6A | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS SCHOOL from page 1A “When we look at our mis- sion statement about what we do, and doing what’s best for kids, I would maintain that standardized testing is not best for kids,” Holman said. She referred to the Smart- er Balanced Assessment Consortium tests (SBAC), which test students for Common Core standards in grades three to eight and 11 in math and language arts. School districts must reach 95 percent participation and can be penalized by their state if they do not reach this level. The tests are held via computer and require both time to take the test and to learn how to take the test — for both students and staff members. As of press time, the fed- eral government is still planning to hold standard- ized testing this school year, despite many schools still operating in comprehensive distance learning, hybrid and limited in-person in- struction. However, Oregon Department of Education has been in touch with the US Department of Educa- tion about getting a waiver for the state to not hold the tests. According to O’Mara, several states have already received similar waivers. At this point, it appears the fed- eral government is deciding on a state-by-state basis. In addition, several other stu- dent assessments have been put on hold, including kin- dergarten and essential skills for seniors, until the next school year. After hearing this, Hol- man said, “That’s hopeful. I’m grateful that there’s some prevailing wisdom around this year in particular. I don’t think it precludes us from be- ing a proactive school board, because they’re talking about a short-term thing.” Instead, she proposed that that need, especially as some encourage more districts to to do the same kind of thing.” ted. The first concerned the Mapleton School District across the U.S. are suggest- make similar resolutions. The second big topic at the state of some of the areas on take a firm stance on re- ing the further removal of “The more of us who get meeting was setting board school district property. moving standardized testing standardized testing for col- feisty about testing — and goals. Burruss said, “In my — or at least encouraging leges and universities. wasting taxpayer money and After minimal discussion, mind, this is not a policy is- school district families to opt The board also consulted student and staff members’ and deciding to reevaluate sue and taken care of in day- out on their own. with Ricks as the student time — it’s going to change. goals next September, the to-day business. My feeling The text of the resolution representative from Maple- I do believe (standardized board decided to adopt the would be that this complaint reads: “We, the Mapleton ton High School. testing) is a dinosaur just following as goals: would be best addressed by Board of Education, given “I feel like a lot of people waiting to die. But it’s going • In the ever-changing referring it to the mainte- our responsibility to COVID-19 environ- nance lists.” safeguard and guide ment, the district Holman agreed, saying “We, the Mapleton Board of Education, given our responsi- will continue to pro- that the board would pass the education of Ma- bility to safeguard and guide the education of Mapleton stu- pleton students, find vide new compre- on the recommendations to dents, find that the administering of the SBAC at this time of hensive systems and the maintenance supervisor. that the administer- ing of the SBAC at support services to “It’s also well known that pandemic to be inappropriate and harmful to students, their this time of pandem- facilitate student and we prioritize projects based families and to the school community.” ic to be inappropriate staff success, both on need and finances, and — Resolution passed by Mapleton School District and harmful to stu- academically and we have a wish list that’s as Board of Directors on March 17 dents, their families personally. long as the school district and to the school • Continue to boundaries that we just don’t community.” rely on standardized testing to take some of us throwing support engagement with get to address,” she said. The resolution continued, for answers on how students the first dagger in Oregon,” district community in the The second complaint “It is therefore the board’s are doing when it’s not really Holman said. COVID-19 virtual envi- was filed against O’Mara recommendation that Ma- the best option,” Ricks said. All board members pres- ronment (staff, students, and Mapleton High School pleton parents and guardians “It tries to make a ‘one size ent were involved in the con- parents) to elicit feedback Principal Brenda Moyer, strongly consider exercising fits all’ for students when versation, with Board Chair that will help focus district alleging that constitutional their right, under House Bill that’s not something that re- Mary Ellen Mansfield saying direction. rights were denied. How- 2655, to opt out their student ally works for every kid.” she thought the wording of • Support district staff ef- ever, the complaint did not from the Smarter Balanced He said that he has under- the resolution was “a little forts to continually improve provide many additional test.” gone standardized testing for strong,” especially if the first classroom instruction and details. It also indicated that the school as well as taken the purpose of the resolution student success in all modes The board requested fur- tests create unnecessary SAT to prepare for college was to encourage families to of learning, remote or in ther information. stress; data would not be admissions. opt out on their own. person. “If there actually is a vi- comparable to past years; “Talking about the SAT, O’Mara stated, “We al- • Continue to consider olation, then we do want the district could not con- I’ve taken it twice, and it’s ready do notify parents of appropriate school mode to know about it,” Mans- trol conditions for all partic- not something that’s all that the opportunity to opt out. based on county and state field said. “We’re certainly ipants; and that it would be easy to prepare for in gen- We have to.” health metrics and local dis- not dismissing you, but we difficult to reach the neces- eral, even with other stan- The board ultimately de- trict needs. can’t act on the complaint as sary participation rate. dardized tests,” he said. “It’s cided to refine the wording The board also decid- written, because there’s not Holman decided to pres- just something that’s nerve of the resolution and reduce ed to evaluate O’Mara as enough information.” ent the resolution after wracking and stressful no the number of bullet points. Mapleton’s superintendent The board decided to set meeting in a small group matter what you do. I feel Then, Burruss moved that since the district missed last the issue aside until more made up of board members like that’s something that the board approve the year due to the start of the information becomes avail- from other districts as well shouldn’t be enforced on amended resolution, which COVID-19 pandemic. The able. as people involved in state kids to set them up for things was seconded by Director timeline for this has yet to For more information, or legislation concerning stan- later on in life.” Andrea Milbrett and ap- be announced. for a link to watch Maple- dardized testing. In their discussion, the proved by those in atten- The final big topic dis- ton School Board meetings “This is for this year, and board considered the costs dance. cussed by the board was re- via YouTube, visit www. we may still get a waiver,” associated with the testing, “This is a first step. Elim- garding complaints submit- mapleton.k12.or.us. Holman said. “But this just including federal money and inating high-stakes testing shows that the board is on it the chance to lose funding. remains the goal,” Holman FROM BEST OF HAWAII and sees this as an issue and Directors also considered wrote in an email announc- $ 2,599 FOUR-ISLAND as protecting our kids.” waiting until other school ing the resolution. At the $ 2,349 * TOUR The Mapleton School boards acted. meeting, she said, “For me, it 12 days, departs Board then further discussed “This is how change hap- is bigger than us. And while the issue. One person asked pens,” Holman argued. I’m a steward of this district year-round if removing the test would “One little district gets brave in its entirety, I view my ad- make students less prepared enough to put something vocacy for kids as broader for taking the SAT or ACT. like this out there and other than Mapleton. … To me, promo code N7017 * Free date changes anytime up to 45 days prior to departure for land tours, up to 95 days prior to departure for cruise tours. Holman said that the test- districts see it.” this is giving permission, Deposits and final payments remain non-refundable. Prices are per person based on double occupancy plus $299 in taxes & ing already involved with She said that one district and hopefully some kind of fees. Single supplement and seasonal surcharges may apply. Add-on airfare available. Offers apply to new bookings only, made by 6/30/21. Other terms & conditions may apply. 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