6B SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 2021 Moving? Art Project? Twice-Baked California Sweetpotatoes Business & Service Directory The Siuslaw News is having a sale on our end rolls, blank newsprint. Prices range from $2 on up depending on size. You can see our inventory at 148 Maple St. in historic Old Town Florence. D-065 CONCRETE / PAVING Ant’s Concrete Excavation, fl at work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 Nutritious and delicious, there are endless ways to enjoy Cali- fornia Sweetpotatoes. ( N A P S I ) — Tr y i n g to incorporate more healthy foods into your cooking repertoire? Think California Sweet- potatoes. Nutritious and delicious, California Sweetpotatoes are fi lled with plenty of vitamins and minerals, loaded with fi ber and are heart healthy to boot. There are endless ways, classic and cre- ative, to enjoy Cali- fornia Sweetpotatoes. Take these Twice-Baked Sweetpotatoes, for ex- ample. They make an excellent side or even main dish—hello Meat- less Monday—and, since California Sweet- potatoes are available year-round, you can switch things up with seasonal ingredients. If you like getting creative in the kitchen, you’ll love using Cali- fornia Sweetpotatoes as a canvas for just about anything—savory and sweet. Twice-Baked California Sweetpotatoes Serves 4 4 yellow/white- fl eshed sweetpotatoes, about 12 oz each 1/3c sour cream 3T butter, room tem- perature, plus 1 T melt- ed butter 1/2 c shredded Jack or mozzarella cheese 1/4c chopped fresh chives, divided Salt and pepper to taste 1 large egg, lightly beaten 1/4t paprika Preheat oven to 400°F. Pierce sweet- potatoes with a fork, arrange on a rimmed baking sheet and bake until tender, about 1 hour (see note). Set aside until cool enough to handle, about 10 minutes. Cut 1/3 off top of each sweetpo- tato. Scoop fl esh (in- cluding from tops) into a large bowl, leaving about 1/4-in on skins. Add sour cream and room temperature butter and mash. Stir in cheese, 3/4 of chives and salt and pepper to taste. Stir in egg. Fill sweetpotato shells with sweetpotato mix- ture, using a spoon or spatula to leave a tex- tured surface. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with papri- ka. Return to baking sheet and bake until browned on top, 20 to 25 minutes. Sprinkle with remaining chives and serve. Note: If you love baked sweetpotatoes but not how long they take to make, try this trick: microwave them on high for four minutes, then bake at 400°F until ten- der, 10 to 20 minutes. Or omit the oven altogether and simply microwave your sweetpotatoes until tender, six to eight min- utes depending on their size. For more recipes and information, visit www. casweetpotatoes.com. Please submit your entry for a chance to win a gift certifi cate: By E-mail Only We need your name, phone number and where you found the graphic or an attached photo. Email: pmchale@thesiuslawnews.com Graphic Winners You can claim your $10 Gift Certifi cate to the Siuslaw News via email mberg@thesiuslawnews.com or telephone 541-997-3441. Brought to you by this newspaper in partnership with Always in your newspaper: Now in your inbox, too. D-085 • Gravel Road & Driveway Maintenance • Brush Hog – Rough cut mowing up to 1/2” diameter • Backhoe Work – Trenches & Stumps Free Estimates DEQ#37263 That T Th h at’s at t ’s ’ s w hy y w e ke e ep e p s sa ay a y in ing g y ourr l loc ocal al and sta tate t g ovv e r nm n m en n t sh h ou u ld l d k eep e e p ee p u bl pu b is ishi hing ng g t the heir ir p pub ub b lil i c no noti ticess in n t the he n newsp pap aper er.. DIRECTV NOW. No Satellite Needed. $40/month. 65 Channels. Stream Break- ing News, Live Events, Sports & On De- mand Titles. No Annual Contract. No Commitment. CALL 1-844-269-0236. Earthlink High Speed Internet. As Low As $49.95/month (for the fi rst 3 months.) Reliable High Speed Fiber Optic Technol- ogy. Stream Videos, Music and More! Call Earthlink Today 1-855-977-9436. HughesNet Satellite Internet - 25mbps starting at $49.99/mo! Get More Data FREE Off-Peak Data. FAST download speeds. WiFi built in! FREE Standard In- stallation for lease customers! Limited Time, Call 1-888-849-2601 D-136 LEGAL / BANKRUPTCY SERVICES Call today for a FREE & confi dential meeting with an experienced attorney publicnoticeads.com/or 503.820.9359 GARAGE SALES COVID-19 1849 Hwy 126 Unit A-10 , Florence, OR 97439 Fax: 503.213.5876 • dan@garnerlawoffi ce.net D-182 PEST CONTROL CHECKLIST • Display posters to remind customers about social distancin ng. • Use heavy-duty tape to form a fl flow for customers to follow throughout the sale. • Ask customers to stand in a line, while spread apart, during a high traffi fi c times. • Make sure all merchandise is washed and dried annd/or wiped down with a disinfectant product before placing on a taable or chair for sale. For What’s Bugging You Environmentally Responsible Free Inspections 541-997-4027 CCB#79884 D-230 ROOFING / CONTRACTORS McLennan Construction, Inc. Off ering all types of ROOFING Great References, Senior Discounts Licensed & Insured • Established 2002 541-521-7303 D-266 CCB#150484 WINDOWS DO WINDOWS! Yes! WE Window Cleaning • Clean tables and chairs several times throughout t he day. Commercial • Residential • Supply hand sanitizer on tables and elsewhere for customers. • Wear masks and disposable gloves. • Designate a person to take money from customers and washing hands after every transaction 148 Maple Street • PO Box 10 • Florence, OR 974439 (541) 997-3441 • thesiuslawnews.com DIRECTV - Every live football game, every Sunday - anywhere - on your fa- vorite device. Restrictions apply. Call IVS - 1-877-441-1933 P H . 541-997-2054 • F AX 541-997-3499 • 1-877-201-0652 P.O. 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Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Siuslaw News Business & Service Directory P.O. Box 10, 148 Maple Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 (541) 997-3441 Fax: (541) 997-7979 Graphi Graphic c Search Good Luck National Card and Letter Writing Month Here is how it works… We will put a graphic or photo in the box to the right. You find it somewhere in the classifieds. To enter your name into the drawing for a gift certificate Email Name, phone # and where you found it to: pmchale@thesiuslawnews.com Deadline for today’s paper: Monday by 2PM MISCELLANEOUS: DONATE YOUR CAR TO UNITED BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION! Your donation helps education, prevention & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DEDUCTION. 1-855-252-2579. DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Tow- ing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-844-533-9173. Wednesday’s Graphic LES HAMILTON found the National Umbrella Month Graphic on Page 8B (Coldwell Banker Coast Real Estate – HWY 101 LOT – #12109 - Right side of road) He has won a Gift Certificate towards a Siuslaw News Subscription. Please claim prize within 2 weeks of winning.