2B | SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS Viks from 1B passing, it was one of the best games we've had. If we don't have good pass- ing, we don't have good anything. About the mid- dle of the second game, we found rhythm and our passing game was spot on.” The Vikings won the first set by five points, but struggled in the second set, with the Pirates tying the match after winning the second set. At that point, Siuslaw rose to the occasion and took the momentum back with a hard-fought 27-25 victory to go up 2-1 over the Pirates. The front row had a standout per- formance. Desiree Tupua had 21 kills in the match, and Kya Blake had eight kills. Hailee Outlaw had an especially solid set, with a spike to win on the 27th point. “Hailee was on,” said Cole. “She felt it and she knew it. She was going for the ball every single time.” In the fourth and final set, the Vikings secured NED HICKSON/SIUSLAW NEWS the win, finishing 25-16 Siuslaw’s lone senior, Kya Blake, scores on a hard-hit kill against Cottage Grove in to sweep the Pirates for the Viks’ final game of season Thursday night. the season. The following night, Tupua, Blake and Out- of that energy from the cluding a perfectly timed (April 1), Siuslaw was law were already showing student section. But we sneak tip and two thun- back on its home court to up strong at the net, and just we just knew we had dering kills — brought the host its final game of the Zoe Alberty’s setting and to work a little bit harder Vikings to victory, 27-25. season. In addition, it was sneak tips were on point. “I'm really glad Kya got and get the momentum on also Senior Night. Out- Siuslaw held the lead, our side,” Cole said. “Even that last hit,” said Cole. side hitter Kya Blake, who but the Lions started to after that loss in the first “You can't ask for any- was a part of history this rally with strong serv- game, they knew, ‘We've thing more as a senior — week by sweeping Marsh- ing and offensive fire- got this,’ and I knew they to get a kill on your last field for the first time in power at the net. The had it, too.” hit.” her Viking volleyball ca- Lions managed to tie the Cole said, though all The next three sets the reer, was recognized by game and, in the last few girls were relentless, and but one member of this the school and family points, cause the Vikings with the exception of the year’s team will be return- members for her contri- to commit enough errors second set’s first point, ing next season, “We are butions. that the Lions were able to the Viks didn’t let Cottage going to feel it without Going into the game, narrowly win the first set, Grove take the lead in the Kya. She's a big part of Cole explained that the 25-23. next two sets, winning 25- the team, not just with the girls had multiple moti- stats. She's the one that According to Cole, the 22 and 25-21. vations to defeat the Li- girls knew they would In the fourth and final gets them pumped up and ons, who at the time were have to do more to earn set, the Lions were able to out of their heads. It’s go- tied for first with Junction the win. pull ahead by a few points ing to be rough without City. “It's more about them in the middle of the game. her.” “It was about the first having to fight a little bit Both teams inched along Statistically, Siuslaw time we played them, los- harder for it, wanting it point by point until the had an outstanding per- ing by two in that fifth and putting everything game was tied 24-24. In formance. Tupua brought set,” she said, “We knew they have out on the court the very end, some key her kill count to 45 in two we could beat them then — because this is the last plays from Blake — in- days, with a whopping — and we knew it Thurs- game we have,” Cole told day night. We wanted to her players heading into prove that.” the second set. The girls also wanted to The Vikings shook off send their only senior off the first set and refo- Crystell Wise on a positive note. cused. Broker, SRS, “Obviously, they want- “Coming into that sec- SRES ed to win for Kya,” said ond game, we were just 541 991-9487 Cole. “They just put it all ready,” asserted Cole. “I 5285 Herman Cape out there. I never even also told them to feed Price Reduced Rd – Two for the price brought it up once about off of the energy in the of one! Two tax lots in the sought after Her- who's ranked this or that, gym.” man Cape neighbor- it didn't really matter.” The student section in hood. Minutes from the In the first set, Siuslaw the Siuslaw gym was par- beach and downtown came out swinging and ticularly packed for Se- Florence. Bring your ideas and build your took the lead early on, nior Night, which helped dream home! $85,000. forcing Cottage Grove to the girls with their own #3151-20605666 call a time-out once the energy levels. 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 score had reached 10-4. “I think they fed off Get Results...List With Crystell. 24 kills Thursday night against Cottage Grove. Blake had 19 kills in her final Vikings volleyball game, and Outlaw had seven kills. In addition, Alberty contributed four kills and four blocks, and Aliza- beth Norton also had two kills and one block. In the back row, Mei- ka Shappell and Hayden Muller did an incredible job digging the spikes that were put down by Cottage Grove. Both also had an outstanding performance from the service line. Cole was immensely proud of her team, and very pleased to end the season on such a high note. “You can't really ask for anything better than that,” said Cole. “Beating Marshfield twice, sweep- ing them in a season, and then beating Cottage Grove. It technically was a huge upset. But we knew we were better. We just had to prove it to them, and we prove it to our- selves.” And prove it they did, causing Cottage Grove to fall to second place in the league, and putting their own team in third with an overall record of 6-4. “This season was about focusing on a winning season,” explained Cole, “and we accomplished it.” WE ARE NOW HIRING! CAREGIVER POSITION Are you a caregiver or have you ever considered becoming one? Spruce Point Assisted Living & Memory Care is seeking compassionate, service-oriented individuals who have a knack for providing assistance to those in need. You don’t have to be certifi ed; we will train you and help you get up to speed, if you’re not already! If you desire to work in an upbeat and supportive environment that is packed full of love, give us a call or send us your resume. $250 Sign on bonus. 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Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-1pm • Mon & Wed: 4pm-6pm Sat. 10am-1pm 2190 Spruce Street Florence, OR 97439 (541) 997-9110 fl orencefoodshare.org Screening Presented by: Siuslaw News & City Lights Cinemas EARTH DAY THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2021 Three Showings @ City Lights Cinema 1:00pm • 4:00pm • 7:00pm Tickets are FREE* SPONSORED BY: IL E M CEN T (54 R 1 RV 541-997-8233 5 SE IC ) 902-75 L SA PO 4 COAST DIS AL E W I TH A S Admission tickets are required and available starting April 1st at City Lights Cinemas 1930 Highway 101 or online www.citylightscinemas.com *Only 100 tickets available. First come, fi rst served,. Masks Required when not eating food or drinking • Social Distance when not with your group Hand Sanitizer Station available • Enhanced Cleaning Protocols in place