WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 2021 ❚ SIUSLAW NEWS Department at (541) 997-8237. Publication Dates: April 24, and 28, 2021 NOTICE OF FURA BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING Public meetings of the Budget Committee of the City of Florence Urban Renewal Agency, Lane County, State of Oregon, on the budget for the biennium years July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023, will be held via videoconference. Given COVID-19 restrictions, citizens will not be able to attend City meetings in person. Interest- ed citizens may listen and view the meeting through the ‘GotoWebi- nar’ platform. For access to a link to the meeting, visit the City of Florence websites shown for each of the meetings below. Meetings are also shown live on Cable Channel 191 and on- line at orence. o r. u s / c i t y m a n a g e r / public-meetings-live. Those without access to the internet or Charter Cable may listen to the meeting live via phone conference line. To do so, contact City Record- er Kelli Weese at 541- 997-3437. • On May 13, 2021, 5:30 pm, the Budget Message will be read; a public hearing will be conducted to receive public comments on the proposed budget; with deliberations to follow. Any person may appear at the meeting to ask questions or pro- vide comments. Writ- ten comments may be submitted prior to 3:30 pm on May 13, 2021 to the Administrative Services Director’s Of- fi ce, 250 Highway 101, Florence, OR 97439 - or- al/fura-budget-com- mittee-meeting-0 The Proposed Budget will be available on the City’s website at http:// ; or a copy may be in- spected or obtained on May 11, or anytime thereafter, at Florence City Hall by appoint- ment. Persons wishing to address the Budget Committee may submit comments in writing or may provide verbal comments. Written tes- timony may be submit- ted by: PUBLIC NOTICES • Email to the Admin- istrative Services Di- rector at anne.baker@ ci.fl; • Mail to Florence City Hall; Attn: Budget Com- mittee, 250 Hwy 101, Florence, OR 97439; • Drop off at City of Florence drop box lo- cated at Florence City Hall (250 Hwy 101) to the right of the main entrance. ** Note: Written com- ments must be received at least 2 hours prior to the start of the meeting to be distributed to the Budget Committee and made part of the record. Citizens may provide verbal comments / tes- timony at the meeting via the GotoWebinar platform. In order to participate verbally at the meeting, citizens are required to com- plete a speaker’s card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meet- ing. Speaker’s cards are available online at the links for each meeting, or by contacting City Recorder Kelli Weese via email at kelli.weese@ ci.fl or by phone at 541-997-3437. If you have any ques- tions about the meet- ings or need more infor- mation, please contact Anne Baker, City of Florence Administra- tive Services Director, at anne.baker@ci.fl orence. or (541) 997-3436. This notice is given in accordance with provi- sions of the Oregon Re- vised Statutes 294.426, and is posted for ref- erence on the City’s website at http://www. ci.fl DATED THIS 28TH DAY OF APRIL 2021 Anne Baker Administrative Ser- vices Director Anyone requiring spe- cial accommodations please call (541) 997- 3437 at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. Publication Date: April 28, 2021 NOTICE OF VIRTUAL BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A virtual public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Swis- shome - Deadwood RFPD, Lane County, State of Oregon, to dis- cuss the budget for the fi scal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, will be held via Zoom. The link to join the meeting is: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/87540959280?p- wd=ZG9aQ25mb- DI1QWs2dVI0ajYrYm- VlQT09 Meeting ID: PUBLIC NOTICES REQUEST FOR COMMENT The City of Florence has received an application to close Oak Street and 27th Street for a Reverse Rhododendron Parade to be held on Sunday, May 16th, 2021. As an aff ected business or property owner, the Council seeks your comments on this request. The Council will take public comment at its meeting beginning at 5:30 pm on May 3rd, 2021. Interested citizens may listen and view the meeting through the ‘GotoWebinar’ platform. To access the meeting on the GotoWebinar platform, please visit the following link: ter/693494283923837965. The Reverse Rhododendron Parade is planned to consist of a partial one-day event along Oak Street and 27th Street. If you wish to submit comments by writing pri- or to the Council’s meeting on May 3rd, 2021, you may submit them to City Recorder via email kelli. weese@ci.fl or by fax to 541-997-6814 Publication Date: April 28, 2021 Hey Graphic Searchers Please submit your entry for a chance to win a gift certifi cate: By E-mail Only We need your name, phone number and where you found the graphic or an attached photo. Email: Submit entry by 2PM Th ursday Graphic Winners You can claim your $10 Gift Certifi cate to the Siuslaw News via email ( or telephone (541-997-3441). The value is equal to 13 consecutive Siuslaw News issues. You may add it to your current subscription or share with a friend. 875 4095 9280 Passcode: 903194 The meeting will take place on the 13th of May, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive com- ment from the public on the budget. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Bud- get Committee will take place. Any person may attend the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Bud- get Committee. A copy of the budget document may be in- spected or obtained on May 13th, 2021 at: Buckwald & Hornung CPA’s, PC Florence, Oregon between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. or by emailing Publication Dates: April 28, & May 1, 2021 NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Mapleton Fire De- partment, Lane County, State of Oregon, to dis- cuss the budget for the fi scal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, will be held at the Maple- ton Fire Hall, Mapleton, Oregon. The meeting will take place on the 12th of May, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. The option to attend the meeting vir- tually will be available, the link to the meeting will be provided at the Mapleton post offi ce, or by contacting the fi re district. The pur- pose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the pub- lic on the budget. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Bud- get Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the pro- posed programs with the Budget Committee. A copy of the budget document may be in- spected or obtained on May 12th, 2021 at Buck- wald & Hornung CPA’s, PC Florence, Oregon between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Publication Dates: April 28, & May 1, 2021 Business & Service Directory D-057 CLEANING SERVICES Major credit cards accepted CARPET CLEANING CCB #96660 997-3825 Upholstery STEAM OR DRY Smoke • Water Cleanup Certified-Bonded CCB #96660 Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. tfc 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services For clean as a whistle, call We’ll Help You Sell Your: ATV / RV Car / Truck Boat / Canoe / Kayak Motorcycle / Scooter Heavy Equipment Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED D-065 CONCRETE / PAVING Ant’s Concrete Excavation, fl at work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 CCB#197439 We Guarantee It! D-070 CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS We’re so sure, well run your ad until it’s SOLD! (No Commercial Sales) (Customer must call or Email: before the end of the month to extend ad) $ Only 39 70 Includes Black & White Photo REACH OVER 15,000 READERS A WEEK Florence, Mapleton, Swisshome, Gardiner, Reedsport. Plus E-editions CONSTRUCTION , Inc. New Homes, tfc Additions Remodels & Home Repair CCB#164861 Call or Email today: 541-997-3441 D-077 ELECTRICAL SIUSLAW VALLEY ELECTRIC, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING Ore. BBR No. 8689 Public Notices Continued from Previous Page 1710 Laurel Way - Airport Industrial Park Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 A.M. to Noon Forrest G. Grigsby • Stanton E. Grigsby P.O. Box 1216 • D-085 EXCAVATING Graphic Search Tractor Work • Gravel Road & Driveway Maintenance • Brush Hog – Rough cut mowing up to 1/2” diameter • Backhoe Work – Trenches & Stumps Free Estimates Robert Crabb 541-999-5875 CCB#234765 National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day April 30, 2021 Good Luck DEQ#37263 Ray Wells, Inc CB# 91052 E XCAVATING • S EPTIC S YSTEMS • S UBDIVISIONS L AND C LEARING • P AVING • T RUCKING B RUSH & D EBRIS R ECYCLING • D EMOLITION Here is how it works… We will put a graphic or photo in the box to the left. You find it somewhere in the classifieds. To enter your name into the drawing for a gift certificate P H . 541-997-2054 • F AX 541-997-3499 • 1-877-201-0652 P.O. B OX 3467 • 1770 L AUREL P L . • F LORENCE , OR 97439 D-0136 LEGAL / BANKRUPTCY SERVICES Call today for a FREE & confi dential meeting with an experienced attorney Email Name, phone # and where you found it to: Deadline for submitting: 2PM Thursday Please claim prize within 2 weeks of winning. JOY SIEWERT found the Anniv: First License Plates, 1901 Graphic on Page 6B (McLennan Construction Inc – Bottom Right Corner - below man on roof). She has won a Gift Certificate towards a Siuslaw News Subscription. Phone 997-8821 FAX 997-3723 503.820.9359 1849 Hwy 126 Unit A-10 , Florence, OR 97439 Fax: 503.213.5876 • dan@garnerlawoffi D-182 PEST CONTROL For What’s Bugging You Environmentally Responsible Free Inspections Saturday’s Graphic 541-997-4027 GARAGE SALES COVID-19 CHECKLIST • Display posters to remind customers about social distancing. CCB#79884 D-230 McLennan Construction, Inc. Off ering all types of ROOFING Great References, Senior Discounts Licensed & Insured • Established 2002 541-521-7303 • Tables and chairs should be at least 6 feet apart. • Use heavy-duty tape to form a fl ow for customers to follow throughout the sale. • Ask customers to stand in a line, while spread apart, during a high traffi c times. • Make sure all merchandise is washed and dried and/or wiped down with a disinfectant product before placing on a table or chair for sale. ROOFING / CONTRACTORS D-266 CCB#150484 WINDOWS DO WINDOWS! Yes! WE Window Cleaning Commercial • Residential Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 • Clean tables and chairs several times throughout the day. • Supply hand sanitizer on tables and elsewhere for customers. • Wear masks and disposable gloves. • Designate a person to take money from customers and washing hands after every transaction Siuslaw News 148 Maple Street • PO Box 10 • Florence, OR 97439 (541) 997-3441 • Siuslaw News Business & Service Directory P.O. Box 10 • 148 Maple Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 (541) 997-3441 • Fax: (541) 997-7979 7B