2A | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS On The Record OBITUARY TEMPLE —Charles (Chuck) Frances Tem- ple, loving husband, fa- ther, grandfather and great-grandfather, passed away March 3, 2021, at the age of 98. Chuck was born in North Platte, Neb., to Charles Francis Temple and Jenny Grace (Beeler) Temple, the youngest of seven children. He grew up in Bellflower, Calif., and graduated from Ex- celsior High School in 1940. At age 20, Chuck be- came a Marine Corps fighter pilot during World War II, joining shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He was severely wounded during the Bat- tle of Okinawa, when his Hellcat crashed on takeoff during an enemy bomb- ing raid. Chuck spent several years in hospitals recu- perating from his injuries. He returned to flying and finally left the Marine Corps in 1949 to attend in the cabinet business. He and his broth- ers ran Temple Counter Tops for 31 years. Chuck mar- ried Dorotha Rasor in 1983. Charles Temple In 1987, he college. retired and On July 8, 1950 he mar- moved to Florence, Ore., ried Mary Jane Jordan in where he taught wood- Los Angeles, Calif. They working at Lance Com- raised five children: Mary, munity College for 10 Charles, James, Gerald years. and Joan. They were mar- He also remained active ried for 32 years, until with his home woodshop, Mary’s passing in 1982. creating masterpieces for He attended the Uni- many. He was an active versity of California San- member of the Lion’s club, ta Barbara, graduating in Kiwanis and Elks clubs. 1952 with a degree in In- His favorite morning ac- dustrial Engineering. tivity was joining the daily ‘Following college, he coffee club at the Flor- taught school and, later, ence Airport, with sever- was a successful industrial al of his friends, until he and magnetics engineer in moved back to Eugene in the aerospace industry of 2018. Southern California. For the last two-and-a- In 1960, he moved his half years, Chuck lived in- family to Eugene, Ore., to dependently at the Springs join his two older broth- at Greer Gardens, making ers, Joeseph and Bernard, many new friends, and was part of the Veterans Club there. He is preceded in death by his parents, his six sib- lings, and his wife Mary. He is survived by his children: Joann McPher- son (Victor McPherson), Mary Temple Bosak (Rob- ert Bosak), Charles Tem- ple (Judy Temple), James Temple (Colleen Temple), Jerry Temple (Gloria Tem- ple), Joan Temple McIn- tyre (Brooks McIntyre), and Stephanie Rasor Mil- ner (Kevin Milner), along with his 15 grandchildren and seven great-grand- children. There will be a military service with full honors, at Willamette Nation- al Cemetery in Portland for the family. Later this spring, there will be a Cel- ebration of Life, with de- tails to follow. In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Springs at Greer Gardens Employee fund. Arrangements entrust- ed to Musgrove Family Mortuary. Access the obit- Ore., Lawrence McCabe uary and you are invited of Florence, Ore., Patrick to sign the guestbook at (Patricia) McCabe of Las Vegas, Nev., Roberta Mc- musgroves.com. PERRY—Audrey Mc- Cabe of Paso Robles, Ca- Cabe Perry, 86, of Flor- lif., and Scott (Stacy) Mc- ence, Ore., died Friday, Cabe of Springfield, Ore.; 20 grandchildren and 26 March 5, 2021. Funeral Mass will be great-grandchildren. Memorials in lieu of hed at St. Mary Our Lady of the Dunes Catho- flowers to St. Mary Our lic Church on Saturday, Lady of the Dunes 85060 S. Highway March 20, at 11 101, Flor- a.m. ence, Ore., She was pre- 97439, and/or ceded in death Alz-heimer’s by her parents, Ass o c i at i on , Adam and Ber- Oregon & nice Miller; her SW Wash- brother, Adam ington Chap- Miller; husbands Audrey Perry ter. Memo: In Joseph McCabe, Memory of Ernie Negri and Audrey Mc- Jim Perry; her children Michael and Lor- Cabe. Mail to: Alzheimer’s Association c/o 19031 raine. She is survived by 33rd Ave. W, Suite 301 her sister, Rita Buckley Lynnwood, Wash., 98036. Burns’s Riverside Chap- (John) of La Puente, Ca- lif.; her children: Anthony el Florence Funeral Home (Elaine) McCabe of Wich- is in charge of arrange- ita, Kan., Jeanne McCabe ments. of Florence, Ore., Phillip (Debi) McCabe of Eugene, DENTURE SERVICES INC. PeaceHealth eases hospital visitation restrictions With COVID-19 trans- mission falling in Lane County, PeaceHealth has eased its temporary “no-visitor” policy at all four Oregon hospitals to al- low one visitor per day, per patient, with some limited exceptions. For patients suspect- ed or confirmed to have COVID-19, the no-visitor policy remains, with limit- ed exceptions. This change applies to PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at River- Bend; PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center, University District; Peace- Health Cottage Grove Community Medical Cen- ter; and PeaceHealth Peace Harbor Medical Center. PeaceHealth Medical Group clinics will contin- ue to limit visitors to only those accompanying pa- tients needing assistance. The change in hospital visitation aims to balance safety with patient, care- giver and visitor well-being and satisfaction. Peace- Health will continue to diligently monitor the local prevalence of COVID-19 and will tighten these rules again if necessary, as the health and safety of caregiv- ers, patients and communi- ty remains the top priority. While most patients will be allowed only one desig- nated visitor per day, two may be allowed for patients at end-of-life as well as mi- nors, including infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Patients with disabil- ities may be allowed up to three support persons. Most hospitalized pa- tients with confirmed COVID-19 are not allowed visitors. Minors, Labor & Delivery and end-of-life patients may have one vis- itor. Any exceptions to the policy will be made at the discretion of PeaceHealth clinical care leader-ship. Also effective now, PeaceHealth will no lon- ger actively take the tem- perature of caregivers and visitors upon entry to any PeaceHealth Oregon facil- ity, in alignment with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention infection prevention recommenda- tions. However, anyone enter- ing a PeaceHealth facility will still be asked to con- firm that they do not have a fever or other common symptoms of COVID-19. There will still be ther- mometers available at screening stations for those who request a check. Visitors must wear a mask at all times and will be asked to limit their move- ment throughout the hos- pitals. They will be issued a dated bracelet identifying DONATE YOUR CAR FREE TOWING TAX DEDUCTIBLE Ask About A FREE 3 Day Vacation Voucher To Over 20 Destinations!!! “As a denture wearer myself, I can answer your questions and address your denture concerns.” ~ William Foster, LD Financing: Citi Health Card 12 Month no Interest 524 Laurel St. 541-997-6054 VEGGIE STARTS! ADD TO YOUR PACKAGE FOR ONLY 19 . 99 $ ORGANIC SEEDS & STARTS STRAWBERRY PLANTS /mo. where available 2-YEAR TV PRICE GUARANTEE SPRING BULBS! America’s Top 120 Package 190 CHANNELS DAHLIA, TRILLIUM LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY for 12 Mos. Including Local Channels! CALL TODAY - For $100 Gift Card Promo Code: DISH100 1-866-373-9175 Monday-Thursday 10am - 2 pm William Foster LD Sherry, Offi ce Manager See What’s New at the Nursery! Blazing Fast Internet! 64 Dentures Partial Dentures Immediate Dentures Implant Dentures Relines & Repairs Same Day LAUREL BAY GARDENS! Help Prevent Blindness Get A Vision Screening Annually MO. Here to serve your denture needs: Time for Spring Planting at 1-844-533-9173 99 Open 4 days a week! Life’s Short. Get Dirty. Imagine The Difference You Can Make $ LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED them as a visitor. While they can purchase food in the cafeterias, they must return to eat in the room of the patient they are vis- iting. All gift shops will remain closed to visitors. Visit peacehealth.org/ coronavirus for more infor- mation about safety mea- sures at PeaceHealth, as well as other education and prevention resources relat- ed to COVID-19. Offer ends 7/14/21. SPRING BLOOMING SHRUBS! All offers require credit qualification, 24-month commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees may apply based on credit qualification. RHODODENDRONS, AZALEAS FRAGRANT DAPHNE, LILACS Barbara Martin GARDEN STATUARY! BIRDBATHS FOUNTAINS, BENCHES TAXES & BOOKKEEPING Time to Wake Up Your Garden! Due to Covid 19, we are discouraging “in offi ce” appointments but are glad to receive your tax information by drop off in the mail slot at our offi ce or by mail or email. Please feel free to contact the offi ce with any questions or concerns. Please stay safe!” ESPOMA ORGANIC FERTILIZER Lawn, Shrub, Flowers ......... 10% Off FIVE-IRON LAWN FERTILIZER Keeps Moss Away .................. $19.95 VEGETABLE GARDENS Organic Chicken Manure ...... $7.95 BARBARA MARTIN Licensed Tax Consultant #71554 • EA #00107916 SHARI JAMES Licensed Tax Preparer #31250-P 32 YEARS 2285 Highway 101 Suite “K” • Florence, Oregon, 97439 (In the Coastal Fitness Shopping Center) LCB#6718 (541) 997-8833 • Toll Free (877) 549-6899 88493 Hwy. 101 Florence Open 7 days Just 2 min. 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