SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2021 | 5A FIRE/EMS from page 1A The joining of administrative staff and chief officers from both groups has already occurred and the joint organization is now known as WLFEA. The expect- ed integration of WLAD and SVFR is scheduled to continue, although there are some board members from both groups who are concerned with the loss of autonomy which could occur. There has been another sig- nificant change in operations and the scheduling of firefight- ers and WLFEA officers, which Schick believes will be an addi- tional benefit to district custom- ers of both groups. “SVFR just transitioned from COMMITTEE from page 1A This goal also includes Workforce Development, re- cruitment, training and part- nerships. Under housing, the CEDC will look at developing pro- grams that support more “missing middle” housing in the city; hosting Builder’s Fo- rums for people to learn about residential code; creating a Florence Rental Housing Mar- ket Study; and more. Library to reopen for browsing April 1 Monday through Friday day- time staffing with career fire- fighters to around-the-clock staffing with a combination of career, part-time and volunteer firefighters,” the chief said. “This means the men and women of SVFR are getting to fires more quickly than in the past and, in some cases, they can begin med- ical care before their WLAD partners are on scene.” The cross training of first responders at WLAD is also progressing and WLFEA Oper- ations Chief Matt House is hope- ful that training will continue to improve the skill sets of employ- ees from both organizations. “We would like to have as many of our paramedics as pos- sible go through fire training The committee’s work in parks will be to complete a Parks Master Plan, which will include an expansion to Gal- lagher Park, the completion of the Quince Street Estuary Trail Project and the installation of a disk golf course. At the close of the meet- ing, CEDC members added a short note to the Florence City Council regarding the work to be done during the upcoming year. “The CEDC is excited to The Siuslaw Public Li- brary will begin offering browsing at its facilities on Thursday, April 1. In Florence, Siuslaw Public Library will match its curbside pickup and drop-off hours, so Mon- day through Thursday, the hours will be from 11 a.m. over the next year,” House said. “Once certified, the WLAD paramedics will be able to assist SVFR career and volunteer fire- fighters on fire calls.” And while there is now a cer- tified paramedic available for some shifts at SVFR, the goal is to have the first responders from both organizations trained to both provide medical assistance at emergency scenes and also work as firefighters when need- ed. “Having a paramedic on scene quickly, whether from an engine or an ambulance, provides the best possible outcome for our patients,” Schick said. “The dis- trict boards and staff are con- stantly looking for additional areas in which we can cooperate start working on their pro- posed work plan projects with the city council’s approval. Though this list is comprehen- sive of the committee’s inter- ests and desires, the commit- tee is open to new ideas from the city council and working together on future projects,” members stated. The next scheduled meeting of the CEDC is April 15, be- ginning at 4 p.m. For more information, visit to 2 p.m. and on Fridays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mapleton will provide browsing from noon un- til 5 p.m. on Thursdays only. Days open, including weekends, and the number of hours, will increase as conditions allow. Patrons will continue to Buying or Selling? I can help. New Listing to provide better care and to be more cost effective. That’s really the entire purpose of forming WLFEA — increase service to our citizens without an increase in costs. This again illustrates that SVFR and WLAD are much stronger when working togeth- er and I am very excited that our citizens are receiving an ad- vanced level of care at no addi- tional costs.” Griswold is the department’s first firefighter/paramedic, but Schick said he hopes to continue supporting firefighters who wish to certify at a higher level. SVFR provides an all-hazards emergency response to 14,000 people over 100 square miles. WLAD provides emergency medical service to 17,500 people PLANNING from page 1A between Lots 13 and 14 of the Sandpiper subdivision, addressed as 1499 and 1545 20th St. This request has been the sub- ject of previous discussions by the Planning Commission and the commissioners were familiar with the specifics of the request. After a brief correction to the ac- tual address was requested by the applicant, the commission ap- proved the vacation of the prop- erty. be required to wear masks inside the library. Appoint- ments are not necessary. The library has new touch less check-out sta- tions. There will be no seat- ing at this time and meet- ing rooms are not available. You can bring your kids in to select books but toys are Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue’s Colten Griswold over 980 square miles. Together, the agencies include full-time, part-time and volunteer person- nel that respond to an average of 3,800 calls per year. For more information, vis- it and www.western There were few comments made during the report section of the meeting, although Commis- sioner Brian Jagoe did ask that a timeline for the Planning Com- mission returning to Florence City Hall to conduct business be examined and a determination of a return date be decided upon. The next regular session of the Florence Planning Commission is scheduled for April 13, begin- ning at 5:30 p.m. For more information, visit ci. not available and we cannot accommodate play groups or meet-ups. Restrooms will also be closed to the public. The library will continue to offer curbside service for those who wish to pick up their library materials that way, though the carts will now be located inside the library proper. For more information about the Siuslaw Public Library or its programs, stop by 1460 Ninth St. in Florence or 88148 Riv- erview Ave. in Maple- ton after April 1, or visit KRAB KETTLE 280 Hwy. 101 M 541-997-8996 Fresh Seafood Market Crystell Wise Broker, SRS, SRES 541 991-9487 1601-529 Rhododendron Dr – A fully furnished gem in Greentrees Village. The home features a secluded backyard area that buffers up against the hillside, giving you privacy just minutes from the beach. Make this your forever home or your coastal escape. $295,000. #3184-21619735 Try our canned tuna in variety of flavors! PETERSEN AUTO DETAIL would like to thank everyone that voted for us in our category. We appreciate being chosen 2020 BEST AUTO DETAILER! OTED Open Daily 10-6pm V F BEST O E 541•999•6078 F LO E N C R GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE FACEBOOK.COM/PETERSENAUTODETAIL 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 Easter Services ST. MARY Christ is Risen! Alleluia! OUR LADY OF THE DUNES CATHOLIC CHURCH You are welcome to join us in our journey toward Easter Resurrection Lutheran Church Easter Celebration Palm Sunday Services, 8:00 am Easter Sunday Services, 10:00 am 0DVVRIWKH/RUG·V6XSSHU Thursday, April 1, 6:00 pm a &HOHEUDWLRQRIWKH3DVVLRQRI2XU/RUG Friday, April 2, 6:00 pm a With appropriate masking until at your seat and approved social distancing 7KH(DVWHU9LJLORIWKH+RO\1LJKW 85294 Highway 101 South (About 1 mile south of the bridge) (DVWHU6XQGD\ 541-997-8038 Saturday, April 3, 8:30 pm a April 4 11:00 am & 1 pm Children Mass a ϴϱϬϲϬ,ǁLJϭϬϭ^͕&ůŽƌĞŶĐĞ;ϭ͘ϱŵŝůĞƐƐŽƵƚŚŽĨƚŚĞďƌŝĚŐĞͿ ϱϰϭ͘ϵϵϳ͘ϮϯϭϮ