2B | SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS Viks from 1B edge, with Marshfield scoring first and only al- lowing Siuslaw only one lead in the set. The Vikings struggled to return service for the majority of the set and, aside from very reliable serving from Hayden Muller and Alberty, the girls also had a hard time completing their own serves. After taking a second time-out when the score had reached 15-21 in fa- vor of the Pirates, the Vikings seemed to come back with a vengeance. Desiree Tupua had five kills in the set, helping Siuslaw get the score back to a tie at 22-22. However, service re- turns defeated the Vikings by the end of the set, the final score being 22-25. “Really it shouldn't have gone into five [sets],” said Cole. “I told them yesterday (March 22) in practice — because we did not have a very good practice — that if we came here and played like that in the game today, [the Pirates] were going to be right there with us. And that's kind of what hap- pened, besides that first game where we just blew them away. If we could have kept that up, it would have been done and over with.” Going into the third set, the Vikings still seemed to struggle to find their focus as they had in the first set. Blake and Tupua played great offense on the net, with several kills each. But the whole team still struggled to return service and Siuslaw was behind on the scoreboard Little from 1B Television was limited to ABC, NBC and CBS. My brother and I would certainly not sit down to watch daytime “soap operas” so common on those channels. Right now, playing sports out of their regular season seems weird — fall now, with spring sea- son starting in a couple of weeks, followed by winter sports in mid-May. Yet professional teams overlap all three sport seasons of high schools nationwide. More club sports are playing out of Oregon seasonal guide- lines by playing tourna- ments during other sport seasons. Even successful high school programs can have an overlap into the next sport season with the play-off s. Regardless of how odd it may seem playing basketball in May and June this year, I am thankful the OSAA has decided to give the high school athletes of Oregon an opportunity to play. Oregon high schools have limited options in choosing their competi- tion, but they have op- tions. Th ose options de- pend on the leadership of athletic directors and principals of each school. Th ere is an online option to watch our Vikings by streaming it to your on- line devices. To accommodate the seasons aft er not start- ing until this last Janu- ary, each sport season is shortened considerably (six weeks) to allow all sports to have a chance to revive that 3:30 to 6 p.m. mentality. Coach Lutero, are you reading this time frame? ing the win at 15-10 for the Vikings. Although her team had trouble defensively, Cole was very proud of its work on offense for the night. “Desi had a great game, and Hailee really showed up to- day,” said Cole. Tupua had 17 kills and two blocks, and Outlaw had eight kills and one block. Blake also had 10 kills and a block. In the front row, Alberty had two blocks for kills and two tip-kills. “She kind of final- ZEAHNA YOUNG/SIUSLAW NEWS ly realized, ‘Yeah, Siuslaw’s Desi Tupua scores a kill between two Marshfield I'm actually a front defenders. Tupua had 17 kills against the Pirates. row player, I’m not just a setter up here,’ Cole explained how, for most of the set. which is good to Finally, the Viks found over the years, the rivalry see,” said Cole. “I know their stride and made a with the Pirates had made she's been dying to hit the 6-point comeback. With it difficult for the Vikings ball, so when she gets that two kills from Blake and to maintain their focus chance, she usually takes an ace from Muller, the consistently. it. It’s a different side of “There’s this thing her to see and it's really score was tied at 20-20 — and the Pirates would not here, it's like a Marsh- fun.” take back the lead for the field curse,” said Cole. Although the Pirates set’s remainder. A very “They always seem to get were able to get into the sneaky tip from Blake into your head, and it Vikings’ heads at certain happened. It took them points in the match, it sealed the win at 25-23. In the fourth set, Siu- a set to do it, but there's wasn’t enough to take the slaw took the lead early something they do… it win, effectively ending on, but again had trouble hap-pened when I played the Marshfield curse for making and returning [here], and it's always this group of girls. serves throughout, cost- been there. I don't know “It was stressful, but we how to explain it, but it did come out on top,” said ing them many points. The entire set was very gets into our heads and Cole, “which was good close, with neither team messes us up.” to see. They definitely Despite the curse of the didn't give up, and that's holding more than a 4-point lead throughout. Pirates, the Vikings did kind of been their thing In the end, error receiving not give up, and fought all season; they fight until service proved too costly even harder in the fifth that last point. We hadn't to win the set as Marsh- set. Serving was back on beaten them in four years. field came out on top, 25- point, with aces from So now, hopefully when Ashley Hennessee, Mei- we play them next, it's not 21. Said Cole, “We missed ka Shappell and Tupua. going to be that way. 10 serves this match, and Blake, Tupua, Hennessee, “[Our girls are] going that's the most [we’ve and Muller all had kills to realize, hey, we beat missed this season] since in the set, with a final kill them, and we can beat from Hailee Outlaw seal- them again!” our first game.” On Thursday (March 25), the Lady Viks were on the road at Elmira for their second match with the Falcons this season. Siuslaw beat Elmira handily in three sets, with Tupua executing 10 kills and six aces, and Blake nabbing nine kills and five aces. Siuslaw’s last two sched- WE ARE NOW HIRING! CAREGIVER POSITION Are you a caregiver or have you ever considered becoming one? Spruce Point Assisted Living & Memory Care is seeking compassionate, service-oriented individuals who have a knack for providing assistance to those in need. You don’t have to be certifi ed; we will train you and help you get up to speed, if you’re not already! 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