SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 2021 | 5A SEISMIC from page 1A a catastrophic earthquake and its potential consequences. The Japan quake served as a wake- up call to many vulnerable com- munities,” said Pat Kirby, Peace Harbor facilities manager. “The State of Oregon started to press the need for earthquake resil- ience, and money started be- coming available through grants for various projects, including seismic upgrades. We saw the need to make sure that medical service would be available to our PAC from page 1A PAC meetings as the city council’s represen- tative, tasking her with conveying the wishes of the council regarding the purchase, placement and expansion of the art col- lection owned, displayed and maintained by the city. She joined the meeting in progress and briefly in- troduced herself to com- mittee members. “I am really excited to meet you all and I am re- community in a Cascadia event.” Peace Harbor was award- ed a grant for $2.5 million for the project through the state’s Seismic Rehabilitation Grant Program, which targets both schools and first-responder buildings, including hospitals, 9-1-1 centers and fire and po- lice stations. More than eight years ago, the hospital began working with the Oregon De- partment of Geology & Mineral Industries to develop evacua- tion and inundation zone maps, which allowed Peace Harbor to ally excited to get start- ed. I was at FRAA this morning and walking downtown and I just love what you guys are doing with the ‘Art Exposed,’” Wisniewski said. “That, to me, is really exciting and I am looking forward to getting my teeth into it.” The city councilor re- ferred to PAC’s “Art Ex- posed” rotating art gal- lery, which has placed two rounds of sculptures in Historic Old Town Flor- ence on Bay Street. During the meeting, Get Results...List With Tim. Tim Sapp Owner / Principal Broker 541 999-8230 apply for the grant. The construction component of the upgrade was done by Se- attle-based contractor Lease Crutcher Lewis, which finished Peace Harbor’s year-long seis- mic upgrades on budget and on time. The project includ- ed retrofitting footings in 47 locations within the hospital and placing new wall anchors in more than 50 locations. The grant also covered upgrades to mechanical, plumbing and elec- tric systems. The Cascadia Subduction Weese led PAC members through a training ses- sion detailing the struc- ture and processes used by the City of Florence in relationship to its com- mittees, commissions and boards. She also spoke on the role of the PAC chair- person and the manner in which PAC members communicate with the media. After this, Community Economic Development Assistant Sarah Moehrke reviewed projects which Zone is a 600-mile fault line just off the Pacific coastline, extend- ing from northern California to British Columbia. Oregon has the potential for a 9.0+ magni- tude earthquake and a resulting tsunami of up to 100 feet high. Kirby noted that experts have determined that Peace Harbor lies outside the tsunami zone, even under a worst-case scenario. Next, he said Peace Harbor will research options for set- ting up automated water-line shutoffs and backup generator start-ups through ShakeAlert, have been completed by PAC, such as about Art Exposed, and those re- maining in the workplan, such as the steps at the Siuslaw River Bridge. PAC was formed in 2015 and tasked with the mandate of integrating art into the community, with the additional goal of ac- cruing economic benefits from visitors that include Florence in their travel plans specifically to view art. The committee’s duties include: establishing and SWANSON’S PEST MANAGEMENT INSPECT – CORRECT – PROTECT SUSTAINED PEST MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR HOME AND BUSINESS Jake Mann Lane #8700 – Ocean and valley views, southern exposure, and gorgeous sunsets, have captivated many homeown- ers living in Rhodo View Dunes Estates. This lot is ready to build, with all utili- ties to the lot line and paved road to the building site. $75,000. #1875-10028201 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 an earthquake early-warning system. Coincidentally, the State of Oregon purposefully chose this week’s Japan earthquake an- niversary date for the launch of ShakeAlert. The system can send alerts seconds ahead of shaking to area residents, as well as utilities, schools, hospitals and other critical service pro- viders. For more information, visit For more information about PeaceHealth Peace Harbor, visit maintaining a city art col- lection; developing a map and list of desired loca- tions and projects for fu- ture accessions; preparing for and securing funding for additional art works; and considering projects by private developers and citizens that would result in public art. During the past two years, PAC has been at the center of some public conflict between former Florence City Councilor Joshua Greene and Mayor Joe Henry, at times turn- ing the attention from art and creativity to the per- sonalities involved in the administration of PAC- led programs. In that time, a funda- mental shift occurred in the mechanisms used to fund PAC’s art purchas- es. The future of those purchases is now unclear following a decision by Florence City Council to no longer provide fund- ing through the Florence Urban Renewal Agency (FURA). The reduction in money available for PAC for its various projects is one of the challenges the committee will face next as members look to es- tablish a funding mecha- nism. At the end of the meet- ing, PAC chose Maggie Bagon as its new chair- person, with Beaudreau agreeing to continue as vice chair. The next PAC meeting is scheduled for April 12. 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