2A | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS On The Record OBITUARIES HOLOPOFF—In loving lopoff, Joyce Joslin and memory of Billy Kay Hol- Barbara Holopoff Ander- opoff. Billy passed son; his son David away March 23, Holopoff; his sister 2021, surrounded Sue Campbell of by the love of his Connecticut; seven family. grandchildren and He is survived eight great-grand- by his wife, Mari- children, all of Sac- lyn, often referred ramento, Calif. to as Sugarbear; Billy retired to Billy his three daugh- Florence with his Holopoff ters: Pamela Ho- wife Marilyn in 1998 after a successful ca- reer in the Aerospace in- dustry. He began in 1955 in Azuza, Calif., as a drafts- man helping develop the propulsion engines that put men on the moon. Later in 1963, he trans- ferred to Sacramento, where he rasied his family. In his earlier years grow- ing up in Los Angeles, Ca- lif., Billy showed his athlet- icism by playing semi-pro baseball at age 16. He of- ten stated that if not for his love for mechanics, he would loved to have played professional baseball. Billy’s love for cars (hot rods) came about while working for his father at their Union 76 station in Montebello, Calif. He purchased a 1941 Ford 3-window coupe, which he restored and named the “Purple Cow” for its deep purple color. He later sold it to buy an engagement ring for Mari- lyn. Billy’s love for trains from an early age inspired him to buld a model rail- rod layout with a town and buildings named after fam- ily members. Billy drew his strength and spirituality from AA and the people he met along his journey. He imparted wisdom and was a positive influ- ence to his many friends. He always said “Maintain an attitude of gratitude and a bit of humor every day.” The greatest gift he re- ceived was love and the ablity to give it away. Lane County begins new vaccine scheduling system for residents Following an announce- ment from the Oregon Health Authority and ef- fective March 30, Lane County Public Health has rolled out a new system for scheduling vaccination ap- pointments to address the increased eligibility groups and prepare for vaccinating all who become eligible by May 1. Now all Lane County residents who are current- ly eligible will be able to schedule a vaccine appoint- ment directly by visiting www.LaneCounty.org/vax- clinics. Essentially, this system removes the preregistra- tion requirement and has removed the need to wait for an email invitation to schedule an appointment. However, people should note — vaccine dose sup- plies remain limited, so when they log onto sched- ule a vaccine appointment, clinics may not have time slots available. People are advised to be patient and keep checking the website if they can’t schedule a dose on their first try. Lane County is expecting an increase in doses. Frequently Asked Questions Q) I pre-registered; do I need to register again? What will happen to the preregis- tration list? A) The pre-registration system is no longer neces- sary and will no longer be used to send vaccine sched- uling email invitations. There is no need for peo- ple to register again. In the past, Lane County sent invi- tations via email to eligible individuals who pre-regis- tered with a link to a page where they could schedule a time to get a vaccine. This new system removes the need to receive an email. Instead, anyone who is eligible can simply log into Q) What about people www.lanecounty.org/vax- clinics to schedule their who have been eligible for a while (seniors, 1A)? Will dose. they lose their chance to re- Q) What happens to the ceive a vaccine? A) The opposite is true. pre-registration database? A) Lane County will “de- We will be holding back commission” the list and we doses to insure we always will no longer be sending have a supply for them and weekly email updates. In- making a concerted effort stead, individuals wishing to get those folks vaccinat- to receive weekly updates ed. This includes doing out- about the vaccine process bound calling, doing more should sign-up for the Lane community-based clinics, County Public Health Vac- and assisting seniors and 1A individuals in finding a cine Newsletter. dose. Q) How will you know if Who is eligible now? someone is eligible/ensure Phase 1A, Phase 1B, that only eligible people are Groups 1-6. We will contin- receiving a dose? A) When an individu- ue our commitment to vac- al clicks on the scheduling cinating those 65+ and in link located on the Vax Phase 1A by reserving dos- Clinics website, that indi- es for these groups, while vidual will first be taken to offering doses to newly el- a list of the eligible groups igible groups. The Oregon Health Au- and asked to attest that they are part of one of the groups thority determines the pri- ority and eligibility criteria that are currently eligible. for COVID19 vaccination. Lane County Public Health is currently scheduling Lane County residents: • Phase 1a, all groups • Phase 1b, groups 1-5 • Phase 1b, group 6. This includes adults 45 to 64 with one or more un- derlying health condi-tions; migrant and seasonal farm workers; seafood, agricul- tural and food processing workers; people living in low-income senior hous- ing, senior congregate and independent living; individuals experiencing houselessness (sheltered and unsheltered); people currently displaced by wild- fires; wildland firefighters; and pregnant people 16 and older. If you are unsure of your eligibility, see the state of Oregon’s Vaccine Eligibil- ity tool at COVID19 Vac- cine in Oregon and the Oregon Health Authority Vaccine Eligibility table at www.sharedsystems.dhso ha.state.or.us/DHSForms/ Served/le3527A.pdf. Group 7 will become eli- gible starting Monday, April 5. This group includes: • Frontline workers as defined by CDC, including the U.S. Postal Service, food service workers, grocery store workers, journalists, utility workers and more • Mu lt i gene r at i ona l household members • Adults 16 to 44 with one or more underlying health conditions. The general population will become eligible by May 1. Data regarding Lane County testing, patient status, case ZIP codes and more is available at www. LaneCountyOR.gov/local- data. The State of Oregon has created a COVID-19 web page with resources at coronavirus.oregon.gov and a vaccine resource at covidvaccine.oregon.gov. Next Florence City Council meeting to consider Benedick annexation request a public hearing or action item on the agenda, or are designated as comments to be provided for the meeting, will be distributed to the City Council, posted to the City of Florence website, and made part of the record. 2.) Verbal Testimony: Cit- izens may provide verbal comments at the meeting via the Go-toWebinar plat- form. To do so, complete a speaker’s card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meet- ing (April 5, by 4:30 p.m.). Speakers’ cards are available online at www.ci.florence. or.us/council/request-ad- dress-city-council -speak- testimony (written or verbal) related to this agenda item visit www.ci.florence.or.us/ will not be forwarded to the em/public-meeting-during- ers-card or by contacting regarding this agenda item. covid-19. In order to avoid ex-offi- City Council. City Recorder Kelli Weese at For more information cio contacts, any comments 541-997-3437. Once a speaker’s card is received, City staff will then contact the speaker to let them know the process to participate in the meeting, so include contact information on the speaker’s card. NOTE: regarding Ben- edick Annexation Agenda Item: The Benedick Annex- ation & Zone Assignment (Ordinances No. 1 & 2, Se- ries 2021) public hearing was closed on Feb. 22. The City Council is no longer taking It’s Our GARDEN PALOOZA Sale! FINAL EEK W NOTICE GROW! Vege Pods ..........................................10% Off Smart Pots .........................................10% Off Sunshine Pro 4 ................................ $5.00 Off Espoma Organic Fertilizer................10% Off GARDEN DECOR Wind Spinners & Chimes Garden Trellis & Arbors Glass Art DAILY DRAWING Win a Rhododendron! SPRING SAVINGS Pansies & Violas ................................30% Off Herbs .................................................20% Off Spring Bulbs .......................................30%Off We’re buying used cars, trucks and SUV’s. Any make or model, paid for or not. Please call today for quote. All quotes by appointment only. Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475 • 1-800-348-3475 • HVAC A/C & Heating Duct Cleaning • Zonal Heater Cleaning Cadet Wall Heaters • Dryer Vent Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning • Screen Installation • Moss Removal & Treatment • And more... 32 YEARS Dan and Teresa Lofy, Owners And Watson LCB#6718 On Monday April 5, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. the Florence City Council will hold its regular- ly scheduled meeting via vid- eoconference. During the meeting, the council will consider testi- mony and evidence regard- ing the Benedick Annexation & Zone Assignment Request (Ordinance No. 1 and 2, Se- ries 2021). The public hearing re- garding this agenda item was opened at the February 1st City Council meeting and closed at the Feb. 22 City Council meeting. No addi- tional public testimony will be heard (written or verbal) regarding this agenda item during the April 5, 2021 City Council meeting. Due to COVID-19 restric- tions, citizens will not be able to attend City meetings in person. Interested citi- zens may listen and view the meeting through the ‘GoT- oWebinar’ platform. For access to a link to the meeting, visit the City of Florence website at www. www.ci.florence.or.us/coun- cil/city-council-meet ing- 198. Meetings are also shown live on Cable Channel 191 and online at www.ci.flor- ence.or.us/citymanager/pub- lic-meetings-live. Those without access to the internet or Charter Cable may listen to the meeting live via phone conference line. To do so, contact City Recorder Kelli Weese at 541-997-3437. Those wishing to express their views to the City Coun- cil may do so in the following ways: 1.) Written Testimony: Written testimony can be submitted by: •Email to the City Record- er at kelli.weese@ci.florence. or.us; •Mail to Florence City Hall, Attn: City Council, 250 Hwy 101, Florence, OR 97439 • Drop Off at the City of Florence drop box located at Florence City Hall (250 Hwy 101) to the right of the main entrance. Note: Written comments received at least 2 hours pri- or to the meeting (April 5 by 3:30 p.m.), that concern 88493 Hwy. 101 Florence Open 7 days Just 2 min. N. of Fred Meyer Award-winning Landscaping Service Patios • Water Features • Fire Pits Outdoor Lighting • Irrigation Systems Home & Garden Décor 10% Senior Discount Every Tuesday 997-5973 www.LaurelBayGardens.com Find us on Facebook