12A | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS Pickup Our All New Visitor Resource Guide & MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Filled with valuable information including a complete list of all our members. S FOR T N E V E L A U N N A AREA E C N E R O L F E TH our mem- mmerce is here for a Chamber of Co tinue Are con ce to y ren nit Flo mu e Th com r visitors and our doing all ber businesses, ou of commerce and se cau the g cin van p, eat, promoting and ad ce to live, work, sho rence the best pla s. Flo sse pa ke sis ma cri to -19 can VID we now, and as the CO play, and stay — is always ers mb me y nit commu r businesses and health and The health of ou ring the evolving particularly so du d erefore, an Th , . nd -19 mi VID of top ing CO stances surround ume this economic circum ld in 2020 will res he t no re we t on and nts tha eg eve Or al n nu pe an reo ny ma it safe to authorities deem h alt he ce on r yea the central coast. to enjoy all back to Florence welcome visitors to l happen it wil wa at t Th no er. can We has to off astal Playground lifted. Co ’s are on ns eg tio Or t tric tha y res e to do so and an as soon as it is saf EXPLOR e Florence d promotions from th Learn about events an r.c be om, where 3128 or FlorenceCham Chamber at 541-997- s E-Blast. co ly v Bu e D we is ek er sin Or es egon’s Co you can sign up for ak th e mem E FLORE astal Playg M 16 NCE ories with ly and fami- around th friends as you race e tional Re Oregon Dunes Na preserve creation - and bird Area on own ATV, sanctuary. your scend mor or De e than 20 a professio thrill to the skills 0 feet throu - solid basa of nal sand gh lt rock via rail driver you tear elevator an emerge in as up one sid d to e foot dune main of th the 12-story tall do , and dash of a 500- - ese raucou other. Sla do wn the Up top, yo s residents. lom down u a can view sandboar Heceta He d (think sn dune on a the historic owboard, ad warmer), Li gh tstation but miles of sp or hike to and ec your hear content. You might tacular ocean views t’s . even spot year-roun one of th Or … pict d e re ure yourse passing po sident whales or lf on the ter! Lakes a d of orcas. wa- (more than streams, riv a dozen wi The highes th er t viewpoint kayak, cano , or ocean — we’ve in a dozen miles), gon Coast on the Ore- e, wakebo at Cape Pe is about 20 ard, SUP, su got ’em all — in a fishing bo rpetua , wh miles north at. And go rfboard, kit tid er e e po be ol lo lf … are yo s, and an eboard, or w you wi ing course in ll u kidding te s are open find ro rp und whale retive cent ? Two am all year an all skill lev watching. er, as well trails, az- d offer ch els as year- allenges fo If ar a skate pa . We’ve got tennis, ts and cu r pickleball rk too. lture are courts, an your thing, d many gallerie Oh, and be sp s, en our histo d time in ac tory museu ric pionee our beaches fo hes! We’ve got 20 ms, local r or milit miles of un r picnics playhouses theater, or ary his- and sand tidepoolin crowded the specta or art-hou castles, be g, or roman cu se Ce lar nt m ov er 45 ac ie th 0- hcombing seat Floren at regular tic sunset catch your , ly hosts wo str own dinn rld-class en ce Events er! Salmon olls. You could even More sturgeon, tertainers. of a thrill-s , trout, ba crab, and ss, flounde eeker? Bo clams mak Siuslaw Ri ok r, and tour som e their ho ver. e of the m a flight on a WWII me in the Amer biplane ost specta ica. If th If you’re in cular coas to hiking Three Rive e thrill of gaming is ancient fo aging, ge more your tline in rs Casino ocaching, rests, mus style, visit Resort fo of games, or trail rid hroom fo r re we’ve got th sta eir urants, an r- ing that too. Th d famous-n exciting variety ere are mile on bikes or horses, You ca unmarked) ame enterta n s of well-m trails and iners. arked (and page read about all of thes backroads among th s. And that e — and m surroundi e state an ’s just the ng Florenc d county ore — in th lands, and start of yo parks, US e tion on the Or ese the Siusla ur Forest Serv eg ne on w Nationa xt Co ep ast! Co ic vaca- ice beach … or tw l Forest . Nearby, th o … or a wh me, make it a day e iconic Se at ol th e e week! a Lion Ca of wild! No To plan yo ves is no thing can ur next Or thing shor pr America’s egon t visit FlorenceC largest sea epare you for the hamber.com Coast vacation ge grandeur cave and its Stellar sea Fa ce ta of bo wa /A ok hu dv lions, all pa y, rt of a priva ndreds of resident newslet at Florence Oregon entures, follow us on Coast, and te tely owne 8 jo d wildlife on loca r for great money -saving de in our email l events. als an florence d details chamber.c round Please Support Our Members Who Support Our Community! om | 541- 997-3128 2021 S BUSINES RY DIRECTO 3 Pages 32-5 Follow us on these channels: For more info call: (541) 997-3128 or email: info@fl orencechamber.com