The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, March 24, 2021, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Page 13, Image 13

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from 1B
Thornton who, wide out,
broke free and caught the
ball for the Vikings’ first
touchdown of the game.
Blankenship then handed
off the ball to Skyler Loom-
is, who ran it in for a 2-point
Less than three minutes
into the game, the Vikings
were up 8-0.
On the next possession,
the Eagles again struggled to
gain any yards, turning the
ball over on downs and put-
ting the Vikings back on of-
fense. From there, Blanken-
ship ran 39 yards for a first
down, then followed with
a quick 20-yard pass to La-
couture to make it 14-0 with
6:30 left in the first quarter.
In just four offensive
plays, Siuslaw had already
scored two touchdowns. On
the conversion play, Thorn-
ton came in from the far side
to take a handoff, cut inside
and nab the conversion for a
16-point Siuslaw lead.
The Eagles continued to
struggle against the Vikings’
defense and, once again,
turned the ball over on
Back in the pocket, Blan-
kenship nailed a 17-yard
pass play to Thornton for
another first down. Lacou-
ture and Loomis each carried
for five-yard gains, securing
another first down. Blan-
kenship then hit connected
on another pass, this time to
Isaac Garza, who got inside
the six-yard line to make it
carried to put Siuslaw on the
one-yard line, with Blanken-
ship finding Thornton on
the far side for another TD
and a kick for the extra point
from Lacouture.
With 3:02 still remaining
in the first quarter, the Vi-
kings were up 23-0.
After holding the Eagles
on the ensuing possession,
Siuslaw took over with less
than a minute remaining in
the quarter.
On the first play of the
possession, Beau Erickson
ran a handoff in for touch-
down, only to have it called
back for an illegal block on
the Vikings. The penalty
forced Siuslaw back to first
and goal at the 15-yard line.
Another flag for a holding
penalty on the Vikings was
called, pushing them back
yet again — this time to the
30-yard line. Following an
incomplete pass, Siuslaw
ended up at second-and-30
as the quarter ended.
But the Vikings came out
to begin the second period
the same as they did the first,
with Blank-enship throwing
for a 30-yard touchdown to
Lacouture on the first play
of the quarter. Lacou-ture’s
then kicked the PAT for 30-0
Siuslaw lead.
On Harrisburg’s next pos-
session, the Eagles fumbled
on the second down, with
Lacouture snatching it up
and running it in for the
score from the 20-yard line.
Lacouture’s kick sailed be-
tween the uprights for a 37-0
lead with 10:42 left in the
The Eagles first down of
the game finally came on
their next possession, on a
42-yard run from quarter-
back Chase Gallegos, who
was brought down by Siu-
slaw’s Erickson and Garza.
Harrisburg gained eight
more yards on the next play
and then, with 5:21 left in the
half, scored their first touch-
down. But the Viks stopped
the conversion attempt,
holding a 37-6 lead.
The Vikings scored again
on their next possession,
an a 27-yard reception by
Thornton in the endzone.
Lacouture kicked the extra
point to put Siuslaw ahead
44-6 heading into the half.
With a healthy lead, John-
son opted to switch Erickson
in at quarterback, where he
remained for the entire sec-
ond half.
Despite the penalty, the
Vikings kept pushing the ball
up the field on their posses-
sion, and a handoff to Hunt-
er Petterson at 6:20 secured
Siuslaw another touchdown.
With his kicking game fully
on point, Lacouture scored
another extra point, bringing
the score to 51-6 and forc-
ing the clock to run for the
remainder of the game.
Both teams scored once
more in the game, first on a
pitch from Erickson to Pet-
terson for a 19-yard run into
the end zone, followed by the
PAT from Lacouture with
6:20 remaining.
Then, with 1:21 left on
the clock, the Eagles drove
to within five yards of the
endzone, and Gallegos ran
it in from there for the final
score, 58-12, and a resound-
ing victory for Siuslaw.
“I think the high point for
me was just watching our
kids fly around finally and
play with a chip on their
shoulder,” said Johnson.
“Defensively, our kids played
with a sense of urgency and
were willing to do their jobs
and trust the other 10 guys
on the field to do theirs.”
Offensively, Johnson said
he saw then players finally
relaxed and trusting in each
other to make plays. “Our
line controlled the line of
scrimmage and our skill po-
sition kids made plays,” he
The Vikings have two
games left in the season and,
at this point, Johnson has
been able to reflect on how
far his players have come.
“So far this season, this
group of young men have
faced a tremendous amount
of adversity and continued
to put in the hard work,” he
said. “This group of young
men are learning how to win
on and off the field.”
The Vikings play next at
home against Sisters on Fri-
day (March 26), beginning at
7 p.m.
Prepare for unexpected
power outages with a
Generac home standby
from 1B
On its first possession,
the Irish found themselves
at third-and-4, when they
connected on a short pass
into the end zone. The Irish
completed their conversion
attempt, tying the game at
8-8 with 5:12 left in the first
Neece answered short-
ly after that, running more
than 60 yards to the end
zone with solid blocking
from Ryan Bernhardt. The
conversion put the Sailors
back on top, 14-8.
On Waldport’s next pos-
session, the Irish fumbled,
with the quick hands of AJ
Moso snatching up the re-
covery and giving the Sail-
ors possession with 2:23
remaining in the quarter.
Moso completed a hand-
off to Neece, who ran for a
touchdown and a 20-8 Sail-
ors lead.
Mapleton was on fire, but
their tenacity was met by
Waldport as the Irish came
back less than 20 seconds
later to score a touchdown
from outside the 50-yard
line. Despite an unsports-
man-like conduct penalty
called on the Irish after the
play, they pulled within a
touchdown of the Sailors,
On the next play, the
Sailors’ Jesse Hughes made
a clutch catch, but the ball
was fumbled and picked up
by Waldport with 1:25 left
in quarter. From there, the
Irish ran for a touchdown
to tie the game once again,
Waldport picked up its
second 15-yard penalty, this
time on a late hit against
Neece. Despite the penal-
ties, Waldport continued to
break conduct rules, include
face-masking and late hits.
The quarter ended in a 20-
20 stalemate, with the Irish
demonstrating they would
literally pull no punches on
In the beginning of the
second quarter, with Ma-
pleton still on offense,
Waldport intercepted a
pass thrown by Neece and
dropped it, but then recov-
ered the ball.
The Irish then went on to
score the first touchdown of
the quarter at 9:42, taking
their first lead of the game.
The Sailors had a hard
time pushing up the field,
alt-hough Moso and Neece
both had solid runs. But
with 6:34 before the half,
Mapleton turned the ball
back over to Waldport on
Waldport was issued its
second face-mask penalty,
followed by a false start call
against the Sailors. With its
momentum shaken, Maple-
ton ended up relinquishing
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another touchdown to the
Irish with 3:02 left in the half
— with the conversion put-
ting Waldport ahead 36-20.
Mapleton was back on
offense and trying to find
some traction. JJ Neece had
a 14-yard gain with just over
2 minutes before the half.
But two incomplete pass-
es — and another false start
penalty — took some of the
wind out of their sails, leav-
ing Mapleton trailing 36-20
at halftime.
In the third quarter, Wald-
port scored less than a min-
ute into the second half to
move ahead 44-20.
A fumble on Mapleton’s
next possession led to an-
other Waldport TD less than
three minutes later, leaving
the Sailors down 52-20.
From there, the Irish re-
tained control of the game
despite two more trips into
the end zone for the Sailors.
Waldport went on to claim
the win, 74-34.
Mapleton will be back
on the gridiron this Friday,
when the Sailors host Mo-
hawk, beginning at 7 p.m.
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