SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2021 | 7A Western Lane County Foundation awards nearly $90,000 to local nonprofits WLCF President Kar- en Skulley and Executive Director Gayle Vinchesi recently announced that 29 local nonprofit orga- nizations will be receiv- ing grant awards totaling $89,974.83 in the 2021 grant cycle. These grants represent the WLCF’s ongoing mis- sion of supporting proj- ects or programs provid- ing needed services or facilities for which public funds are not available, or insufficient, and to contribute to the cultur- al, economic, education- al or social betterment of our community. The foundation’s intent is to award large enough sums to make a signifi- cant and visible impact on a demonstrated need in western Lane commu- nity. The Foundation was founded in 1974 and is a community trust, private nonprofit organization attracting, administering and distributing private charitable resources for the benefit of residents of western Lane County. Only the income gen- erated by invested foun- dation assets is awarded as grants each year. Cur- rent assets are over $9.4 million under the auspic- es of Oregon Communi- ty Foundation. So far in 2021, more than $382,000 has been awarded for scholarships, grants and agency funds. Although foundation members were unable to meet in person with the organizations to present each with their check and offer them an op- portunity to speak, the discretionary grants re- cipients were announced officially at the March 16 Rotary Club of Florence meeting. Awardees included: Boys & Girls Club Flor- ence Air Academy for the summer aviation pro- gram; Boys & Girls Club of Western Lane Coun- ty for club van replace- ment; Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool for playground and outdoor space improvements; CASA of Lane County; CROW for dance shoes and art supplies; Dis- abled American Veterans for building repairs; Eco- Generation for recycling “take back” events sched- uled for Florence; Ecol- ogy in Classrooms and Outdoors for Mapleton Place-based science ed- ucation; First Step Flor- ence Solutions for Hous- ing Security for HVAC updates in three transi- tional homes; Florence Art Culture and Enter- tainment (FACE) to sup- port the Florence Festival of Books; Florence Farm- ers Market to support the second-annual “fill your pantry” event; Florence Food Share to replace ex- isting garden beds, phase two; Florence Habitat for Humanity to help restore its pickup/delivery truck; Florence United Meth- odist Church for the free lunch program/Subway voucher program; Food Backpacks 4 Kids to pro- vide food to our local stu- dents; Friends of 90x30 for its “welcome baby” project; KXCR Commu- nity Radio for equipment upgrades; Lane Senior Support Coalition for emergency support fund; Mapleton School Dis- trict for preschool capi- tal expenditures; Oregon Coast Humane Society to support the Sarah Fund; PeaceHealth Peace Harbor Medical Center Foundation for CT scan equipment; Pregnancy & Parenting Center for online pregnancy and parenting education; Siu- slaw Elementary School for iPads; Siuslaw High School for soccer field barrier netting; Siuslaw Outreach Services for community resource center planning as well as ADA improvements to its safe house; Siu- slaw Pioneer Museum for relevant website cre- ation; Siuslaw Watershed Council for its outdoor recreation programs and Triangle Food Box for summer kids boxes and holiday meals. For more information regarding how to leave a legacy or contribute to an existing fund, contact Executive Director Gayle Vinchesi at 541-997-1274 or email her at wlcf@wlc- Learn about lamprey at Siuslaw Watershed Council meeting to be held March 31 Siuslaw Watershed Council is hosting a Vir- tual Watershed Commu- nity Meeting on Wednes- day, March 31, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the vid- eo meeting application Zoom. The meeting will also feature a presentation on lamprey eels. Lamprey are fish that live in most Siuslaw streams and rivers, yet many of people may nev- er have seen one. Though not highly vis- ible today, lamprey have played an important eco- logical role in rivers and streams for millions of years, and an important cultural one in the Pacif- ic Northwest and the Siu- slaw for millennia. Join the SWC in its Zoom-based meeting, where the council will welcome a panel of guest speakers and a film, all bringing a wealth of knowledge about lam- prey’s (very) long history, as well as work currently being done to support lamprey recovery. The film is called “The Lost Fish,” and was pro- duced by Jeremy Monroe of Freshwaters Illustrat- ed. The evening’s speakers include: • Ralph Lampman, Pacific Lamprey Project Biologist, Yakama Nation Fisheries • John Schaefer, Tribal Biologist, Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Low- er Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians • Paul Burns, Fisheries Biologist, Siuslaw Na- tional Forest The meeting will be hosted via Zoom, and is free to attend. Also during the meet- ing, the SWC will an- nounce the Winter Photo Contest winner. Registration is re- quired, and is easy to do. Register in advance for this meeting by us- ing the following link and following on-screen instructions www.zoom. us/meeting/register/tJIv- cOyvrz0rE9LTZxGafW- 7B4vEiWPSQMWuT. After registering, peo- ple will receive a confir- mation email containing information about join- ing the meeting. If people have any trouble registering, they can contact watershed@, or call 541- 268-3044 for help. For more information, visit Auto Care Guide Your connection to local professionals in every area of auto care. Helping You Since 1945 HOBERG’S COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR Serving your auto needs since 1945. 345 Highway 101 Florence • 541-997-2413 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER Serving Oregon Since 1952 Best Tire Value Promise 4325 Highway 101 • Florence Oregon 541-997-7178 • Expires: 1/31/22 We stand behind what we do. Gift Certificates Available Helping You Since 1945 Expires: 1/31/22 Best Tire Value Promise TONY’S GARAGE PETERSEN AUTO DETAIL HOBERG’S COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER Full Service Auto Repair Best of Florence Winner 2019 Serving your auto needs since 1945. 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