious 18. Live up to a standard 21. Seize 22. Go quickly 23. Automated teller machine 24. Bowling necessity 25. One point east of due south 26. Japanese honorifi c HOROSCOPES ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, serving others is im- portant, but it also is essential that you take care of yourself. Set aside time for some pam- pering or at least to enjoy some moments of quiet. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, it is important that you take a stand one way or another concerning a relation- ship with someone close. Tak- ing a stand will benefi t both parties. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, stubborn minds can cause friction when they inter- act with one another, but you can be the mediator who steps in. Try to cool tempers and smooth things out. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Expect things to go quite nicely for you this week, Can- cer. More prosperity should be MEET CHICKADEE Chickadee is a senior cat, we are unsure of just how old she is, she came to us as a stray, and was not very trusting of people. She has came around to liking people and even wanting pets from them, when she wants attention. She doesn’t care for other cats, and would do best in a home with no small children or dogs. 27. A way to induce sleep 34. Makes cash register rolls 35. A city in S Louisiana 36. Make more cheerful 37. Manicurist 38. Consents 39. Network of nerves 40. Mocking smile 41. It covers the body 42. Partner to pans 43. Perform in a play heading your way and all in all things will fl ow smoothly at home and work. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 It is time to get on the same page as others close to you, Leo. Th is could involve mak- ing some minor adjustments to your way of thinking, but it will be well worth it. VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Important lessons on bal- ance are learned this week, Virgo. Th ey involve how much of yourself you are sharing with others. You may need to slight- ly scale back the helping hand. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, if you feel like you’re not getting the attention you deserve at work, you may need to plead your case to a new au- dience. See if you can move up the chain of command. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Your mind and energy levels are on an even keel this week, Scorpio. You have the perfect combination to get big projects done. Tackle as much as you CLUES DOWN 1. Beautiful 2. Polynesian island country 3. Shrub of the olive family 4. Self-governing Netherlands territory 5. Shared one’s view 6. Tailless amphibians 7. Charge passengers must pay 9. Sound sheep make 10. Known for sure 12. Filled with unexpressed anger 14. Student (abbr.) 15. Criticize 17. Gathering place 19. Informal alliances 20. One’s mother (British) 23. Landholder can. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/ Dec 21 Sagittarius, it is alright to be a bit more selfi sh than usual for the next few days. You prob- ably have tasks that have been put off for some time. Now is the time to get them done. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Your desire to get things done is only hindered by the free time you have. Th is might be an opportunity to take a WE NEED A HOME.... If you would like to meet these two or any of their friends, please visit us at: OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY 2840 Rhododendron Drive • Florence • 541-997-4277 •oregoncoasthumane.org 24. Peter’s last name 25. Parties 26. Title of respect 27. Red wine 28. Pearl Jam’s debut 29. Shaft horsepower (abbr.) 30. Frosts 31. Cry of joy 32. Induces vomiting 33. Mother or father 34. Dal __: Musical navigation marker 36. Door fastener part personal day and catch up on your home life, Capricorn. AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Give yourself some self- healing time, Aquarius. You have been juggling a lot of dif- ferent things lately, which may have crowded your mind. Sort it all out. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Leave worries at your door- step, Pisces. Th is is a week when the sun is always shining and everything seems to fall in place. MEET GRISLEY Hi there, my name is Grisly and I am a little over a year old. I am looking for a home that is high energy either going for several walks a day, hiking, playing at the beach, or just several hours of active playtime as I tend to chew if I become bored. I also need a home that is familiar with either Huskys or Akitas and with older children because of my energy level.