The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, April 03, 2021, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 12, Image 12

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1. One who manufactures
6. Science degree
9. Database management
13. Desert
14. Inventor Musk
15. Welsh valley
16. Round Dutch cheese
17. Saying
18. Comedian and TV host
19. Uppermost portions of
the brain
21. City in Transylvania
22. Where astronauts go
23. Men’s hairstyle
24. Indicates position
25. One point east of due
28. Businessmen may
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20
Now may be a great time to
reevaluate your finances, Ar-
ies. Investments could be the
right path for now, but you may
want to seek some professional
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21
A message from a business
partner could bring welcome
news, Taurus. This might be
the break you are waiting for at
this juncture in your life. Career
changes could be in store.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21
Gemini, expect to engage in
a very interesting conversation
this week. This person has not
crossed your path in a while,
and the reconnection sparks
new goals.
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, frustrations could
arise that make you want to
vent some anger. Channel your
Chickadee is a senior cat, we are unsure of just how old
she is, she came to us as a stray, and was not very trusting
of people. She has came around to liking people and
even wanting pets from them, when she wants attention.
She doesn’t care for other cats, and would do best in a
home with no small children or dogs.
have one
29. Grass part
31. Running back Gurley
33. Unwavering
36. Options
38. Annoy
39. Greek mountain
41. Pastas
44. Fishes
45. Wrap
46. Potentially a criminal
48. Seize
49. The Constitution State
51. Upset
52. 1991 men’s
Wimbledon champ
54. Central Chinese
56. Predisposition
energy into something produc-
tive, such as a kickboxing class.
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23
Obstacles at work or home
interfere with your ability to
work efficiently, Leo. Even
though tasks may take you a
little longer, don’t throw in the
towel just yet.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, do your best to lighten
the atmosphere around the
house this week. Encourage
others to kick up their heels
and keep the focus on fun and
60. A notice of someone’s
61. One-time Kentucky
62. Swiss river
63. Dried-up
64. Finger millet
65. __ Allan Poe
66. German river
67. Brew
68. Kenyan river
1. Millisecond
2. Acts as military
3. Knot in a tree
4. Husband-and-wife
industrial designers
5. The Ocean State
fun alone.
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23
Avoid any drama or chaos
that may surround you this
week, Libra. Others may seem
on edge, but you can remain
calm. Quarantine yourself at
home and the storm will blow
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22
Scorpio, even though a few
setbacks come your way, your
financial situation still looks
very promising this week. Fig-
ure out how to capitalize on this
6. Point the finger at
7. Parts in a machine
8. Midway between
northeast and east
9. Portray precisely
10. Blister
11. Mental illness
12. Nose of an animal
14. What students receive
17. Semitic peoples
20. Beats per minute
21. Family of drugs
23. Atrocious
25. Type of microscope
26. __ or bust
27. Icelandic poems
29. A citizen of Pakistan
30. Very pale
32. Metric linear unit
favorable position.
Dec 21
You are usually laid back
and calm, Sagittarius. However,
when something goes against
your beliefs this week you are
ready to stand up for morals or
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan
This may not be a good week
to travel, Capricorn. Look over
your itinerary again and try to
reconfigure them so you can
If you would like to meet these two or any of their friends, please visit us at:
2840 Rhododendron Drive • Florence • 541-997-4277 •
34. Sea eagle
35. Biblical judge of Israel
37. Isaac’s mother (Bib.)
40. Sino-Soviet block
42. Cool!
43. Large hotel room
47. Type of boat (abbr.)
49. Picked
50. Type of hookah
52. Attack
53. Directs
55. Belgian WWII
resistance fighter
56. Finished negotiation
57. Heroic tale
58. Middle Eastern country
59. Protein-rich liquids
61. Malaysian Isthmus
65. Spielberg’s alien
travel later on instead.
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
Aquarius, trust your gut in-
stinct about big financial moves
regardless of any advice you’re
getting from others. You’ll like-
ly see that now isn’t the time for
PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
A bumpy start to the week
that has you questioning sever-
al choices will smooth out, Pi-
sces. The weekend will be very
Hi there, my name is Grisly and I am a little over a year
old. I am looking for a home that is high energy either
going for several walks a day, hiking, playing at the
beach, or just several hours of active playtime as I tend
to chew if I become bored. I also need a home that is
familiar with either Huskys or Akitas and with older
children because of my energy level.