SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 2021 | 5A JOBS from page 1A People can go to three for additional information. To contact Hickson direct- ly, call 541-902-6648. For Hickson, the casino hiring is a good sign, show- ing that Three Rivers was able to safely remain open for much of the pandemic with stringent health stan- dards in place. “So far, it’s worked out really well. And our staff is happy too, because they’re working — and that’s a good thing,” she said. Not everyone has been so lucky, which Florence Area Chamber of Com- merce CEO/President Bet- tina Hannigan witnessed personally both here in the local community as well as in recent travels out of state. “Everybody’s having staffing problems right now,” she said. She has asked for cham- ber members to check in about reopening, and re- ports are still coming in. “We were just supposed to pop back into business,” Hannigan said. “It’s like, ‘Poof! OK, everybody, let’s all go back to business PHOTOS BY MARK BRENNAN/SIUSLAW NEWS Businesses all over town are looking for additional employees. Several resources are available for those hunting for a job, including social media, job boards and the classifieds. could. Now, as things open up, it’s leaving a vacuum with not enough staff to fill po- sitions. Or, possibly, the employ- ees are out there, and just don’t know where to look. Hickson is continuing to offer advice that she has learned in her years of hir- ing people and running the Community Career Fair. “I’m just passionate about it, that’s for sure,” she said. Her first recommenda- tion for both businesses and potential employees is to utilize resources in the community. From social media groups where peo- ple post, to business pages — “People are looking at social media and they’re using it,” Hickson said. Businesses can also run job listings in the classi- fieds section, on the radio and on job boards through WorkSource Lane County and Goodwill Job Connec- tions. “We’re really fortunate living in a small town that everybody knows every- one and everything about everybody else,” Hickson said. “That can be good, and it can be bad, but in this case, relying on each other in the community is now.’” Many businesses have been looking forward to reopening. The problem, however, has been resum- ing operations with enough staff on board. A lot of people who were employed in the service in- dustry were furloughed or let go early in the pandem- ic. While many remained in town, some found other jobs or took care of chil- dren, who were attending school via distance learn- ing. Yet others left, follow- ing the work where they LEGACY PORTRAITURE Portraits that will show your innermost self. RODGER BENNETT PHOTOGRAPHY 1234 Rhododendron Drive #7 | Florence, Oregon 97439 541-991-0777 | not a com- petition as much as it is helping each other out.” For peo- ple looking for jobs, Hickson recommended the same re- sources. “Word of mouth is a big- gie,” she added. “Just getting out there and connecting with different business- es here in town. … Check with your local community. Just reach out and ask who’s hiring.” It’s important for people to be deliberate. “The face-to-face con- tact is really a good thing, but pick up those phones and don’t be afraid to make those calls and connect with people,” she said. Once the connection has been made, people should prepare for an in-person interview. “Get those résumés up- dated and make sure you’re putting your best foot for- ward,” Hickson said. “And when you show up for the job interview, show up to present yourself for the job that you’re applying for.” The Florence Area Chamber of Commerce also has connections with job opportunities that it posts in its weekly Cham- ber Blast. Among these is Elevate Lane County’s Hir- ing Fair 2021, a four-week virtual event to connect local students with local companies and hiring op- portunities. From April 19 through May 14, students will get to know participat- ing businesses, learn how to build a résumé, apply for jobs and more. Students can apply now through Friday, April 14. Business- es can also participate and should apply as quickly as possible. People can go to connec for more information. The chamber’s role is to wrap resources around businesses. It also mar- kets the area and receives Transient Room Tax (TRT) revenue depending on the number of people staying overnight in the area. “Our TRT reports are up over 8 percent from last year, so people are com- ing,” Hannigan said. “A lot of what we’re seeing is that people are not comfortable getting on airplanes, and so they’re doing driving trips. And then I think we’re see- ing a lot of cabin fever, too, where people are just try- NOTICE We’re buying used cars, trucks and SUV’s. Any make or model, paid for or not. Please call today for quote. All quotes by appointment only. Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475 • 1-800-348-3475 We’ve got you COVERED business • homeowners • auto • life • health • medicare plans A SK US ABOUT M ULTIPLE P OLICY D ISCOUNTS ! COVERAGE FOR YOUR MOST PRECIOUS ASSET. YOU. Contact Angela, Jodi or Paul to discuss your policy needs. %)3 $%*3$ .3%)+3 %3#*(!3 1&()3 33 3 &(+&$+)30%3 ,*$3 $3 )+#*3 3#$.+3 $%#3 &(%.*3 %$). **%$30 3(/3 3 3*3(3(+!3/ .3 )3 3 %(3)&%$)%(323 .(3%!$)3$3!#+3%$3&(3%.)% 3 %#&$23&(%.()3) )3$3$)* !)3)#!))3.*+(3&(%**%$3*)3%(3)3/!3%(3%#%0$()3%/(3 32()3%33 3#((3 %(3$/% /30*33 3&(+$(3%*3%**$3&()%$)3#.)+3+*$3$3%#& +3&()$+*%$3*%+(3&(+&$+)3#.)*3/3 3&%*%333 3*%3.$()+$3$ )3$33! 23 3*%3$+(3$*%33%$+(-3*3%! %0$3&()%$)3(3$%*3! 3%(3 *)3 %(3 #&!%2)3 %3 %#&$23 %(3 !*3%#&$)3 %( 3 $*+)3 +(3 ##* 3 #"3##()3 &(/%.)3 &(*&$+)3 $3 3 %#&$23$%#3%$). **%$30+$3+3&)*3 3#%$+)3$3! 3.(($+3$3%(#(3%#&$23.)*%#()3+3#23$%*331+$3 *($)((3%(3).)++.*31&* ++3%#&$23#23).)+*.+33*3%3'. 3%(3(*(3/ .33+3#)3+3$))(23*3(30! 3 3# 3*%3+3&(*&$*3/3()*3!))3.$*3)++)3# 3%(3#!30*$3 32)3%3(&*3%3*3&(%#%+%$3%(#3$%+3/ 3$3 %$.$+%$30+3 $23 %+(3 &(%#%+%$3 %(3 )%.$*3 %3 $23 $3 %(3 $%*3 )&%$)%(3 %(3 &(%#%*3 23 !%0)3 $3 )3 ).*3 +%3 $30*%.*3 $%*3&(%(3*%3 ()(/*%$3 1&()3 3 .(3 %&(*)3 )3 .(3 %3 %(%$3 $3 %(%$3 .$(3 $)3 $.#(3 Serving Florence since 1990 875 Hwy 101 • Florence, OR • (541) 997-3466 ing to get away and have a little break in their day.” It’s a sign that people are coming back to Florence and that the tourist season is starting with the spring weather. According to Hannigan, one thing the pandemic has done has been to allow people to work from home. Those who travel have been able to bring their desks with them. “We’re seeing a lot of ‘work where you play,’” Hannigan said. “A hotel or vacation rental has WIFI, and we’re working remote- ly. It was like me working in California. Even though I was on vacation, I was still working.” It could be a growing facet for Florence as peo- ple recreate and stay here. It could also help fill some of the seasonal job gaps as people shift between recre- ation destinations through- out the year. “I’m hoping that we do see that more year-round,” Hannigan said. “We’ve got this tremendous, wonder- ful, creative, free and easy millennial population that doesn’t want to buy a house and settle down. They want to travel, they want to live in a tiny house. (The pan- demic) has opened up a whole lot of opportunities to that type of traveler.” People who bring their own lodging with them — travel vans are making a comeback — could also help with Florence’s hous- ing situation. The growing need for low- and mid- dle-income housing, both owned and rented, is ex- acerbated by the need for higher paying jobs. “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Han- nigan asked. “The housing or the jobs? The jobs or the housing? What do we do?” It’s something she is talking about with the Flor- ence Chamber Board. “Once we move out of this pandemic into more of a ‘normal,’ whatever that might look like, how do we support the community? How do we stay relevant and really meet the needs of our business communi- ty and our community as a whole?” she asked. For Hannigan, it’s about both short-term solutions, in matching current resi- dents to current job open- ings, but also to looking to the future. As the state continues to reopen and the federal government continues to announce pandemic sup- port, more businesses will be offering services as the economy opens up. People can learn more about business opportu- nities in the Florence area at build-a-business/.