2B | SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS Viks from 1B Tupua, as well as two aces. Zoe Alberty had a clutch tip, followed by an ace, af- ter which point Siuslaw held the lead until the set’s end. The Viks clinched the set win with a very sneaky tip from Norton, finishing 25- 21. Time spent in prac- tice on maintaining focus clearly paid off. In addi- tion to working on staying unshakeable, Cole spent a great deal of time in prac- tice with the girls on serv- ing. According to Cole, “That first set [tonight] was so close because we had six missed serves. And then that second game, we blew them away, and we didn't have any missed serves. We really drilled that into them — in practice, we were run- ning for missed serves.” Soccer from 1B second goal, again on a breakaway, but this time from a rebound off of the goalie. Lane followed the ball in and finished for the score. Siuslaw and Junction City remained tied at 2-2 for about a third of the sec- ond half. “We got tired, and we didn't have any subs and [Junction City] did. I think our legs just got tired,” Tomaro said. “We still we had chances; it's not that we weren't pushing up the field and taking shots at the end of the game, we were — we just weren't connecting with the net.” Towards the end of the game, Junction City scored three more times, with goalie Derrick Van-duch making two saves on de- fense. Tomaro made note of the fact that her team would have to focus a bit more on offense moving forward. “I think some of the changes we did in the sec- ond half with moving the lineup around are things that we're going to start out doing in the future, because it gives us more of a push into the other team’s end, and a little bit more pressure on offense,” she said, adding that the team’s line-up in the first half was heavily defensive. “And as one of our players pointed out rather force- fully at halftime, you can't win games if you don't score,” added Tomaro. “You need to get bodies up in front of the goal in order to get those scoring opportunities.” Tomaro also made mention of the fact that she would need to bring more kids over from the JV team in order to have enough subs for her varsi- ty team to play strong for the duration of a game. “Both teams had no subs, so it's not that I was giving more to the JV, but I think that I need to give less to the JV because they’ve won both of their games, handily,” said To- maro. “I need some of that play to be able to come in and substitute. There are players on that team who can be varsity subs. It would just let us move things around a little bit more.” Both Tomaro and her players are learning a great deal during their varsity debut this season. And while Tuesday’s loss hurt, the Vikings took it in stride heading into Thurs- day night’s match against Elmira. “We knew going in that it was a big step up from Cole the explained that one player brought the idea up [in practice]. “She said, ‘Well, we should do this on game day.’ I was like, ‘Okay, let's do it,’” said Cole. “They put their own con- sequenc-es on themselves, and that really pushed them.” That time spent practice serving was fruitful Tues- day, with Hayden Muller starting off the next set serving nine consecutive serves. Norton and Blake were ferocious on the net, and Muller had several kills from the back row. The Lady Viks were nearly unstoppable, with a block and two aces from Tupua, as well as a kill from Hailee Outlaw, bringing Siuslaw to a 12-point lead near the end of the second set. One more kill from Outlaw, along with two more from the outside cor- ner from Blake, sealed the win at 25-15. Cole explained that a lot of time in practice was spent on net presence as well, which was clear to see in sets two and three. “Just after seeing how we did against Marist up at the net, it's 100 percent differ- ent today from the Marist game,” said Cole. “We were really aware at the net to- night, and that helped us out a lot, too, because we just drilled it back if [Elmi- ra] overpassed it. We were ready for it. And we really worked on that in practice.” Siuslaw smashed it even harder in the third set, with kills from Norton, Blake and Tupua straightaway. Cole noted that making the decision to move fresh- man Meika Shappell up to var-sity full time this week was also helpful to the team — including an ace from Shappell in the third set. “She was swinging at Marist [last week] and I only had one set with her,” said Cole. “I made the de- cision to bring her up full time, and it's really helped us a lot. She really is aware on the court for being a freshman, she really knows what she's doing. Seeing her grow within the next couple of years is going to be awesome.” Outlaw had one more kill, along with three kills and a pair of aces from Tupua. The Viks also got an ace from Alberty. In the end, Blake proved unstop- pable at the net, pulling in three more kills for a final score of 25-10 to complete the sweep over Elmira. Cole was proud of Blake’s performance, saying, “She had 13 kills tonight —a great game! It’s funny be- cause all practice she was [struggling with her tim- ing], and then she comes out to-night and has a kill- er game. She just didn't let that affect her at all.” Blake’s time spent on the net in practice translated into successfully psyching out the Falcons. “I was telling her she needed to find their holes on the court, and there were a few to tip into. She tipped in one of them, and she got a kill,” said Cole. “That next hit, the block was nowhere there; they were so far apart, and they weren't ready for it.” Muller, the team’s libero, had a great game as well, proving herself to be one of the key assets to the team’s success. “Hayden had a killer game serving,” said Cole, who added that Muller’s positive attitude af-fects the rest of the team. “That's how she is in general. Be- fore we even had our first game, I told her, ‘You need to keep that energy because [the team is] going to feed off of that.” The team played more cohesively and with more energy than they did in last week’s match with Marist. “We were just way more aware,” said Cole. “I hate to blame the Marist game on us being rusty, but that's a big part of it. Only having seven practices and then coming out here for our first game, it's hard. I'm just really happy with how we did tonight. They took everything we did in prac- tice last week and brought it all out here.” The Lady Vikings played again Thursday night (March 11) at Junction City, with the Tigers win- ning in three sets, 25-13, 25-21, 25-19. Tupua led with 11 kills and 8 blocks, Blake had 6 kills and Outlaw had 3. Siuslaw plays again Tues- day, on the road at Cottage Grove, beginning 6:45 p.m. No spectators are allowed into games without ad- vanced notice. JV, but just getting out on the field and expe-rienc- ing that is a different thing altogether,” said Tomaro. “So, we're finding our feet a little bit, but we're compet- itive, so nobody is rolling over us easily.” That was evident two nights later against the Fal- cons (March 11). Tomaro’s Vikings were able to step up their game even further, with Siuslaw pulling out the win and smashing Elmira 4-0. Tomaro said she expect- ed her team to perform better against Elmira, ex- plaining, “We knew this was more of our matchup going in, we know sort of where the teams fall out, and the dif-ferent levels. So, we knew this was going to be a much better match- up for us than some of the other games.” The Viks played strong defense in the first half, which allowed them to spend most of the time pushing up the field on of- fense. The first goal of the game was actually an own- goal by a an Elmira defend- er, who accidently nudged the ball into the net instead of out of the field of play. Shortly after, senior Jaxson Jensen was able to score a second goal for the Viks. “[It] was a beautiful cross-goal shot by Jaxson,” Tomaro said of Jensen’s goal, which he took from the left side of the goal and across to the right side of the goal. The Vikings had seven total shots in the first half, with Lane making two saves in the first half as well. Siuslaw came out just as hungry in the second half, scoring two more goals. The first was put in again by Jensen, on a free kick just outside the penalty area near the corner. “The goalkeeper al- most caught it, but the ball popped out of his arms and went into the goal,” said Tomaro. Freshman Dylan Jensen scored the fourth goal, capitalizing off a corner kick from Jaxson Jen-sen. “It was a beautifully timed shot from the Jensens,” To- maro said, explaining how Dylan connected with the ball on the outside of his foot, redirecting it into the top right corner of the goal. The Vikings continued executing strong offense in the second half, taking 11 shots total. Meanwhile, Vanduch held strong on defense, making four saves in the second half — in- cluding a beautiful diving block. “It was really fun to see our team settle in and play a good passing game and give each other the space to make plays while still being in supportive positioning,” Tomaro said. “It's always exciting to win, it’s exciting to see your kids play, all of it, first home game win!” While the teams were more evenly matched than in the previous two games, Tomaro also felt that the team performed so well be- cause they are finally start- ing to sync up. “Probably part of it was that they weren't having their first night jitters,” said the coach. “Part of it was that they really settled into their passing game, and they're really getting used to playing together. “I think the more game time we have, the more they're going to gel, and the more they're go-ing to trust each other to play their po- sitions and know how their teammates are going to move the ball around. And we had subs today — That makes a difference.” Above all, Tomaro’s team is improving with each game, which is the biggest thing a coach can hope for in the first year of a new program. The Vikings next take on Marist Catholic at home to- day (March 13) at 2 p.m. As Lane County moved into the Moderate Risk category on Friday (March 12), Siuslaw soccer may have up to 150 spectators at the match, provided a health screening is com- pleted on site. Do you part and volunteer today to help support these organizations in our community. S¯Ž„Æ‘„¼ Ԅ |pª {ʓ£€ p Ô¯¼£€ ԑ„¼„ „Ó„¼Ú¯ª„ ‘pÀ p €„|„ªÆ ¹£p|„ Ư £“Ó„ Assisting those in need in our Community. Free Hot Meals Mon-Wed-Fri 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM HELPING HANDS COALITION New Location:Community Baptist Church 4590 Hwy. 101, Florence (Across from Fred Meyer) Call 541-997-5057 to Volunteer relies heavily on volunteers. Th ere are many opportunities to volunteer and a variety of skills and talents are always in need. Volunteer interest forms may be found online, at the shelter and at our Th rift Shop on Bay Street. www.oregoncoasthumanesociety.org/volunteer/ Saving men one PSA test at a time. 541-997-6626 maribob@oregonfast.net Someone to talk to... who understands! To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441 Faith – Friendship - Fellowship – Fun CHURCH DIRECTORY To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST FOURSQUARE CHURCH OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 1624 Highway 101 (next to A&W) –- 997-6337 2705 Munsel Lake Road, All are welcome! Pastor George Pagel – Something for the entire family. Zoom Worship Services: 10 AM & 11:30 AM Sunday. Sun. Services: 10:45 a.m. Bishop Larry Farnsworth 541-999-1979 Wednesday Bible Study returns this Fall. Website: florence4square.com COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 4590 Hwy. 101, Across from Fred Meyer –- 997-7418 NEW LIFE LUTHERAN E.L.C.A. Sunday School, 9:30a.m. – Worship, 10:45 21st & Spruce Streets—997-8113 Wed. Prayer - 6:00 p.m. – Pastor Jim Abbott, All are welcome. Wed. Ministries 1-8 Grade 7 p.m. Sunday in-person worship service@ 10:30. Also available to you on website www.florencenewlifelutheran.org. CROSS ROAD ASSEMBLY OF GOD Corner of 10th & Maple- 541-997-3533 Sunday Services are 9am and 11am and on PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE SIUSLAW Facebook live and KCST at 11am 3996 N Hwy 101 541-997-7136 Wednesdays at 7pm Internet and in person Sunday services at 10AM, https://www.florencecrossroadag.org/church-online Call the church for details. Other platforms update after the service. Reverend Greg Wood florencecrossroadag.org All Welcome. Come as you are. office@florencecrossroadag.org RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) “War is still not the answer.” FCNL FLORENCE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Since we meet in homes, we are taking a mindful pause. 2nd & Ivy - 541-997-2961 - Non-Denominational Call 997-4237 or 902-9511 for information. Service is on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Sunday Service also streaming live at 10:00 am RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH, L.C.M.S. at florencechurch.com Worship Services 10am 1st & 2nd Sunday and 8am 3rd & 4th Sunday FLORENCE CHURCH OF CHRIST 85294 Hwy. 101 S. – 997-8038 Pre-Denominational (Romans 16:16) DVD of Weekly worship service available. 1833 Tamarack Street www.puppro.wixite.com/rlcflorence (2 blocks east of Hwy. 101 on 18th St.) Bible Study: Sunday 10 a.m.; Worship: Sunday 11 a.m. ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH www.churchofchristflorence.org Welcomes you to Worship Services Sunday at 9am and Wednesday at 11am FLORENCE EVANGELICAL CHURCH 2135 19th St. – 997-6600 1318 Rhododendron Dr. • 541-997-2523 Reservations Required Call or Email Sunday Service 11am ( Children Sunday School) standrewssecretary19@gmail.com Mid-Week Activities, all ages. Labyrinth & Garden Open Daily 8am - 5pm www.standrewsflorence.org FLORENCE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST 4445 Hwy 101 (South of Fred Meyer) – 997-3951 SAINT MARY, OUR LADY OF THE DUNES Worship on Saturday 10:30 A.M. CATHOLIC CHURCH Adult/Children’s Sabbath School 9:15 A.M. 1.5 miles south of river on Hwy 101 – 997-2312 COVID-19 Compliant Masses have been scheduled. FLORENCE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP Please call our office for details. 87738 Hwy 101 at Heceta Beach Road RUAUU? All are welcome to explore the answer. Until it is safe to meet in person, Sunday Worship Services are available 24/7 on our website: www.florenceuuf.org FLORENCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2nd & Kingwood • (541) 997-6025 Link to Sunday services at www.florenceunitedmethodist.org or find us on Facebook. Give us a call 541-997-3441 to get us your updates or email to: mberg@thesiuslawnews.com