10A | SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS MARK BRENNAN/SIUSLAW NEWS All About Olives, 1384 Bay St., recently changed locations in Historic Old Town Florence. It is the Twombly family’s second business in Florence. BUSINESS from page 1A grown a lot, and that has al- lowed me to work with al- most all of the members of my family at different times over the years,” Dave said. Building on the success- ful model they used when growing Central Coast Dis- posal, the Twomblys have become involved in two other businesses with a dif- ferent focus: retail sales. “In 2011, we were looking for an opportunity for our daughter to run a business and I came up with the idea after going on vacation and spending a fair amount of money on olives at a small store where we were vaca- tioning,” Dave said. “Every time we would go there, the place was always busy, so I decided to investigate the idea.” The Twomblys did their due diligence, determin- ing there was the potential to succeed with the idea and then went and found a location on Bay Street in Historic Old Town Flor- ence. The family purchased a limited number of items and opened the doors to “All about Olives” in 2011.The store has done unexpectedly well as the public has em- braced the health benefits associated with olive oil and its by-products. “Not only are olives and their oils yummy, they’re nutritious as well,” Dave said. Olives are full of mo- no-saturated fats, also known as the “good” fats proven to lower the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke, accord- ing to the store’s website. At the time, their daugh- ter was not enamored with the idea of running the shop but, unexpectedly, Lynn was. “Surprisingly, Lynn said, ‘I would like to try that,’ explaining it is a healthy product and it would give us another way to employ our friends and family in addition to providing a product that is not really available,” Dave explained. Now, All About Olives has been in business for nearly 10 years, expanding its inventory and moving to a larger location across from its original location on Bay Street. “We have completely renovated the store, putting in new electrical, all new shelves and COVID safety measures to help keep our employees and customers healthy,” Dave said. Building on the success they found in their first retail effort, the Twomblys decided to try one more avenue for their entrepre- neurial inclinations. The two decided Old Town was in need of a well-stocked T-shirt store. Three years ago, the couple opened Do you part and volunteer today to help support these organizations in our community. We need your help! Florence Habitat ReStore is in need of cashiers on Saturdays. If you have spare time and want to give back to your community in a fun environment give Floyd a call! 541-997-5834 Assisting those in need in our Community. Free Hot Meals Mon-Wed-Fri 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM HELPING HANDS COALITION New Location:Community Baptist Church 4590 Hwy. 101, Florence (Across from Fred Meyer) Call 541-997-5057 to Volunteer relies heavily on volunteers. Th ere are many opportunities to volunteer and a variety of skills and talents are always in need. Volunteer interest forms may be found online, at the shelter and at our Th rift Shop on Bay Street. www.oregoncoasthumanesociety.org/volunteer/ Saving men one PSA test at a time. 541-997-6626 maribob@oregonfast.net Someone to talk to... who understands! To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441 Socks to a T, also on Bay Street. The profit made by the family businesses is sec- ondary in Dave mind to the fact that he is able to pro- vide employment for peo- ple he knows and cares for. “We are really lucky be- cause all of our people are from here, some we’ve known their whole lives,” he said. “It just feels great to have so much support for our businesses. We love our town and we really appreci- ate all of our customers.” For more information, contact: • Central Coast Dispos- al, 5405 Highway 101, 541- 902-7554 • All About Olives, 1384 Bay St., 541-997-3174, www. allaboutolives.net • Socks to a T, 1341 Bay St. Unit F, 541-991-3220, sockstoat@gmail.com FOLLOW US FOR THE LATEST NEWS /S IUSLAW N EWS | T HE S IUSLAW N EWS . COM To our valued readers: Help small businesses affected by coronavirus right now, including ours. Businesses of all sizes have been hit hard in this challenging new age of social distancing and self-isolation, but the blow has been catastrophic for small operations that rely on in-person transactions. There are many ways to help this holiday season, like purchasing gift certificates or memberships, and yet there are many service-type businesses that don’t have that option. As we look to a new year, we’re celebrating what connects us as a community, and what we can do to support our local businesses! THAT’S WHY WE CREATED THE SUPPORT LOCAL TOGETHER CAMPAIGN. The Support Local Together campaign will help local businesses who have to choose between promoting their business and paying the electric bill. It will also help support the Siuslaw News, who has seen a strong decrease in advertising revenue, but an increase in readership. IT DOES TWO THINGS. 1. Funds advertising dollars for local businesses Your financial support will go directly to fund advertising that our local businesses need to stay top of mind. 2. Supports local journalism By becoming a supporting member, you are helping to replace some of the advertising revenue the Siuslaw News has lost over the past ten months, due to the pandemic. HERE IS HOW TO SUPPORT: • Call 541-902-3524 • Make a donation of your choosing. • Choose a specific local business that you would like the advertising credit to go to, or leave that blank and we will designate it to a business we know needs help. Our community is small but generous and we recognize there are many great organizations, like ours, that could use your help. We believe the vast majority of our readers have always shared our view of the value and necessity of a strong local media and are willing to provide support Yes, I would like to become a 2020/21 Support Local Together Sponsor equal to two or three cups of Call 541-902-3524 coffee a month to secure its Mail sponsorship form to: Siuslaw News Supporter future. PO Box 10 Florence Oregon 97439 Thank you in advance for doing your share to secure a strong local economy in the community we are proud to serve. Jenna Bartlett Publisher jbartlett@thesiuslawnews.com 541-902-3524 $10 $20 $50 $100 Other Amount _______ Name __________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Phone__________________Email ___________________________________ Check Credit Card Name on Card:______________________Expiration date:_______________ Number:_______________________________________________________ Billing Zip Code: _____________ 3 Digit Security Code:_________________ SIUSLAW NEWS UNITY WITH OUR COMMUNITY Do you have a specific business you would like to sponsor: List here: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ We will send a gift card to the business(es) of your choice with your name. If would like to remain anonymous please check here. *This sponsorship is not tax deductible.