6A | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS VACCINE from page 1A People can either call LCPH at 541-682-1380 or go to lanecounty.org/coro- navirus to sign up for the vaccine. Once preregistered, names in eligible categories are added to a pool and then contacted as vaccination appointments become avail- able. “The county is by far the leading vaccinator and your best bet on receiving a vac- cination in a timely way,” Davis said. Additionally, pharmacies are also receiving doses of vaccine. People can contact local pharmacies directly to get added to their lists. “If I was eligible right now, and I really want to get a vaccine, my first step would be to preregister with Lane County, because that’s going to open up the most availabilities for me,” Davis said. “And then secondly, I would look into pharma- cies who have vaccine right now and I would enroll with them as well, to schedule an appointment.” Some pharmacies, like Safeway, are getting their vaccine doses through a federal program, rather than the State of Oregon or LCPH. It is difficult for the health agencies to track those vaccines — “Never- theless, people are getting vaccinated that way, so that’s still good news,” Davis add- ed. LCPH is working to keep doses of vaccine flowing to western Lane County. “Those pharmacies out in Florence are getting a slight- ly higher allocation amount per week than we’re seeing in the Eugene/Springfield area. The ones that we’re working with out there are Bi-Mart, Fred Meyer and Peace Harbor,” Davis said. Currently, Peace Harbor is getting around 100 dos- es, Fred Meyer is getting around 300 doses, and Bi- Mart is getting between 100 and 200 doses. “When you add all those up, it’s a nice option for folks in Florence,” Davis said. The vaccines that LCPH is administering right now are mostly Pfizer and Moder- na. People in Florence have into confidently knowing week you pre-register, it booster dose. According to the City of reported receiving each that they’re not going to be might not even be the sec- LCPH will contact peo- Florence, people who re- kind of vaccine, including in any elevated risk than ond, but we will get to you,” ple between 21 days and 42 ceived their first dose pf the the single-dose Johnson & they would with any oth- Davis promised. “In the days to schedule the booster Pfizer vaccine March 3 will Johnson vaccine. This new- er activity outside of their meantime, we’re going to dose. be scheduled to receive their est vaccine can be stored at home.” send you an information- “You don’t have to wor- Pfizer booster March 24. standard refrigerator tem- LCPH is working on the al email every week, just to ry about getting a second Those who received their peratures and is much more accessibility of the vaccine, let you know, ‘Hey, as long dose,” Davis said. “When first dose March 6 will also stable than the the Oregon be scheduled, though the early vaccines. Health Au- date has not yet been select- “It might not be the first week you preregister, it might not even In addition, thority allo- ed. be the second, but we will get to you. In the meantime, we’re going cates a prime it doesn’t re- Both events again will be to send you an informational email every week. ... We’re going to tell dose, quire a second they held at the Florence Events you where we’re at in the process and how it’s going. Then eventually, also set aside Center, 715 Quince St. shot. “It’s a much The process for the vac- we’re going to reach out to you, either by email or phone, to schedule a booster, so more prag- we have one cination clinic will be the you for a vaccine appointment.” matic a dose for you. You’re same as it was for the first — Jason Davis, Lane County Public Health PIO to administer good to go — dose of vaccine. and to work but we have to If people have addition- with, so we’re really looking including accommodating as you’re receiving these be able to get a hold of you.” al questions, Davis direct- forward to having that and people’s travel needs. emails, you’re still in the Again, people should ed them to the frequently rolling it out,” Davis said. “For individuals for whom preregistration list.’ We’re check their phone or email asked questions and other LCPH is expecting “a lot transportation is the main going to tell you where we’re to get the next dose sched- resources at LCPH at lane- more doses” of the Johnson barrier, we are working with at in the process and how uled. county.org/coronavirus, as & Johnson vaccine after several different partners to it’s going. Then eventual- Davis said that the two well as through ci.florence. recent federal announce- transport people to the actu- ly, we’re going to reach out mass vaccinations in Flor- or.us. ments, Davis said, which al clinics themselves, as well to you, either by email or ence will also see large-scale “Your best resources are will double the state’s vacci- as the mobile strike team. phone, to schedule you for a events to administer the sec- your local ones. The state nation allocation. When they’re pre-register- vaccine appointment.” ond dose. does the best, but a lot of Right now, the State of ing, either through email or These appointments “They will be set up very times they’re disconnected Oregon receives 80,000 dos- phone pre-registration, they might be at a pharmacy, similarly, where we re- with what’s happening in an es of the Pfizer and Mod- can indicate whether or not Peace Harbor or through ceive the boost allocation actual community. And so, erna vaccines per week. they have a transportation another mass vaccination and then set up an event to Lane County and the City Beginning March 22, some issue,” Davis said. clinic. quickly move through those of Florence are going to be 80,000 Johnson & Johnson LCPH will contact people This is the time when doses,” he said. “Given the your best bets for informa- doses also will be coming in. through the method they people should tell LCPH number of individuals that tion about what’s happening “That’ll effectively double pre-registered, so by phone about any accommodations were vaccinated there in here, how to get a vaccine our doses, and we expect to or email. they require. Florence initially, that really here and how to navigate see that trickle down to the “From that point on, that “If you’re a homebound is the most expedient way of the preregistration system,” county level as well,” Davis. is going to be the way that individual who’s pre-regis- handling those vaccines.” Davis said. Additional supply of the we contact you and the way tered, and now we’re sched- Johnson & Johnson vaccine that we get all information uling you, you can say, ‘Well, will become available in to you,” Davis said. I can’t get out of my house, April. He reminded people to what do I do?’ Tell them at Locally, some people have check their junk or spam the time of scheduling, and expressed concern about folders, since emails might then we’ll figure out some how to reach their vaccina- get automatically filtered. sort of way to accommodate tion appointment, especial- He also encouraged pa- you,” Davis said. ly if they are homebound. tience, since all eligible peo- Then, for people receiv- While the county does offer ple are in a pool of names, ing the prime dose of Pfizer some mobile vaccinations, rather than a line. or Moderna vaccine, they Davis encouraged people to “It might not be the first will be scheduled for their use their networks for trans- portation or to let the coun- ty know their concerns once they are contacted about making a vaccination ap- pointment. Hours: M-F, 8am-3pm “People who feel as Andy Baber, AAMS® though they’re at elevated Financial Advisor risk and are afraid to go out, FEATURED HOME OF THE WEEK Ryan Hitchcock you can rest assured that at Financial Advisor the clinics that we’re con- ducting, we’re working very 1010 Highway 101 hard to make sure that those Florence, OR 97439 are safe environments to re- 541-997-8755 ceive your vaccine,” Davis said. “Especially with Peace Harbor, that is a very safe option for those folks and Member SIPC MKT-5894I-A one in which people can go Stocks. Bonds. CDs. IRAs. Mutual funds. 541-997-2422 We are open and ready to assist you! • HVAC A/C & Heating Duct Cleaning • Zonal Heater Cleaning Cadet Wall Heaters • Dryer Vent Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning • Screen Installation • Moss Removal & Treatment • And more... Dan and Teresa Lofy, Owners And Watson FLORENTINE ESTATES - MOVE-IN READY Well maintained double-wide manufactured home in 55+ gated community where you also own the land. 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HOW TO MAKE IT: * 2 tablespoons butter * 2 pounds sole fi llets, cut to make 4 pieces * 3/4 teaspoon salt * 1/4 teaspoon fresh-ground black pepper * 1/4 cup fl our * 3/4 cup heavy cream * Grated zest of 1/2 lemon * 1 tablespoon lemon juice * 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley We would like to take this opportunity to thank our loyal customers for trusting us with all your seafood needs. Prepare you own “Grab & Go” bag for use in the event of an emergency Step 1: In a large nonstick frying pan, melt the butter over moderate heat. Sprinkle the sole with 1/2 teaspoon of the salt and the pepper. Dust the sole with the fl our and shake off any excess. Put the sole in the pan and cook for 2 minutes. Turn and cook un- til just done, about 2 minutes longer. Remove the sole from the pan. Step 2: Add the cream and lemon zest to the pan. Bring to a simmer and cook until starting to thicken, about 2 minutes. Stir in the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, the lemon juice, and parsley. Serve the sauce over the fi sh. Expect to be in a shelter where people must provide for themselves for these items. Recipe from Food & Wine FRESH IN THE CASE THIS WEEK: Crab, Petrale Sole, Rock Fish, Dover Sole, Steamer Clams, Oysters... smoked fi sh and more. THE KRAB KETTLE 280 Hwy. 101 (2 Blocks N. of Bridge) Florence MONDAY-SUNDAY 10-6 • 541-997-8996 This message brought to you by the West Lane Emergency Operations Group www.wleog.org