8A | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS Library Tidings Book Review: “D-Day Girls” By Sarah Rose In 1942, the Allies were losing, Germany seemed unstoppable and every able man in England was fight- ing. Believing that Britain was locked in an existential battle, Winston Churchill had al- WATER from page 1A The person selected to lead the effort to add transparency and clear communication to the workings of the MWD is Jim Grano, a Mapleton res- ident who has worked for many years as a volunteer with an array of local organi- zations, including schools, en- vironmental projects and the Salmon and Trout Enhance- ment Program (STEP). Grano was a participant at Wednesday’s meeting as Basurto announced the for- mation of the CRT and in- troduced him as the leader of the effort to improve district communication. Grano was not willing to discuss the specifics of the tumult of the last year during News about the Siuslaw Public Library by Kevin Mittge ready created a secret agency, the Special Operations Execu- tive (SOE), whose spies were trained in everything from demolition to sharpshooting. Their job, he declared, was to “set Europe ablaze.” But with most men on the front lines, the SOE was forced to do something un- precedented: recruit women. Thirty-nine answered the call, leaving their lives and fam- ilies to become saboteurs in France. In “D-Day Girls,” Sarah Rose draws on recently de- classified files, diaries, and oral histories to tell the thrill- ing story of three of these remarkable women. There’s Andreé Borrel, a scrappy and streetwise Parisian who blew up power lines with the Gestapo on her heels; Odette Sansom, an unhappily mar- ried suburban mother who saw the SOE as her ticket out of domestic life and into a meaningful adventure; and Lise de Baissac, a fiercely in- dependent member of French colonial high society and the SOE’s unflappable “queen.” Together, they destroyed train lines, ambushed Nazis, plot- ted prison breaks, and gath- ered crucial intelligence — laying the groundwork for the D-Day invasion that proved to be the turning point in the war. Rigorously researched and written with razor-sharp wit, “D-Day Girls” is an inspiring story for our own moment of resistance: a reminder of what courage — and the energy of politically animated women — can accomplish when the stakes seem incalculably high. Library opens tomorrow! The library is pleased to begin offering browsing at our facilities in Florence and Mapleton beginning tomor- row, Thursday, April 1. To begin, we will match our curbside pickup and drop-off hours, so Monday through Thursday, the hours will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Fridays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. In Mapleton, we will offer a slightly expanded service from current curb- side hours, providing brows- ing from noon until 5 p.m. on Thursdays only. Days open, including weekends, and the number of hours, will increase as conditions allow. Patrons will continue to be required to wear masks inside the library. Appoint- ments are not necessary. We have new touch less check- out stations we encourage patrons to use. There will be no seating at this time and meeting rooms are not avail- able. Restrooms will also be closed to the public. Saubert’s tenure as manag- er, referring to it simply as a “Tendency towards confron- tation, not communication” during an extended discus- sion of the MWD situation with Siuslaw News. During Wednesday’s meet- ing, Grano spoke about his new position leading the CRT and MWD’s plans for the fu- ture. “Our goal was to provide as much factual information as we had and to be as transpar- ent as we could. And to show a pathway forward,” Grano said. “All of the bills will be reconciled, but we have a new office person and we don’t want her to be overwhelmed by the calls and the problems. So, (CRT) will be calling each of our customers to talk about their individual problems.” Grano also echoed Basur- to’s comments that the district has made mistakes but the re- cent change in leadership has allowed for more discussion and ideas about the difficul- ties faced by the MWD. Without disparaging any previous district leaders, both Grano and Basurto believe the current members of the board do want to insure the delivery of clean, potable water to their friends and neighbors. “After talking with Dustin, I realized I knew most of the board and I knew they were good, well-intentioned people. They only met once a month and, in retrospect, were not provided the infor- mation they needed to un- derstand the situation,” Grano said. “So, I agreed to step in and help. I have some experi- ence working with boards and I think that I might be joining the board, maybe by the time of the next board meeting. By then, we will have a better un- derstanding of what we need to do improve the communi- cation with the 240 users in the district.” The meeting was well re- ceived by the online viewers, as the comments on social media platforms indicated over week. There was a gen- eral consensus that the meet- ing had begun the process of healing the community and those in charge of providing one of the basic needs of its citizenry. The next meeting of the MWD Board is scheduled for April 13 beginning at 7 p.m. Residents with questions or concerns can contact the MWD office at 541-268-4348. Buying or Selling? I can help. Get Results...List With Ed. Ed Kopilec Principal Broker 541 991-8630 New Listing Tim Sapp Owner / Principal Broker 541 999-8230 One solution for oxygen at home, away, and for travel Introducing the INOGEN ONE – It’s oxygen therapy on your terms No more tanks to refi ll. No more deliveries. No more hassles with travel. The INOGEN ONE portable oxygen concentrator is designed to provide unparalleled freedom for oxygen therapy users. It’s small, lightweight, clinically proven for stationary and portable use, during the day and at night, and can go virtually anywhere — even on most airlines. 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There are many ways to help this holiday season, like purchasing gift certificates or memberships, and yet there are many service-type businesses that don’t have that option. As we look to a new year, we’re celebrating what connects us as a community, and what we can do to support our local businesses! THAT’S WHY WE CREATED THE SUPPORT LOCAL TOGETHER CAMPAIGN. The Support Local Together campaign will help local businesses who have to choose between promoting their business and paying the electric bill. It will also help support the Siuslaw News, who has seen a strong decrease in advertising revenue, but an increase in readership. IT DOES TWO THINGS. 1. Funds advertising dollars for local businesses Your financial support will go directly to fund advertising that our local businesses need to stay top of mind. Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475 • 1-800-348-3475 Karla D. Holloway CPA Rick Yecny, CPA Rod McCulloch CPA Andrea Dexter 2. Supports local journalism By becoming a supporting member, you are helping to replace some of the advertising revenue the Siuslaw News has lost over the past ten months, due to the pandemic. CPA HERE IS HOW TO SUPPORT: & Associ y a o w l e s l o Write off H Tax Time Stress! HOLLOWAY & ASSOCIATES, LLC Certifi ed Public Accountants 733 Highway 101, Florence • Ph #541-997-3434 For the safety of our clients, staff & our community, we are not open to walk-in visitors. Call us to discuss alternative options. We can conference call or video chat with you about your tax situation. Call us at 541-997-3434! Th ank you for your understanding, Holloway & Associates, CPAs. We are here for you. • Call 541-902-3524 • Make a donation of your choosing. • Choose a specific local business that you would like the advertising credit to go to, or leave that blank and we will designate it to a business we know needs help. Our community is small but generous and we recognize there are many great organizations, like ours, that could use your help. We believe the vast majority of our readers have always shared our view of the value and necessity of a strong local media and are willing to provide support Yes, I would like to become a 2020/21 Support Local Together Sponsor equal to two or three cups of Call 541-902-3524 coffee a month to secure its Mail sponsorship form to: Siuslaw News Supporter future. PO Box 10 Florence Oregon 97439 Thank you in advance for doing your share to secure a strong local economy in the community we are proud to serve. 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