SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 2021 | 11A JEEPS from page 1A “I put an email out and everybody gathered together one morning. We had around 17 Jeeps show up that first time,” he said. “We typically run anywhere from nine to 20 Jeeps on a run.” Jeeps R Us gathers on the second Saturday of each month. “We schedule a run or we stage someplace here in town together, and we take off on a backroads tour,” Applebee said. “We’re not hardcore off roaders or anything like that, but we do have a group of members who like to go out on the dunes as well. They do that on a regular basis.” The “Dunes Squad,” as he called them, typical- ly goes out mid-week to avoid weekend crowds. “We have scheduled a couple events where we’ve taken novices like myself out and tried the dunes to see if we would like it or not,” he said. Unfortunately, that is how Applebee learned of a problem with the front axle of his Jeep Wrangler. His fellow club members had to help him out of a few sand traps out on the dunes. “I got it fixed and then took it out on another event that did just fine,” he said. “A lot of the mem- bers in the club are very eager to help each other.” The club’s rides of- ten include traveling on trails, lesser-known roads and the highway to. So far, their trips have in- cluded taking North Fork Road up to Yachats and Richardson Road down to Swisshome, as well as driving around Mapleton, Smith River, Ada and Silt- coos Station. “I always try to do about a two or three hour run, and then peo- ple come back to town and they kick tires. Some of them meet togeth- er for lunch after- wards and things like that,” Applebee said. First, the club is a vehicle to get out on the road, but it also allows people to bond over their Jeeps and the expe- riences they make from driving them. All ages have joined in, with one family SIUSLAW NEWS FILE PHOTO bringing their kids Cal Applebee (driving) is often seen around Florence in a along for the ride. historic Jeep, especially during parades and at events. Club mem- bers also try to include to get out and about tion” newsletter that goes non-backroad events, like and see what’s out there out once a month. a poker run and scavenger around the Florence area,” “It has articles on mem- hunt. Applebee said. “But then bers and their Jeeps, her- “That was a lot of fun, the funny thing was, there itage-type information because a lot of these folks were some of the locals on vintage Jeeps and how are fairly new to Florence. who’ve been around here Jeeps evolved,” Applebee. So it gave them a chance their whole lives, missed Up until he retired some of the clues.” from being the director of Jeeps R Us is not a for- OCMM in 2019, Applebee mal club, with officers or wrote the “Military Heri- membership dues. tage Chronicles” as part “The real emphasis is of Siuslaw News’ monthly Jeep owners and Jeep en- Community Voices sec- thusiasts,” Applebee said. tion. In it, he often wrote The club does have a about his vehicles and logo and Facebook page, Jeeps in particular. but Applebee focus- “I counted up the other es more on the monthly day, and I have had some- events and a “Jeep Junc- where around 33 or 34 FOLLOW THE CHARM TRAIL WKURXJK2UHJRQōV&RDVWDO 3OD\JURXQGDQGPDNHD SHUVRQDOL]HGNHHSVDNHIRU IULHQGVDQGIDPLO\ Buying or Selling? I can help. 1(:/2&$7,216 &+$506 ,1 Crystell Wise Broker, SRS, SRES 541 991-9487 Organized by the Siuslaw News ŴRUHQFHFKDUPWUDLOFRPŘ #)ORUHQFH&KDUP7UDLO 9700 Bernhardt Creek Rd – Country estate along Sweet Creek in Mapleton! 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The plan is to start in Florence, drive around a designated route and end with a tailgate party. “It’s just a way for every- body to get together drive their rigs,” Applebee said. “That’ll be open anybody who wants to participate.” The club’s events are contingent on the state’s guidelines and restrictions under the COVID-19 pan- demic. But with partici- pants driving their own vehicles, a vehicle club is one way to maintain so- cial distance and limit in- door gatherings. After all, “off road” is about as far from the indoors as you can get. If people want to get involved with Jeeps R Us Florence, they can contact Applebee at cal97439@ to get added to the email list. 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