SN THESIUSLAWNEWS.COM WEDNESDAY EDITION | MARCH 17, 2021 | $1.00 ODFW REGIONAL FISHING REPORT Lakes, Ponds, Reservoirs: Siuslaw News Sports & Leisure Sports Calendar March 17 • MHS Volleyball hosts T. Lake 6 pm March 18 • SHS Soccer at Marist 7 pm • MHS Football host Walport 7 pm • SHS Volleyball at Marist 6:45 pm March 19 • SHS Football at Harrisburg 7 pm March 20 • SHS Cross Country at Marist 9 am March 23 • SHS Volleyball at Marshfield 6:45 pm Tide Tables Entrance Siuslaw River High Tide Low Tide PHOTOS BY NED HICKSON/SIUSLAW NEWS Siuslaw senior quarterback Elijah Blankenship is pressured by the Eagles' defense in the third quarter as he looks for an open receiver. Viks land short of Eagles By Zeahna Young Siuslaw News Siuslaw: 21 Santiam Christian: 47 On Friday (March 12), the Vikings went head-to-head with Santiam Christian’s Ea- gles at Hans Petersen Field and, while Siuslaw played a dominant first half, it couldn’t hold on to that mo-mentum in the second half — eventually falling to the Eagles, 47-21. The Vikings started the first quarter with extreme tenac- ity fueled in part by Camp Lacouture, who stunned San- tiam Christian with a 38-yard run. Then, with just under 5 minutes remaining in the first quarter and nabbing an Eagles’ fumble, quarterback Elijah Blankenship managed Siuslaw junior lineman Henry Rankin leaps for a tackle against the Santiam Christian Eagles on Friday. to explode through the line on a 52-yard touchdown run for the Viks. Skyler Loomis then ran in the 2-point conversion for an 8-0 Siuslaw lead. With little over than 1 min- ute left in the quarter, Blan- kenship found Rhys Fleming on an eight-yard pass to the end zone to put Siuslaw ahead 14-0 to end the first quarter. Siuslaw also did a great job on defense in the first quarter, with the defensive backs cre- ating two turnovers and suc- cessfully blocking any See VIKINGS 2B Mid-coast lakes were stocked the first couple weeks of February. The lakes that have been stocked include: Cleawox, Munsel, Lost, Carter, Dune and Alder lakes. All these lakes are full of trout and are scheduled to be stocked again in March. Additional lakes are being stocked during the first two weeks of March: Siltcoos, Lost, Woahink and Mercer lakes. SIUSLAW RIVER: Winter steelhead Winter steelhead fishing continues to be slow on the Siuslaw. The river is now low and clear making it tougher to catch these fish, but there are still some fish being caught. The Siuslaw typically peaks in February and starts to slow down in March. The Whitaker Creek area is the best place to target returning hatchery fish. Hatchery fish are also planted in Lake Creek and are released into Green Creek. These returning hatchery fish will start to show up in December and peak in January and February. ALSEA RIVER: Winter steelhead Winter steelhead fishing continues to be slow on the Alsea. The river is now low and clear making it tough for the bank anglers on the NF Alsea but conditions are good for the drift boaters in the mainstem. Although it has been a slow year there are still fish to be caught in the system through the month of March. The later returning wild broodstock fish are providing the majori- ty of the catch now and typi- cally peak in March. Reminder: The popular winter steelhead bank fishery around the Alsea Hatchery remains open but the hatch- ery grounds are closed to the public. Anglers are required to park in the designated parking lot to access the river and can't park near hatchery. March 17 3:01am / 7.1 3:40pm / 6.0 9:35am / 0.9 9:26pm / 2.2 March 18 3:30am / 7.0 4:27pm / 5.6 10:16am / 1.0 9:57pm / 2.8 March 19 4:01am / 6.8 5:25pm / 5.2 11:03am / 1.2 10:32pm / 3.4 March 20 4:39am / 6.5 6:37pm / 4.9 11:59am / 1.2 11:21pm / 3.7 March 21 5:30am / 6.3 8:02pm / 4.9 1:06am / 1.2 March 22 6:37am 6.2 9:19pm / 5.1 12:37am / 4.0 2:18pm / 1.1 March 23 7:54am / 6.3 10:12pm / 5.5 2:08am / 4.0 3:22pm / 0.8 SHS cross country on course for runaway season By Zeahna Young Siuslaw News Last week, the Vikings’ cross country teams had stellar perfor- mances in two meets. The first was a dual meet against Marsh- field on Wednesday (March 10) at the Millicoma Trail. The sec- ond was an invitational at Ban- don Fugate Farms, where Siuslaw faced off against one of its main competitors this season, Bandon. The men’s and women’s teams took wins at both meets, show- casing their athleticism by run- ning two meets in three days. Athletic Director and head coach Chris Johnson explained his reasoning behind keeping both meets on the schedule last week. “When I put our schedule to- gether several months ago, ev- erybody was at the extreme risk [level], so it was looking like dual meets would be all we could do,” said Johnson. “As things have changed, it's opened up opportu- nities, but I felt like with agree- ments I made a while back, we needed to honor those.” ZEAHNA YOUNG /SIUSLAW NEWS Siuslaw freshman Rylee Colton (left) keeps pace with senior Brea Blankenship, who finished first and second, respective- ly, at last week's Millicoma and Bandon meets. As Johnson explained, “It was such a frenetic pace trying to put things together that I don't know if we really realized that the Ban- don meet and the Millicoma meet were only two days apart, and that's certainly not what we do. I like to race once a week, and this sport is way more about training than it is about racing.” At Millicoma, the Lady Viks finished first overall with a score of 15, with all five runners from Siuslaw finishing in the top six. Rylee Colton (19:44.9) and Brea Blankenship (20:18.1) placed first and second respec- tively. Next across the finish for Siuslaw was Gracie Freudenthal in fourth place with a time of 21:28.4. Jane Lacouture placed fifth, and Corduroy Holbrook was sixth, with times at 23:16.2 and 23:26.5, respectively. Johnson said the course at Millicoma helped the runners a great deal. “The course is pretty cool down there,” said the coach. “A lot of it was on the track; they have a 2K loop on a trail in the back of the track, and another 2K loop, so they could run pretty fast considering they didn't have to put a full effort in. It was more like a practice with uniforms on than it was a meet.” The men’s team finished just as strong, with Siuslaw scoring 15, and Marshfield 48. In addition, the boys had eight runners fin- ish in the top 10. The first three to cross the finish for Si-uslaw were Chad Hughes (16:54.8), Samuel Ulrich (17:26.5) and Kyle Hughes (17:46.2). They were See SIUSLAW 2B Hello Florence! Th is picture was taken pre-COVID last year. Alice Sichting-Burns, Diana Hackett and I all started at Coldwell Banker in 2004. So with another year under our belt, we have 48 years of combined experience to help you. We stand strong to serve you. Give us a call for all your real estate needs 100 Hwy. 101, Florence, OR • 541.997.7777 Lynnette Wikstrom Broker “We’re next to the Bridge.” · Cell: 541.999.0786 COAST REAL ESTATE