WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 ❚ SIUSLAW NEWS the complete bid solic- itation package. Publication Date: March 17, 2021 Please submit your entry for a chance to win a gift certifi cate: Who’s in the Snews!!! An IRS Incentive To Save For Retirement (NAPSI)—Saving for re- tirement can be diffi cult in the best of times but even harder during the pandemic and challenging economy. One thing that can make it easier is the Saver’s Credit, a tax credit made available by the IRS to eligible taxpay- ers. The Saver’s Credit could reduce your federal income taxes when you save for re- tirement through a qualifi ed retirement plan, such as a 401(k) plan or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). The 20th Annual Transa- merica Retirement Survey found that just 45 percent of full-time workers and only 32 percent of part-time workers are aware of the Saver’s Credit. “People who are saving for retirement may be able to claim the Saver’s Credit and reduce their federal taxes,” says Catherine Collinson, CEO and president of nonprofi t Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies®. “The Saver’s Credit is in addi- tion to benefi ting from the tax-advantaged treatment of saving for retirement. Many people could be confusing these two incentives, simply because the idea of a double tax benefi t sounds too good to be true.” What Is the Saver’s Credit? It is a non-refundable tax credit for contributions an eligible taxpayer makes to a 401(k), 403(b) or similar em- ployer-sponsored retirement plan, a traditional or Roth IRA, or an ABLE account. The maximum credit is $1,000 for single fi lers or individu- als and $2,000 for married couples fi ling jointly. Tips for Claiming the Saver’s Credit: 1.Check Your Eligibility To be eligible, the max- imum Adjusted Gross In- come (AGI) for single fi lers is $32,500 in 2020 and $33,000 in 2021. For the head of a household, the AGI maximum is $48,750 in 2020 and $49,500 in 2021. For those who are married fi ling jointly, the AGI max- imum is $65,000 in 2020 and $66,000 in 2021. You must be 18 years or older by January 1 and can- not be a full-time student or be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return. The IRS offers a quiz to easily determine if you qualify for the Saver’s Credit. 2.Save for Retirement To claim the Saver’s Credit for 2020, you must have con- tributed to a 401(k), a 403(b) or similar employer-spon- sored retirement plan or an ABLE account during 2020. Contributions to traditional or Roth IRAs are also eligible for the credit. You have until April 15, 2021 to make an IRA contribution for tax year 2020. Rollover contributions are not eligible for the credit. Hey Graphic Searchers By E-mail Only We need your name, phone number and where you found the graphic or an attached photo. Email: The Saver’s Credit—an over- looked IRS tax credit made available to eligible taxpay- ers—could make saving for retirement more affordable than many people realize. 3.File Your Tax Return and Claim the Saver’s Credit Let the IRS help you fi le your taxes. It has nine Free File partners that offer on- line tax preparation tools for free to taxpayers with an AGI of $72,000 or less. Learn more at FreeFile. •On your federal tax re- turns, you claim the Saver’s Credit by subtracting it from your total federal income taxes, it is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in your taxes. •If you are using an on- line tax preparation tool, be sure to answer questions about the Saver’s Credit, also referred to as the “Retire- ment Savings Contributions Credit,” or “Credit for Qual- ifi ed Retirement Savings Contributions.” •If you are preparing your tax return manually, com- plete Form 8880, Credit for Qualifi ed Retirement Sav- ings Contributions, to deter- mine your exact credit rate and amount. Then transfer the amount to the designat- ed line on Schedule 3. Infor- mation from Schedule 3 is then used on Forms 1040, 1040-SR, and 1040-NR. •If you are using a pro- fessional tax preparer, be sure to ask about the Saver’s Credit. “Consistently saving for retirement is fundamental to helping achieve fi nancial security in retirement,” says Collinson. “Another way to help you boost your retire- ment savings is to directly deposit any tax refund into an IRA. Saving more now could help you reap more later.” This important tax credit may help reduce what you owe in federal taxes or in- crease your refund. With so many people’s income being reduced since the pandemic, more Americans may be eligible to claim this credit. Help spread the word about the Saver’s Credit by telling family, friends, and colleagues. For more details and re- sources on the Saver’s Credit in English and Spanish, visit Transamerica Center for Re- tirement Studies at www. ersCredit. Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies is a division of Transamerica In- stitute®, a nonprofi t, private foundation Graphic Winners You can claim your $10 Gift Certifi cate to the Siuslaw News via email (mberg@thesiu- or telephone (541-997-3441). The value is equal to 13 consecutive Siuslaw News issues. You may add it to your current subscription or share with a friend. We’ll Help You Sell Your: ATV / RV Car / Truck Boat / Canoe / Kayak Motorcycle / Scooter Heavy Equipment We Guarantee It! Business & Service Directory D-057 CLEANING SERVICES Submit entry by 2PM Th ursday CCB #96660 Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. tfc 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services For clean as a whistle, call Brought to you by this newspaper in partnership with Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED PUBLIC NOTICES Major credit cards accepted Always in your newspaper: Now in your inbox, too. 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