4B | SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS CLUES ACROSS 1. Switches 7. Legal financial term (abbr.) 10. Sweeties 12. Competition 13. Measures electrical resistance 14. Psychotherapy researcher 15. Causes injury to 16. Open 17. Polish peninsula 18. Hebrew calendar month 19. Whale ship captain 21. Children’s accessory 22. Unknown point 27. Exists 28. Extremely confident 33. Expression of disgust 34. The government has many 36. Small constellation HOROSCOPES ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you have a unique perspective, and sometimes you appear uninterested in the opinions of others. But this week it is best to be humble and accept other thoughts. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you routinely put caring for others ahead of car- ing for yourself. This compas- sion is commendable, but you can’t offer help if you aren’t in top form. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, let others bring up issues with you rather than prying. You willingness to lend an ear is well-known, and oth- ers will come to you on their own. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 It may be tempting to slack off when supervisors are not looking, Cancer. However, a MEET CHICKADEE Chickadee is a senior cat, we are unsure of just how old she is, she came to us as a stray, and was not very trusting of people. She has came around to liking people and even wanting pets from them, when she wants attention. She doesn’t care for other cats, and would do best in a home with no small children or dogs. 37. Northern Indian city 38. The best pitchers 39. Naturally occurring solid 40. Apple computers 41. Portuguese city 44. Ancient Greek war dance 45. More reliable 48. Sailboat 49. Newspapers 50. Frequently flooded area 51. They dig for coal lack of discipline now may have a trickle-down effect in the future. Stay focused. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 You may not be sure if you should pursue an opportunity that is before you, Leo. Con- sider your skills and talents and be honest with what you are ca- pable of accomplishing. VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, even though it can be risky to express your true feel- ings, especially when you go against popular opinion, don’t shy away from being true to yourself. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Your head is pushing you in a practical direction, Libra. Yet your heart wants you to go a different way. Try to find a bal- ance between both scenarios. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, others are ready and willing to offer advice if they sense you need it. While you can be open to suggestions, don’t follow others’ dreams if they aren’t your own. CLUES DOWN 1. Partial 2. “Mad Men” leading man 3. The __ of March 4. Healthy 5. Where golfers begin 6. Soviet Socialist Republic (abbr.) 7. Of the cheek 8. Injury reminder 9. Statesman Franklin 10. For an unknown reason 11. Brain parts 12. Islamic calendar month 14. Avenue where ad men work 17. Possesses 18. Accept 20. Stake 23. Former British PM May SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/ Dec 21 You may be conflicted about telling someone you need a little personal space, Sagittar- ius. But it’s not good to suffer through situations that make you unhappy. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, even though you cannot please everyone, you can do what is necessary to make yourself happy. Make this your primary goal this WE NEED A HOME.... If you would like to meet these two or any of their friends, please visit us at: OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY 2840 Rhododendron Drive • Florence • 541-997-4277 •oregoncoasthumane.org 24. US battleships circa 1939 25. Greek alphabet letter 26. When you hope to get there 29. Top lawyer 30. Fiddler crabs 31. Intolerant 32. Persons that cause extreme fear 35. Car mechanics group 36. Capital of Ghana 38. Famed ballplayer Hank 40. Emphasizes insignificance 41. Light-colored 42. Distinctive smell 43. Muckraking journalist Jacob 44. Sunscreen rating 45. Short-term memory 46. Japanese delicacy 47. One point north of due east week. AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, people may mis- understand your intentions when you start a new project. You don’t have to please every- one right now. The end result will be met with positive re- sponses. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Moving on from an emo- tional situation can be taxing, Pisces. But it may be necessary right now and could make you stronger in the long run. MEET GRISLEY Hi there, my name is Grisly and I am a little over a year old. I am looking for a home that is high energy either going for several walks a day, hiking, playing at the beach, or just several hours of active playtime as I tend to chew if I become bored. I also need a home that is familiar with either Huskys or Akitas and with older children because of my energy level.