SIUSLAW NEWS | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 2021 | 7A REOPEN from page 1A increased patron on-line options significantly since the virus struck and will continue to offer the in- creased informational opportuni- ties to patrons moving forward. “We added lots of great online services, including digital access to Consumer Reports; Creativebug, which is a fantastic craft tutorial database; NewsBank, which pro- vides daily access to hundreds of newspapers, including the Register- Guard; full-text copies of many popular magazine titles through Overdrive; and TumbleBooks and TumbleMath for younger learners. We also circulated a total of more than 51,000 physical and digital ti- tles over that time,” Spencer said. One aspect of library safety protocols that will remain in ef- fect is the policy of curbside pick- ups. Patrons will still be asked to drop off their checked-out items Monday through Thursday, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and on Fridays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. In Mapleton, curbside service will also continue, and the branch will now be open for browsing from noon until 5 p.m. on Thurs- days only. The library also has new touch less check-out stations for patrons to use. One of the other main changes, at least for the initial re-opening, patrons will encounter is a lack of seating. There will be no internal seating at this time and meeting receive the vaccine. People can also go to Lane County Public Health for the most current infor- clinics. mation for registering to Next, Mills also updat- ed the council on damage done by CenturyLink to city streets, for which she has requested repair assis- tance. Mills followed this by requesting that IUSLAW EWS Dunes City Councilors DUNES from page 1A S N rooms are not available. In addition, children will be al- lowed to browse with parents, but toys are not available and there will be no play groups or in- house story times. There is, however, an online ver- sion of “Story time” and an online Book Club which can be accessed through slawPublicLibrary. Spencer said she is pleased with the prospects of reopening the li- brary and wants the community to reengage in the way best suited to their individual situations. “Most of all, I cannot wait to welcome our patrons back to the library,” she said. “Almost every day, one or another of us working here at the library wonders about approve a contract for a city-owned cell phone. After a brief discussion, which touched on the best cell plan for the area, c o u n c i l o r s au t h o r i z e d Mills to proceed with both efforts. The next Dunes City Council meeting is sched- uled for April 28. For more information, visit how another one of patrons is do- ing, and what they are reading, and when will we get a chance to be together in this wonderful li- brary again. We are so excited to have our best friends and neigh- bors back once again.” She said that staff have also been hard at work to prepare for reopening. “I truly work with the best peo- ple in the world. Our librarians have been creative and committed to keeping library services avail- able in new and flexible ways,” Spencer said. “I am glad that the whole library team will now be back to doing what we love most — seeing and working with our patrons.” Siuslaw Public Library will con- BURGLARY from page 1A The Sportsman, 249 High- way 101 in Florence, and committed a theft of six 6 firearms. The Florence Police De- partment is leading the investigation into the bur- glary. ATF is assisting the Florence Police Department in their efforts to identify the individual(s) responsi- tinue to offer curbside service for those who wish to pick up library materials that way, with carts now located inside the main lobby of the Florence library. If patrons applied for a library card during the closure, it can be picked up during browsing hours with a photo ID and proof of cur- rent street address. For new library cards, SPL will provide applications to be com- pleted out of the building, and then patrons will be asked to re- turn for the card, again providing photo ID and proof of address. Restrooms will also be closed to the public during this phase of the SPL reopening. For more information, go to ble for this burglary. ATF is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for informa- tion that leads to the arrest and conviction of those in- volved, and the recovery of the firearms. In addition, the NSSF is matching the reward, bringing the total to up to $5,000. If you have any infor- mation relating to this in- cident, contact Detective Brandon Bailey at the Flor- ence, Police Department at 541-997-3515 or by email at brandon.bailey@ci.flor- People can also provide information at the anony- mous tip line of 541-997- 9604. Florence Police Depart- ment, ATF and NSSF thank the public for their assis- tance. ST. MARY Easter Services OUR LADY OF THE DUNES CATHOLIC CHURCH You are welcome to join us in our journey toward Easter 0DVVRIWKH/RUG·V6XSSHU Thursday, April 1, 6:00 pm a &HOHEUDWLRQRIWKH3DVVLRQRI2XU/RUG Friday, April 2, 6:00 pm a 7KH(DVWHU9LJLORIWKH+RO\1LJKW Saturday, April 3, 8:30 pm a (DVWHU6XQGD\ April 4 11:00 am & 1 pm Children Mass Easter Services a April 4 at 9 am and 11:00 11: 00 am ϴϱϬϲϬ,ǁLJϭϬϭ^͕&ůŽƌĞŶĐĞ;ϭ͘ϱŵŝůĞƐƐŽƵƚŚŽĨƚŚĞďƌŝĚŐĞͿ ϱϰϭ͘ϵϵϳ͘ϮϯϭϮ Children’s ministry available in both services. Good Friday Service April 2 at 6pm. NEW LIFE LUTHERAN CHURCH, 21st & Spruce Street WELCOMES YOU TO EASTER SUNDAY 1380 10 th St. 541-997-3533 MAUNDY THURSDAY email: SERVICE First Baptist Church Family Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Resurrection Lutheran Church Easter Celebration Palm Sunday Services, 8:00 am Easter Sunday Services, 10:00 am With appropriate masking until at your seat and approved social distancing 85294 Highway 101 South (About 1 mile south of the bridge) 541-997-8038 Check our website for Easter Events fi rstbaptistfl Easter is Sunday, April 4 1935 East 25th Street Florence, OR 541-997-7660 APRIL 1 ST , 5:30 PM GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE WITH STATIONS OF THE CROSS APRIL 2 ND , 5:30 PM EASTER CELEBRATION WITH HOLY COMMUNION APRIL 4 TH 10:30 AM. IN PERSON EASTER SER- VICE CAN BE VIEWED AT WWWFLORENCENEW LIFELUTHERAN.ORG OR ON FACEBOOK ORGANIST: BRIAN LINDSEY New life lutheran church, ELCA 541-997-8113