2A | SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS On The Record AMBULANCE/FIRE Western Lane Ambulance District and Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue Ambulance and fire call runs Feb. 21-27 Date Time 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/22/21 2/22/21 2/22/21 2/22/21 2/22/21 2/22/21 2/22/21 2/22/21 2/22/21 2/22/21 2/22/21 2/23/21 2/23/21 2/23/21 2/23/21 2/23/21 1:08 1:15 6:31 10:56 12:52 13:13 17:02 17:55 18:08 19:21 23:12 6:48 9:38 13:24 14:21 15:19 16:45 17:38 17:40 22:08 22:11 22:47 0:50 3:22 4:21 8:03 8:15 Area Type 31st St No Transport Willow Lp SVFR Transport to PHH 9th St Transport to PHH Boy Scout Rd SVFR Transport to BAH Maple St Assist, Public 9th St Transport to ALF Sweet Creek Rd SVFR, LCSO, OSP Harbor St Transport to PHH Medical, 9th St SVFR Transport to PHH Hwy 126 Transport to PHH Hwy 126 No Transport Medical, Nopal St SVFR No Transport Odor, Hwy 101 SVFR Public Assist Manzanita Dr Transport to PHH Rhododendron Dr No Transport 9th St Transport to PHH 9th St Transport to RB 9th St Transport to ALF Cherry St Assist, Public 1st St No Transport Cloudcroft Ln No Transport 9th St Transport to RB 19th St Assist, Public Maple St Transport to PHH 9th St Transport to RB Spruce St Transport to PHH Hwy 36 Transport to PHH Date Time 2/23/21 2/23/21 2/23/21 2/23/21 2/23/21 2/23/21 2/23/21 2/24/21 2/24/21 2/24/21 2/24/21 2/24/21 2/24/21 2/24/21 2/24/21 2/24/21 2/24/21 2/24/21 2/24/21 2/25/21 2/25/21 2/25/21 2/25/21 2/25/21 2/25/21 2/25/21 2/25/21 11:14 12:52 13:07 13:10 14:14 16:20 17:27 7:05 8:19 10:48 11:28 12:10 14:03 14:52 16:29 18:57 18:57 20:33 21:24 0:07 0:44 1:21 9:13 11:49 11:51 11:55 12:51 Area Type Medical, Hwy 126 SVFR No Transport Alarm, Hwy 101 SVFR Public Assist MVA, Hwy 101 SVFR No Transport private residence Transport to PHH 9th St Transport to SHMCUD Sherwood Lp SVFR Transport to PHH Pioneer Rd Transport to PHH 19th St Assist, Public Munsel Creek Dr Transport to PHH Hwy 101 Transport to PHH 19th St No Transport Smoke, S Woahink Lake SVFR Public Assist Sherwood Lp Assist, Public MVA, Hwy 101 SVFR, FPD Assist, Public Medical, Old Ferry Rd SVFR Transport MVA, Hwy 101 SVFR Transport to PHH MVA, Hwy 101 SVFR Transport to PHH 9th St Transport to MKWMC S Pioneer Rd Assist, Public Odor, 27th St SVFR Public Assist Medical, S Pioneer Rd SVFR Assist, Public 9th St Transport to RB Leeward Dr Transport to PHH Hwy 36 Transport to PHH Rhododendron Dr SVFR Transport to PHH Medical, Airport Rd SVFR Landing Zone Skookum Dr Assist, Public Date Time 2/25/21 2/25/21 2/25/21 2/25/21 2/26/21 2/26/21 2/26/21 2/26/21 2/26/21 2/26/21 2/26/21 2/26/21 2/26/21 2/26/21 2/26/21 2/26/21 2/27/21 2/27/21 2/27/21 2/27/21 2/27/21 2/27/21 2/27/21 2/27/21 2/27/21 2/27/21 2/27/21 14:09 14:09 15:30 23:13 7:29 7:39 9:29 9:39 11:16 11:25 13:48 15:42 16:05 21:31 22:32 23:25 0:46 1:17 4:29 7:17 8:22 13:22 14:47 20:31 21:54 22:57 23:11 Area Type Medical, Hwy 101 Assist, Public Hwy 101 Transport to PHH 9th St CCT -Transport to RB Smoke, Bay St SVFR Public Assist Hwy 101 Transport to PHH Manzanita Dr No Transport 9th St Transport to ALF Pacific Pines RV Park SVFR Public Assist Alarm, Rhodendron Dr SVFR Public Assist 9th St Transport to ALF 9th St Transport to ALF 9th St Transport to RB Rhododendron Dr Transport to PHH Friendly Acres Rd SVFR Transport to PHH 9th St CCT -Transport to RB Medical, Collard Lp SVFR Transport 9th St Transport to RB Hwy 126 No Transport Cloudcroft Ln Transport to PHH Medical, Kateech Dr SVFR Transport Hwy 36 Transport to PHH Hwy 101 Transport to PHH Medical, 18th St SVFR No Transport Rhododendron Dr FPD Transport to PHH Rhododendron Dr SVFR Transport to PHH Medical, Hwy 101 SVFR No Transport private residence Transport to PHH Florence City Council to meet again Monday; citizens can attend virtually Next Monday, March 15, at 5:30 p.m., the Florence City Council will hold its regularly scheduled meet- ing via videoconference. Due to COVID-19 re- strictions, citizens will not be able to attend City meet- ings in person. Interested citizens may listen and view the meeting through the ‘GoToWebi- nar’ platform. For access to a link to the meeting, visit the City of Florence website at www.ci.florence.or.us/ council/city-council -meet- ing-197. Meetings are also shown live on Cable Channel 191 and online at www.ci.flor ence.or.us/citymanager/ public-meetings-live. Those without access to the internet or Charter Ca- ble may listen to the meet- ing live via phone confer- ence line. To do so, contact City Recorder Kelli Weese at 541-997-3437. Those wishing to ex- press their views to the City Council may do so in the following ways: 1. Written Testimony: Written testimony can be submitted by: a.) Email to the City Re- corder at kelli.weese@ci. florence.or.us; b.) Mail to Florence City Hall, Attn: City Council, 250 Hwy 101, Florence, OR 97439 c.) Drop Off at the City of Florence drop box located at Florence City Hall (250 Hwy 101) to the right of the main entrance. Note: Written comments received at least 2 hours pri- or to the meeting (March 15 by 3:30 p.m.), that concern a public hearing or action item on the agenda, or are designated as comments to be provided for the meet- ing, will be distributed to the City Council, posted to the City of Florence web- site, and made part of the record. 2. Verbal Testimony: Cit- izens may provide verbal comments at the meeting via the Go-toWebinar plat- form. To do so, complete a speaker’s card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting (March 15 by 4:30 p.m.). Speakers cards are available online at www. ci.florence.or.us/council / request-address-city-coun- cil-speakers-card or by con- tacting City Recorder Kelli Weese at 541-997-3437. Once a speaker’s card is re- ceived, City staff will then contact the speaker to let them know the process to participate in the meeting. For more information, visit www.ci.florence.or.us/ em/public-meeting-during- covid-19. Siuslaw Public Library Dstrict Board meeting to be held virtually March 17 A regular meeting of the Siuslaw Public Library Dis- trict Board of Directors will be held Wednesday, March 17, beginning at 1 p.m. This meeting will include remote participation by board members as outlined in Governor Kate Brown’s Executive Order 20-16. The public is invited and email prior to the meeting. encouraged to attend re- Basic information about motely by phone or online, this attendance option is and may submit questions available on the agenda. and public comments via Anyone in need of in- struction in this attendance method may also reach out to Library Director Meg Spencer directly at meg@ siuslawlibrary.org or 541- 997-3132. A complete agenda for the meeting is available on- line at www.siuslawlibrary. org. State of Oregon releases plan for Climate Change Adaptation Framework SALEM — The State of Oregon’s new Climate Change Adaptation Frame- work calls for a coordinat- ed, multi-agency response to climate change. The framework empha- sizes that climate change is a stress multiplier, unequally affecting Oregonians. Pro- duced in association with the recently released Ore- gon Climate Assessment, the framework recom- mends responses to climate change in six categories: economy, natural world, built environment and in- frastructure, public health, cultural heritage, and social relationships and systems. The framework calls for three immediate actions. First, establish a multi-agency leadership structure to set priorities, ensure coordination among agencies and achieve bal- ance across the state’s econ- omy, resources, and com- munities. Second, complete a com- prehensive vulnerability and social resiliency as- sessment to identify Orego- nians most at risk and what they need in order to adapt to a changing climate. Third, implement poli- cies and processes that cen- ter equity in all state deci- sion making and programs. The Climate Equity Blue- print, produced along with the Framework, provides tools to assist state agencies in the delivery of equitable climate change adaptation programs to underserved WEATHER DATA D ATE H IGH March 2 March 3 March 4 March 5 March 6 March 7 March 8 53 48 52 52 50 50 49 L OW R AIN 33 29 40 39 36 37 35 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.57 0.06 0.57 0.09 Rainfall Week: 1.48” Month: 1.48” Year: 22.67” Courtesy of Roger Cunningham and overburdened urban and rural communities. “The Blueprint guides us as we work to meaningful- ly partner with communi- ties hardest hit by climate change,” said Emily York of the Oregon Health Author- ity, which helped produce the Blueprint. “As reported in the Or- egon Climate Assessment, wildfires, floods, drought, heatwaves, coastal ero- sion, and marine chang- es will hit Oregon more frequently and severely,” said Christine Shirley of the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, which co- ordinated the Framework. “The multi-agency process that created the Framework revealed ways that existing state programs can be lever- aged to adapt to a changing climate. We found the need to integrate our programs to harness the state’s capaci- ty, in cooperation with local government and our com- munity partners, to ensure that Oregon’s people, econ- omy, and ecosystems thrive in the face of rapidly accel- erating climate change.” The framework will be- come part of the Oregon Natural Hazard Mitiga- tion Plan, which qualifies the state to receive Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster WE ARE NOW HIRING! CAREGIVER POSITION Are you a caregiver or have you ever considered becoming one? Spruce Point Assisted Living & Memory Care is seeking compassionate, service-oriented individuals who have a knack for providing assistance to those in need. You don’t have to be certifi ed; we will train you and help you get up to speed, if you’re not already! If you desire to work in an upbeat and supportive environment that is packed full of love, give us a call or send us your resume. $250 Sign on bonus. COMPETITIVE WAGES • FRIENDLY WORK ENVIRONMENT PROPER ON-THE-JOB TRAINING • SUPPORTIVE TEAM & COLLABORATION FAIR HOURS SPRUCE-POINT.COM • 541.997.6111 • FLORENCE • BWINGFIELD @SPRUCE-POINT.COM assistance and mitigation funds. These funds augment state investments to build resilience by strengthening infrastructure and build- ings, and enhancing the ability of natural systems to withstand hazard events exacerbated by climate change. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- istration (NOAA) provided partial funding, allowing the Department of Land Conservation and Devel- opment to coordinate the project. Dozens of state agency staff contributed many hours to the frame- work development. Funding from the Cen- ters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Ore- gon Department of Forestry supported development of the Climate Equity Blue- print. The Oregon Climate Change Research Institute provided information on observed and projected climate changes and their effects on physical and ma- rine environments. The Oregon Climate Change Adaptation Frame- work and Climate Equity Blueprint can be down- loaded at www.oregon.gov/ lcd/CL/Pages/Adaptation -Framework.aspx. The site also provides more information about the project and its implementa- tion. Visit us on the web T HE S IUSLAW N EWS . COM S IUSLAW N EWS