SIUSLAW NEWS | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 | 5A PAID ADVERTISEMENT What are you willing to pay for? employees with a spouse or children, to cover their co-pay and deductible costs. This typically becomes a savings account for the employee. The health plans cost the district $22,866 per employee plus the $1,500 to $3,000 contribution per employee in 2020. There are other benefits too like gym club memberships, cell phone stipends, the ability to cash in your vacation to supercharge your PERS pension. Where Each director strives to do his or can you go to work in the private sector her best and not all have expertise and the employer offers such generous in accounting, financial analysis or benefits? strategic planning. Some have past Speaking of PERS, the New York health care experience. Not all are Times highlighted that the Oregon State experienced entrepreneurs or have PERS program was one of the most past experience managing labor union underfunded and poorly managed contracts. Another difficulty is that retirement systems in the United States. persons can be elected to the Board of Despite changes in different tiers of Unfortunately, the Chief prematurely Directors who have divided or union retirement benefits the amount that is sympathies. One director has stated and publicly divulged our negotiating due by our taxpayers continues to grow “I’m here for the guys”, a reference that goals by line item in our budget process each year. In the 2017 PERS Actuarial this director has the “backs” of the before we were able to approach and Report, the Unfunded Actuarial unionized working staff. The same negotiate with our labor group and their Liability owed by our district was director stated, “The public doesn’t union. He either did this intentionally $2,870,638 and climbed to $3,428,376 care what they pay for ambulance to design these negotiations to fail in two years’ time. For comparison, services”. We also have had directors or he was inexperienced at labor private ambulance businesses typically who stated that “we didn’t know what negotiations. This inflamed our labor offer a more affordable 401K type we were signing for”, in terms of what group and employees who never see retirement plan that both the employee the particular sections, paragraphs, and themselves as taking any cuts in their and employer contribute to. For the economic terms in the labor agreement pay and benefits, which they now take PERS Retirement program, our district would bring as total costs to the district. for granted. They complained loudly pays the PERS employer obligation during the budget process meetings. costs and also picks up the employee The firefighters union that represents Their outcries of “decimating” the 6% obligation. the paramedics and EMTs of our district were emotional. One employee What to do? We believe that the district has a long pattern of writing described the PTSD this employee union has such a strong hold on contracts that have “multipliers” that experienced in the job. As a result, a labor management relations here that supercharge wages, overtime, and majority of three Board members caved no elected Board will retirement benefits. The current labor agreement has the following stated wages as compared ever have the resolve Additionally, once to fix these economic you get to know the with the competing private ambulance services in our area: problems. The only way wonderful staff and Private to change this district the great individuals WLAD Paramedics: Paramedics: In actual budgeting, our district and make it operate more who work here, it is also required by the union to efficiently is to deny it is very difficult as a funding by voting against director to say “No” Step 1: $62,208 $48,253 cover first call sick leave, vacation, the Operating Levy. in a labor negotiation Step 2: $65,692 $50,202 PTO training, etc. at overtime We would be better that disrupts the Step 3: $69,370 $54,241 rates of pay. Last year this staffing off right now to contract harmony and morale Step 4: $73,255 $56,714 of overtime cost $303,769. out our community’s of the labor group. Step 5: $77,357 $60,258 ambulance ALS, BLS As a result, we Step 6: $81,689 $61,865 Because of this additional overtime and transport services have experienced Step 7: “ $63,556 the district budgets $86,850 on to a private company “contract creep” as “ $65,287 average for each of the 12 full time because the alternative is each new contract Step 8: forever increasing labor brings another raise Step 9: “ $67,265 positions. Supervisors earn 15% costs, benefits costs, and or “gimmee” for the Step 10: “ $69,078 additional hourly pay and the retirement liabilities that union. Step 11: “ $71,098 district budgets $122,586 for each are a tremendous burden Step 12: “ $73,076 of the 3 positions. This is far on our taxpayers, small It has also been true Step 13: “ $76,456 above what the Chief earns! businesses, and retirees in the past with Chief on fixed incomes. If Jim Langborg and with our current Chief Michael Schick, on our negotiating goals. We were not to hire or fire personnel, and previously we deny the ambulance district its that our District CEO, the fire and EMS proposing any operational changes, only did no employee performance reviews. operating levy, it will either have to Chief, has not been a true advocate for changes in compensation and benefits. They supervise four to six other contract out the services or learn how to staff the operation like any private taxpayers and has advised that “this is Therefore, the only changes would be employees on a shift. These levels of compensation are business would do. how things are done in government” economic. All staffing levels would We must say this: These first as opposed to how things would be remain the same. The same level of certainly far above the average wages managed by a private business. We professional medical transport and care for paramedics across the State of responders are our heros. We respect have seen evidence of this in costs would continue. In the end, although Oregon and across our country. The and appreciate them. Just like our within the budget process and with the the firefighters union publicly stated median wage for paramedics in the police officers, military, doctors and compensation and benefits proffered to that they would work with the district State of Oregon is $43,939 and the nurses, and our Coast Guard, who are staff positions not covered by the union on any economic challenges, the union median wage at the 90th percentile is also our heros. However, when “hero labor agreement. There is, in our would not make a single economic $55,665. (Source: Our worship” distracts us, or if we are taken opinion, a huge sense of entitlement counter-offer during negotiations and staff is being compensated at a level unfair advantage of by those who we entered mediation. Faced with that is 47% ABOVE the 90th percentile feel entitled and who are providing throughout the entire organization. We ask you to reflect on what the either placing our “last best and final for their peers in the state, and they “government service”, or if we are being meaning of “public service” is or should offer” and having either a strike or reach a salary of $77,357 in five years of ransacked by their trade union, we be. Our belief is that those who serve lockout, the Board settled on a contract service that is greater than the private must push back. Unless you believe the public owe a duty to keep costs that provided no cuts in compensation ambulance services pay at fifteen that paying far beyond normal levels of low and that taxpayers reward them or benefits but instead a freeze in wages years of service at $76,457. The same compensation is warranted, you should with a stable competitive living wage, for cost of living adjustments only. is true of the shift supervisors who vote No on any levy. Several levies have failed recently. In healthcare benefits, and a retirement Employees would still receive step each earn $122,586 per year. Keep plan. But what happens if “government” increases. This is a two-year contract. in mind that this is far more than the the last election Oakridge taxpayers becomes a servant of itself, constantly The union steadfastly denied that we Chief earns for managing the entire defeated a local option tax that would raising salaries, benefits and perks that have economic challenges despite department at $113,089. This is more have supported ambulance services. are far above what is offered in the losing money in three of the past four pay than is paid to the Director of the The Lane Fire Authority local option private business sector? This is exactly years and that these problems should, Port of Siuslaw Authority ($72,000), levy failed as well. In Marion County, if real, be fixed only with another tax more pay than is paid to the General voters rejected a levy and the district what has happened here in Florence. Manager of the Heceta Water District laid off 12 firefighter paramedics. In The district failed to negotiate a labor increase. Essentially the district has been PUD (Range $69,835 to $108,336), each case, the costs of these services agreement to bring labor costs back into alignment with what is offered operating at an audited loss each year more pay than is paid to a Florence was evaluated by voters and rejected. The WLAD Board intends to ask in the private sector. The previous for three of the past four years. As a Police Department Commander (range labor agreement was signed in March result we have been making up the $73,266 to $96,412), and more pay voters to renew the operating levy in 2017 just before directors, who (like shortfall by drawing against our savings than our Florence Police Chief earns at the November 2021 election, and if Larry Farnsworth), were elected in and assets. We eliminated our Building (range $89,055 to $117,191). The staff voted down, to ask again in the May May 2017 and installed in office in Capital Budget. Our current Equipment pay scales at the ambulance district are 2022 election. We believe your voices should be July 2017. We had to live with that Capital Budget forecasts exhausted certainly way above what most of our labor agreement until 2020 when the resources with diminishing balances small business owners earn in Florence heard by the Board as it deliberates on Besides the pay, another issue for a strategic future for these services in contract became open. We attempted each year as we take funds that should to negotiate a new labor agreement be reserved for equipment replacement WLAD is the outsized level of benefits. our community. If the Board cannot or Each employee accrues a month of will not correct this, you have the final this year. Our Board of Directors, to fund the labor agreement. Some will say that the call volume vacation at the end of their first year of say at the ballot box. Yes or No? understanding our fiscal losses in the last few years, and examining the parity has gone up and so have the costs to employment. This includes an accrual of wages and benefits in this industry, operate the district. This is true in for named holidays. They receive This informational page paid for by unanimously came to a consensus every ambulance area in our state. a generous health plan where they Larry Farnsworth about the economic changes we needed These same folks ignore the increases only pay 10% of the premium cost for RJ Pilcher in this new contract. We were looking in billed patient care services revenues, themselves and their family members. Joel Marks to potentially cut labor costs between increases in tax revenues due to With low deductibles on these plans, $250,000 and $480,000 per year. property developments, new homes the district also gives each employee PO Box 118 Florence OR 97439 This negotiating goal was reached by being constructed and added to tax $1,500 in cash per year for single management and the Board after we rolls, and property tax valuation employees and $3,000 per year for Unfortunately for taxpayers, the startup of this government run ambulance service has devolved into an extremely expensive operation. One of the great difficulties of managing our district has been that we are governed by elected volunteers who serve on a Board of Directors. We also have a manager or Chief as CEO. examined other comparable agencies and ambulance businesses and our desire to keep this district afloat. We believe that we need to operate it more like a private business in fairly representing the taxpayers who elected us. These concessions were publicly detailed and approved by line item in our budget plan for this year. We were willing to accept a minimum of $250,000 in cuts in a one year contract only because we didn’t have three of the five directors in consensus on the Board for the steeper $350,000 in cuts that were needed. The plan and negotiating goal was to cut $250,000 this year and get the remaining cuts in the following one-year contract. increases each year. As our population increases the number of homes and businesses will increase and thereby tax revenues increase. Unfortunately, the costs at WLAD have outpaced increased billed patient care revenues and even this incremental increased property tax revenue. The Board is contemplating a strategic planning process and asking you to consider a renewal of the operating levy. Then they may be considering asking you to allow a full merger of the Siuslaw Valley Fire Department and the Western Lane Ambulance District into a new tax district, at a higher permanent tax rate that will mask over the problems in the labor agreement. We oppose this merger. Exactly how much are our paramedics compensated? It should be noted that paramedics around the state and nation work around 2,912 hours per year. This is more than a regular full-time equivalent and is similar to firefighters. Sometimes they are very busy, sometimes not, but they are “on call” and during their duty time could be running calls, working on equipment, training, eating, resting/ sleep. Ask yourself, where can you go in the private business sector and earn $86,850 per year after earning a two- year Associate Degree? The three shift supervisors, each earning $122,586 have no budget authority, are not able