2A | SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS On The Record OBITUARIES VILLIS —An- thony Edward Vil- lis, born Sept. 6, 1926 in Pelham, NY in the Bronx, passed away March 19, 2021. He was preced- ed in death by his wife, Linda. Anthony Villis He is sur- vived by grand- neices Debbi and Dawn. Tony was a Korean War veteran and best friend to Frank and Jane Ksen. Though he was only 5’4”, his heart would fill the room. When Frank passed, Toney was there; when Jane was diag- nosed with Alzheimer’s, he was there. There’s no better friend someone could have. City Council meeting set for Monday On Monday, April 19, beginning at 5:30 p.m., the Florence City Council will hold its regularly scheduled meeting via videoconfer- ence. Due to COVID-19 re- strictions, citizens will not be able to attend City meet- ings in person. Interested citizens may listen and view the meeting through the ‘GoToWebinar’ plat- form. For access to a link to the meeting, visit the City of Florence website at https:// w w w.ci.f lorence.or.us/ council/city-council-meet- ing-197. Meetings are also shown live on Cable Chan- nel 191 and online at www. ci.florence.or.us/cityman ager/public-meetings-live. Those without access to the internet or Charter Ca- ble may listen to the meet- ing live via phone confer- ence line. To do so, contact City Recorder Kelli Weese at 541-997-3437. Those wishing to ex- press their views to the City Council may do so in the following ways: 1. Written Testimony: Written testimony can be submitted by… a.) Email to the City Re- corder at kelli.weese@ci. florence.or.us; b.) Mail to Florence City Hall, Attn: City Council, 250 Hwy 101, Florence, OR 97439 c.) Drop Off at the City of Florence drop box lo- cated at Florence City Hall (250 Hwy 101) to the right of the main entrance. Note: Written comments received at least two hours prior to the meeting (April 19, at 3:30 p.m.), that con- cern a public hearing or action item on the agenda, or are designated as com- ments to be provided for the meeting, will be distrib- uted to the City Council, posted to the City of Flor- ence website, and made part of the record. 2. Verbal Testimony: Citizens may provide verbal comments at the meeting via the GotoWe- binar platform. To do so, please complete a speaker’s card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meet- ing (April 19 at 4:30 p.m.). Speakers cards are available online at www.ci.florence. or.us/council/request-ad dress-city-council-speak ers-card or by contacting City Recorder Kelli Weese at 541-997-3437. Once a speaker’s card is received, City staff will then contact the speaker to let them know the pro- cess to participate in the meeting, so please include contact information on the speaker’s card. For more information on the City of Florence’s Temporary Public Meeting Policies, visit the City of Florence website at www.ci. florence.or.us/em/public- meeting-during-covid-19. For details regarding the upcoming City Council meeting, contact City Re- corder/Economic Devel- opment Coordinator Kelli Weese at 541-997-3437 or via email at kelli.weese@ ci.florence.or.us. Tony was educated in the arts and was an ac- complished sculpturer with works recognized both nationally and in- ternationally. Always the gentle- man, he enjoyed the finer things in life and two-gin-martini lunch- es. Tony loved the mic, singing the “oldies” and dancing with the pretty gals. I was pleased to hon- or my father’s request to “always take care of Tony.” He will be deeply missed but never forgot- Helping Hands Coalition Come and join us for a Spring-time BBQ Selling polish and hot dogs We will also have soda, bottled water & chips. Date: April 17, 2021 Time: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Location: Grocery outlet parking lot All proceeds to stay in Florence and help those in need of a free meal. HIT THAT L I K E BUTTON! ten. Due to COVID-19 and other circumstanc- es, his life and art will be celebrated at a later date. 2-Family Sale Fri.-Sat., 4/16-4/17 9am-3pm 884 Kingwood Furniture, Household. Masks required. Estate Sale Fri.-Sat., 16th-17th 10am-2pm 580 Skookum Everything goes! Antiques, elec- tronics, dining room set, bedroom set, clothes, shoes, tools, misc. Plant & Yard Sale Friday & Saturday Only 9am-3pm Heceta Beach Area 88010 Woodlands Drive Rhodies, Hollies, Redwoods, Dwarf Conifers. 541-999-5425 Estate Sale Fri.-Sat. 16-18 9am-4pm 37 Park Village Drive Furniture, beds, car, dining set, misc. F ACEBOOK . COM /S IUSLAW N EWS YARD DEBRIS DISPOSAL BRING YOUR: x Tree Clippings Collection days will be the third Saturday of each month, with the exception of May x Leaves x Weeds COSTS&DVKRU&KHFN x Prunings ¡ $11.00—Standard pick up truck load or small utility trailer (single axle or less) x %UXVK ¡ $16.00—Medium utility trailer (10—12 feet in length) ¡ $21.00—Large utility trailer (12-18 feet in length) ¡ Over 20 cubic yards is $21.00 plus $5.00 for each additional cubic yard DO NOT BRING YOUR: Food or household waste x Animal waste x Plastics x Construction debris x Hazardous waste 2021 COLLECTION DATES Yard debris collection is from 9am to 2pm at the 27th Street entrance to the airport— Kingwood and 27th Street Due to Covid-19 safety protocols staff is QRORQJHUDEOHWRKHOSRIIORDG GHEULV3OHDVHEHSDWLHQWDVWKH QXPEHURIYHKLFOHVDWWKHGHEULVVLWH PD\EHOLPLWHGWRFRPSO\ZLWKVRFLDO GLVWDQFLQJ $XJXVWVW x March 20th x x April 24th x September 18th x May 8th x October 16th x June 19th x 2021 -XO\WK For questions regarding the Yard Debris Program, please contact The City of Florence Public Works Department 541-997-4106 Screening Presented by: Siuslaw News & City Lights Cinemas EARTH DAY THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2021 Three Showings @ City Lights Cinema 1:00pm • 4:00pm • 7:00pm Tickets are FREE* SPONSORED BY: IL E CEN T (54 R 1 RV 541-997-8233 5 SE IC ) 902-75 L SA PO 4 COAST DIS AL M x YARD DEBRIS DISPOSAL DAYS 2021 Bring your yard debris to the Kingwood entrance of the airport (.ingwood and 27th Street) from 9am until 2pm on collection days. E W I TH A S Admission tickets are required and available starting April 1st at City Lights Cinemas 1930 Highway 101 or online www.citylightscinemas.com *Only 100 tickets available. First come, fi rst served,. Masks Required when not eating food or drinking • Social Distance when not with your group Hand Sanitizer Station available • Enhanced Cleaning Protocols in place