The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, April 24, 2021, SATURDAY EDITION, Image 13

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SATURDAY EDITION | APRIL 24, 2021 | $1.00
By Lloyd Little
Siuslaw News
Retired teacher, coach and
game offi cial
With more than 55 years as
an athlete, coach, parent and
spectator, Lloyd Little shares what
he's learned about sports from his
multiple points of view.
Sports Calendar
April 27
• SHS Baseball
hosts J. City 5 pm
• SHS Softball
hosts J. City 5 pm
• SHS Track & Field
at C. Grove 4 pm
April 28
Senior JJ Neece jumps for frst place in the triple jump, landing at 38-5.5 on Wednesday.
• MHS Track & Field
at Pleasant Hill 4 pm
Sailors run away with PRs at home meet
April 30
• SHS Baseball hosts
Cottage Grove 3/ 5 pm
• SHS Softball hosts
Cottage Grove 3 / 5 pm
• SHS Track & Field
at Siuslaw HS 4 pm
Tide Tables
Entrance Siuslaw River
High Tide
Low Tide
April 24
10:40am / 6.6
11:13pm / 7.3
4:47am / 1.2
4:58pm / 0.4
April 25
11:36am 6.8
11:49pm / 7.9
5:35qm / 0.3
5:41pm / 0.5
6:21am / -0.7
6:23pm / 0.9
April 27
12:26am / 8.4
1:23pm / 7.0
7:07am / -1.3
7:05pm / 1.2
April 28
1:04am / 8.5
2:17pm / 6.9
7:54am / -1.7
7:49pm / 1.8
April 29
1:45am / 8.5
3:12pm / 6.6
8:43am / -1.8
8:36pm / 2.3
April 30
2:29am / 8.4
4:11pm / 6.3
By Zeahna Young
Siuslaw News
On Wednesday (April 21),
Mapleton’s track and field
teams hosted five other
schools in their league for
their first meet of the season.
In addition to the Sailors, the
meet included Crow, Mohawk,
Siletz Valley, Triangle Lake
and Yoncalla.
With just six athletes com-
peting for Mapleton — two
boys and four girls, all of
whom competed fiercely on
the football and volleyball
teams last season — the Sailors
had a stellar day with many
firsts and several personal
Mapleton sophomore Emily Neece throws the shot put for
records (PRs).
place with a mark of 26-6.
Said the team’s running
coach Lou Burruss, “We don’t
The boys team came in ond-place Triangle Lake (89
have very many kids, but the third place overall with 60 points.)
kids who are here are just points, behind Yoncalla in
doing a great job.”
first (109 points) and sec-
SHS on track (and field) for stellar season
By Zeahna Young
Siuslaw News
April 26
12:30pm / 7.0
9:34am / -1.6
9:27pm / 2.8
Siuslaw High School held
its opening track meet for
the season at home on Tues-
day (April 20), hosting Elmi-
ra, Bandon and Pacific. Both
the boys and girls teams had
standout performances, with
the boys team coming in first
overall at the meet with 248
points, and the girls com-
ing in second behind Elmira
(187 points) with 137 points.
On the boys side, senior
Skyler Loomis had a verita-
ble field day, coming in first
for all three throwing events
for the day.
“Skyler had a great day,”
said school athletic director
and coach Chris Johnson.
“Skyler has been a hurdler
and a thrower over the course
of his career, but we just de-
cided that with the shortened
Siuslaw senior Brea Blankenship and teammate Rylee
Colton, a junior, keep pace in the 1500M event on Tuesday.
season, it might be better just fy for the state meet in two
to focus his energies on the or three throwing areas and
throws where he’s been pret- have a chance to place.”
ty competitive. He looks like
See SHS 2B
someone who could quali-
Lady Viks unable to sink visiting Pirates
By Zeahna Young
Siuslaw News
Senior Lizbeth Garcia-Glavan at the
plate for the Lady Vikings.
In a hard-fought game
against Marshfield on Tues-
day (April 20), Siuslaw’s soft-
ball team succumbed to the
Pirates after the fifth inning,
losing 2-13.
Maggie Manning was the
starting pitcher for the Lady
Viks, with Adri Edwards at
catcher. In the first inning,
When my grandson Miles
asked me to throw passes to
him, I went outside and threw
him some passes. If I had said
“How about later?” I would
have missed out seeing the joy
and happiness on his face as he
caught pass aft er pass.
He even dove on the ground
to catch a few of my errant
passes to make me look good.
As we get older, it becomes
diffi cult to physically partic-
ipate with our children and
grandchildren. If we answer
their requests too oft en with
“later,” we may be asked fewer
times until they may decide to
not ask at all.
Unlike the “Are we there
yet?” question millions of
young riders ask their adult
drivers, there is an answer: the
arrival at the destination. But
when you answer a request
Siuslaw was unable to score
and gave up 2 runs early on
to the Pirates despite an im-
pressive — and rare — solo
double play by Meika Shap-
During the second inning,
the Vikings continued to
struggle at the plate, scoring
no runs before giving up 5
runs to Marshfield. By the
top of the third inning, Siu-
slaw was down 0-7.
Fortunately, in the third,
Bailey Overton was able to
pull out some major plays to
get the Lady Viks onto the
score board.
“Overton was the lone ath-
lete with a base hit tonight
that led to any scoring for the
Vikings,” said Siuslaw coach
Sean O’Mara.
Overton was 2-for-3 at the
Mid-coast lakes are full of
trout and the fishing has been
good. Many of the lakes have
been stocked twice now and
several others received stock-
ings in mid-March. Here is a
list of the lakes that have been
stocked so far this year: Thissel
Pond, Cleawox, Munsel,
Mercer, Alder, Dune, Buck,
Lost, Carter, Devils, Woahink,
Elbow, Siltcoos, Eckman, and
Big Creek Reservoirs #1 and
#2. All of these lakes are
scheduled to receive more
trout stockings in April as well.
Winter steelhead fishing
continues to be slow on the
Siuslaw and is slowing down
for the season which closed
March 31. Trout fishing in
streams opens on May 22.
Hatchery fish are also planted
in Lake Creek and are released
into Green Creek. These
returning hatchery fish will
start to show up in December
and peak in January and
February. Lake Creek closed to
all fishing on March 31 and
will open on May 22 for trout
ALSEA RIVER: Winter steel-
Winter steelhead fishing
continues to be slow on the
Alsea. The recent rain
improved the conditions and
the fishing picked up a bit.
Overall, it continues to be slow
and the run is winding down
for the year as we head into
April. Although it has been a
slow year there are still fish to
be caught in the system
through the month of March.
The Alsea River remains open
to steelhead fishing through
April and then closes on April
30. Trout fishing in streams
opens on May 22. The later
returning wild broodstock fish
are providing the majority of
the catch now and typically
peak in February and March.
Winter steelhead fishing
closes on the Salmon River on
March 31. Trout fishing in
streams will open on May 22.
The peak for winter steelhead