The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, April 17, 2021, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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sent agenda and review of dealing with the book itself, particular program. The cy agreement with Blachly
and not what somebody has Rural Digital Opportunity School District to test school
The board voted to approve heard about the book. It fol- Fund is specifically designed bus drivers for their com-
The next meeting of the
Budget Committee will be policies JHC: Student Health lows the same format as all to help subsidize delivering mercial driver license.
The last big item on the
Wednesday, April 28, at 6:30 Services and Requirements of our other basic complaint internet to very expensive
agenda was the approval of
p.m. Public input is welcome, and EFAA: District Nutri- procedures.”
Next, Hyak co-owners
The project will reach 15 to Resolution No. 041421-6.7,
and people will be able to tion Services. The board also
watch live via the district’s reviewed Policy IIA-AR(2): Robbie Wright and Neil Eck- 20 percent of Siuslaw School which had to do with the su-
Procedures for the Recon- er presented about work the District’s approximate 900 perintendent’s contract.
“97-J” YouTube account.
The 2021-22 budget has sideration of Instructional Florence-based internet pro- households with fiber inter-
amount must
to be adopted by the Siuslaw Materials. This
be negotiated
School Board before June policy will be
“Last year was a was a wild year. I watched that gentleman
by April 30 of
30. The current draft of the used if people
[Superintendent Andy Grzeskowiak] do things that were beyond each
2021-22 Budget Message, the want to ban a
impressive — take charge and lead this school district in a way I
year. Following
budget calendar and other book from be-
a salary freeze
documents can be found at ing
really think very few people would have been capable of doing.”
for the 2020- from the Siu-
— Siuslaw School Board Director Guy Rosinbaum
21 school year,
siuslaw-school-district/ slaw
the proposed
vider is doing with the Fed- net in the next couple years. changes for 2021-2022 in-
At the conclusion of the brary.
Part of the presentation clude a 2 percent increase to
“This provides a simple eral Communications Com-
Budget Committee work
session, the regular session document and format for li- mission’s (FCC) Rural Digital was to ask the Siuslaw School $121,330.
District to consider joining a
Director John Barnett
of the Siuslaw School Board brary materials if there were Opportunity Fund.
“As a lot of us have seen private-public agreement so made the motion to approve
began with a roll call of di- to be a challenge and people
rectors. The beginning of the wanted to address {concerns with COVID, the need for Hyak can secure a letter of the resolution, which was
meeting also featured a sign about] a book,” said Grzesko- high-speed internet — and credit for three to four years. seconded by Director Dennis
language presentation of the wiak. “It actually has to be quality high-speed internet The letter of credit is part of King.
During the discussion, Di-
Pledge of Allegiance by Siu- documented and not neces- — has dramatically increased the grant approval process,
slaw Elementary students in sarily just an opinion piece. in the last 12 months,” Wright and Hyak has also been in rector Suzanne Mann-Heintz
We have to know what is said. “And either luckily or contact with other entities for said, “I just want to make a
Chris Lewis’ class.
This was followed by the being addressed in the book, with foresight, the FCC years additional funding support. comment for the record that
The Siuslaw School Board, this is a very modest increase,
board’s approval of the con- and make sure that we’re ago started working on this
cognizant of the project’s and that this still keeps our
timeline, began to discuss the superintendent very low in
issue and ask further ques- terms of same-size district
tions. Directors decided to salaries. … I personally wish
schedule a special work ses- it were more.”
sion to decide on the issue on
She added that the past
Monday, April 26, at 6 p.m.
year required working long
After this discussion, the hours while being on call.
board approved Item No.
“Last year was a was a wild
041421-6.4, a supplemental year,” Director Guy Rosin-
budget for the current school baum said in agreement.
“I watched that gentleman
Directors followed this [Grzeskowiak] do things
by passing Resolution No. that were beyond impres-
041421-6.5: 20th Street Ped- sive — take charge and lead
way Vacation. The resolution this school district in a way I
Receive a free accessory with
ith a new lease.
allows the district to vacate really think very few people
an easement between 1499 would have been capable of
Expires 3/16/21.
and 1545 20th St. so an ad- doing.”
jacent property owner can
Rosinbaum served as
expand their yard.
board chair until June, so
The next resolution, No. he worked closely with Grz-
Interagency eskowiak in the early months
Agreements — Bus Driver of the COVID-19 pandem-
Testing — was also passed. ic. He said he witnessed the
It allows Siuslaw School Dis- superintendent work to in-
trict to join an interagen- crease food services, access
1901 Hwy 101, Ste A
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to internet and other support
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“I watched him drive all
over this county delivering
groceries and working out
the process of getting fam-
ilies the help they needed
during an extremely stressful
time,” Rosinbaum said. “We
are beyond lucky to have him
working for us and I want to
say thank you ever so much
for making what probably
was one of the worst years
of my life a lot easier to deal
with. So yes, thank you very
much, Andy.”
The board voted five to
one to approve the superin-
tendent contract and salary.
Director Dennis King vot-
ed against, saying, “To be
clear, Mr. Grzeskowiak does
a lot of things very well for
this school district. However,
I’m still going to vote ‘no’ this
year. I think it’s time that we
throw the net out there, look
around and head in a differ-
ent direction. But I agree he’s
done some things very, very
The meeting ended with
reports from the superin-
tendent, business manager,
administrators and board
members. Among the re-
ports was news that stan-
dardized testing will take
place in Oregon this year, as
the federal administration
did not grant state waivers.
The tests will be scaled back
and be limited to one or two
subjects per grade level. Fam-
ilies may choose to opt out of
the testing under Oregon law.
School board members
also acknowledged a Siuslaw
High School student’s death
by suicide this spring.
“I wanted to express heart-
felt appreciation for all the
members of the crisis team
and the other staff that
jumped in and assisted liv-
ing students work through
the sad loss of one of their
co-students in a suicide,”
Mann-Heintz said. “I just
want to express appreciation
to the team and have us all re-
flect on the costs of COVID
that are beyond medical.”
Burns also acknowledged
the staff members who are
leaving the school district.
“This last year has been
tough on a lot of folks
throughout the district. It’s
really tough seeing the resig-
nations and retirements. …
We really appreciate our staff
and wish them the best in
their next ventures wherever
they’re going to,” he said.
For more information
about Siuslaw School Dis-
trict, visit
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