SATURDAY EDITION | MARCH 27, 2021 | $1.00 THESIUSLAWNEWS.COM SN Best Of 2020 Winners Edition • March 27, 2021 %ඉඖඓ 0඗කගඏඉඏඍ/ඍඖඌඑඖඏ %ඉඖඓ7ඍඔඔඍක6ගඍ඘ඐඉඖඑඍ5ඍඛගකඍ඘඗ best Florence Area’s REAL DEDICATION උ඗඗ඛඊඉඡ ඍඝඏඍඖඍ ඎඔ඗කඍඖඋඍ ඕඍඌඎ඗කඌ ක඗ඛඍඊඝකඏ 2020 VOTED F E BEST O F LO E N C R Maria Jean Eaton , Principal Broker • mobile(541) 999-0241 offi ce(541) 997-6000 • 1875 Hwy. Florence Siuslaw News A special publication of pu Siuslaw News S SPECIAL SECTION INSIDE! Siuslaw News Improving EMS response times at Siuslaw Valley NEWS & VIEWS THAT DEFINE OUR COMMUNITY Fire department adds certified paramedic to Advanced Life Support team VOL. 131, NO. 25 M ARCH 27, 2021 F LORENCE , O REGON WEATHER Partly sunny with a high of 59 and a low of 41. Full forecast on A3 COMMUNITY Beach event works to ‘SOLVE’ litter INSIDE — A3 SPORTS Vikings’ soccer home season ends INSIDE — B RECORDS Obituaries & emergency response logs Inside — A2 SIDE SHOW Activities and comics every Saturday Inside — B4 CLASSIFIEDS Listings and public notices Inside — B5 FOLLOW US FOR THE LATEST NEWS : /S IUSLAW N EWS @S IUSLAW N EWS T HE S IUSLAW N EWS . COM By Mark Brennan Siuslaw News Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue (SVFR) has added a significant new level of service for district residents with the addition of medical equip- ment, and a certified paramedic, to the firefighters assigned to an Ad- vanced Life Support Engine housed at Station 1, 2625 Highway 101. Fire and EMS Chief Michael Schick announced the change, not- CEDC finalizes workplan for submission to City Council ing that the certification of firefight- er Colten Griswold as a paramedic will add a layer of medical expertise to SVFR first response teams. The assignment and training of Griswold also furthers the inte- gration of the Western Lane Am- bulance District and SVFR, which began more than two years ago and continues under the Western Lane Fire and EMS Authority (WLFEA). The cross training of personnel from both organizations is a main part of the ongoing merging of ser- vices provided by the two emergen- cy response agencies. Paramedics provide Advanced Life Support and, traditionally, this role has been provided by WLAD personnel. Now, SVFR’s paramedic can initiate care and then prepare to turn over patient care to WLAD personnel. “We hope that this will improve our EMS response times, which are already excellent and far better than required for our ambulance district. That is why you may now see a fire engine responding to a medical call,” said Schick. “With ambulance and fire crews spread out across the city, we can have a firefighter or paramedic at your door more quick- ly than ever before. Until recently, the firefighters were only trained to the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) level, which made them Ba- sic Life Support medical providers.” See FIRE/EMS page 5A SOLEMN REMEMBRANCE Officials urge caution as area’s COVID- 19 cases spike S IUSLAW N EWS 2 S ECTIONS | 16 P AGES C OPYRIGHT 2021 By Mark Brennan Siuslaw News By Chantelle Meyer Siuslaw News On March 18, the City of Florence Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) met with a brief agenda for the evening. There were only two action items considered and both had to do with the structure and work product of the committee. The first was a review of the committee’s workplan, which will be submitted to the Florence City Council at its April 15 meeting. The second was the appointment of ex-officio representatives from CEDC to other com- mittees, which was tabled for further discussion at a later meeting. In a memorandum for- warded to the city council, the CEDC offered its sugges- tions and goals to councilors. “The CEDC understands the large scope of work that they have been tasked with by the city council and has many different ideas on how to focus on the committee’s strengths and interests,” the workplan stated. The committee has iden- tified several projects for inclusion in the upcoming City of Florence Workplan. The CEDC’s proposed proj- ects have been broken into four subsections including economic development, housing, community devel- opment and parks. In economic development, the CEDC proposes working with Connected Lane Coun- ty to recruit and manage businesses to participate in virtual business tours, in- formational interviews and career discovery programs. Committee members also wanted to work on a Busi- ness Retention & Expansion Program, including business outreach and action plan- ning with Rural Develop- ment Initiatives. See COMMITTEE page 5A On March 23, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown issued a statement commemorating one year after she signed Oregon’s “Stay Home, Save Lives” executive order. “One year ago, Oregonians stayed home and worked to- gether to protect our loved ones from a disease we were just beginning to under- stand. Thanks to your smart choices over the last year, Oregon continues to have some of the lowest numbers for COVID-19 cases and deaths in the nation,” she said. The governor also released a new vaccination timeline, which could see more people eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine by April 5. “Each day, we are steadily gaining ground, but we must continue to wear masks, main- tain physical distance, and get vaccinated,” Brown said. See CASES page 6A F lorence joined communities around the U.S. in lowering its flags in recognition of the lives lost during the shootings in Atlanta, Ga., where eight individuals were killed during a shooting spree on March 16. Among those killed were six women of Asian descent. In addition, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown declared that flags would remain lowered through March 27 due to another shooting, this time in Boulder, Colo., on March 22. “Together we mourn this tremendous loss, and we stand in solidarity with those fighting against unspeakable and senseless acts of violence,” she said. MARK BRENNAN/SIUSLAW NEWS Planning Commission approves accessibility request for Harbor Vista Campground By Mark Brennan Siuslaw News The Florence Planning Commis- sion met March 23 for a regularly scheduled session with a short agen- da of action items to consider. To begin, Chairperson Phil Tarvin called the group to order, with all commissioners in virtual atten- dance, and turned the meeting over to Florence Planning Director Wen- dy FarleyCampbell for a review of the particulars of the first action item, PC 01 CUP 01. The agenda item was a request for approval of a conditional use permit application submitted by Michelle Hunt on behalf of Lane County. The request was for authorization to construct three 16-by-12-foot cabins with attached 6-by-16-foot decks, one 4-foot concrete ramp to allow for ADA accessibility, paved pathways and installation of five ad- ditional parking spaces at the Har- bor Vista Campground off Rhodo- dendron Drive. The application for this construc- tion was assessed by staff and a rec- ommendation for approval. Farley- Campbell did have some conditions for the Planning Commission to consider in reviewing the specifics of the project and timeline. Primarily these conditions had to do with parking spots, which would need to be repainted and presented in a way that meets applicable city code. There was also the need for the applicant to ensure the property met all ADA standards. The discussion of the topic in- cluded the opportunity for public comments. One speaker, Michael Allen, shared his concerns that there would be a loss of native vegetation in the construction and develop- ment process. He asked the commis- sion to require the applicant to re- place all vegetation removed during construction. The commissioners had few ques- tions regarding the application and the applicant’s representative, with Hunt accepting the conditions sug- gested by staff. There were no commissioners op- posed to the final requirements at- tached to the request and the action was approved unanimously. The second item tackled by commissioners was PC 21 02 VAC 01, which was a petition by Simone Calfee to vacate a 15-by- 135.42 feet of public pedestri- an walkway/right-of-way owned by the City of Florence, located See PLANNING page 5A During this turbulent and uncertain time, we are humbled by the compassion and generosity of our community. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, the steadfast support from you, our neighbors has lifted our spirits and buoyed our strength so we could keep going. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Kurt, Mercedes and Mike Where good friends & great food come together! 1285 Bay Street • Old Town Florence • (541) 902-8338 •