The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, March 10, 2021, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Image 9

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Siuslaw News
WEDNESDAY EDITION | MARCH 10, 2021 | $1.00
Hawks claw way to narrow win over Viks
in week one,” he said.
Johnson’s team spoke hon-
estly and realistically about
the results of the game. Ju-
nior running back Camp
Lacouture noted, “It was
definitely a frustrating game.
Just from this game, we know
we have lots to work on to be
the team that we know we
can be,” he said. “There were
sparks where we were doing
what we were supposed to,
and things looked good. But
we have more to work on,
and we're trying to have fun
By Zeahna Young
Siuslaw News
Siuslaw: 24 La Pine: 26
Siuslaw opened its foot-
ball season Friday (March
5), playing on the road at La
Pine. The Vikings battled the
Hawks closely for the entire
game but lost by two points
in the final minutes.
Coach Sam Johnson did
not pass the buck. “As head
coach, I didn’t have my guys
ready and prepared for a war
in our shortened season.”
Senior quarterback Elijah
Blankenship said the team
went into the game with high
hopes coming off of last sea-
son, adding that, “It was very
heartbreaking how it ended
up. I honestly feel like we
definitely play our best game
as a team. So, in the next few
games we’ll get that back and
we'll be playing better to-
Understandably, the team
Sports Calendar
March 10
• SHS C. Country
at Marshfield
5:30 p.m.
March 11
• SHS Soccer
Hosts Elmira
6 p.m.
• SHS V-ball
at J. City
6:45 p.m.
March 12
• SHS Football
Hosts Santiam Chr.
7 p.m.
• SHS C. Country
at Bandon
12:45 p.m.
Soccer coach Londi Tomaro and the Vikings soccer team achieved a milestone last week
during Siuslaw's first-ever varsity match, taking on the Pirates at Marshfield.
Viks show well in varsity soccer debut
By Zeahna Young
Siuslaw News
Tide Tables
Entrance Siuslaw River
High Tide
Low Tide
March 10
9:39am / 7.5
11:06pm / 6.6
3:51am / 3.0
4:36pm / -0.3
March 11
10:31am / 7.5
11:40pm / 6.8
4:42am / 2.4
5:17pm / -0.3
March 12
11:17am / 7.5
5:26am / 1.9
5:53pm / -0.2
n Thursday (March 4), Siuslaw High
School played its first-ever varsity soc-
cer match at Marshfield High School.
Although it’s coach Londi Tomaro’s third year
running the soccer program since it began in
the 2018-19 school year, this season marks the
first year that the program was able to compete
at the varsity level.
Tomaro said that, while the Viks did not
come out victorious in Thursday’s hard-fought
match, she was far from disappointed in the
4-0 loss considering it was the team’s first time
competing at the varsity level.
March 13
6:06am / 1.5
6:26pm / 0.1
March 14
12:40am / 7.1
1:38pm / 7.1
7:43am / 1.2
7:57pm / 0.6
March 15
2:07am / 7.2
2:17pm / 6.8
8:20am / 1.0
8:27pm / 1.1
March 16
2:34am 7.2
2:57pm / 6.4
8:57pm / 0.9
8:56pm / 1.6
Sailors leave Panthers feeling 'Salty'
By Zeahna Young
Siuslaw News
12:11am / 7.0
11:59pm / 7.4
“We expected Marshfield to be a tough
opponent and they were,” said Tomaro. “We
lost, but the game was much more tightly
fought than the score might indicate.”
Siuslaw managed to hold the Pirates to just a
single goal in the first half until halftime.
“We played well and exerted pressure to
keep Marshfield out of scoring opportunities,
especially in the first half,” Tomaro said. “We
had a bit of a lull in the defense in the second
half, which gave the Pirates some scoring
After being held to one goal in the first half,
Marshfield managed three more in the second,
including one from a penalty kick.
On Saturday (March 6),
Mapleton hosted Chiloquin
High School for the season’s
first game, with the Sailors
soundly defeating the Pan-
thers 52-20.
Coach Jeff Greene not-
ed that despite the fact that
four of his student athletes
were coming in with little to
no playing experience at the
varsity level and nerves were
running high, the game went
considerably well.
“It was a good first game
for us,” said Greene. “They
were pretty nervous com-
ing out. It took a little bit of
time to get going in the first
quarter. Said Greene. “But
Then we just started playing
like we could.
“They were so excited to
be out there to play. It's been
so long. Just to feel some
kind of normalcy again.”
Fortunately, it didn’t take
the Sailors too long to catch
their wind, as linebacker JJ
Neece was able to nab a pic
six on a 42-yard return into
the end zone. According
to Greene, “On the fourth
down, Chiloquin was scram-
bling, [they] went to throw
FILE PHOTO /SIUSLAW NEWS 2019 it and JJ intercepted it. That
Mapleton senior JJ Neece kind of got the ball rolling.”
When the Panthers went
had a pick-six and ran for
back on offense, Mapleton’s
four touchdowns Friday.
defense put pressure on
once we got the ball going, Chiloquin’s quarterback,
momentum started kicking
in and our kids settled down.
Mid-coast lakes scheduled to
receive stockings the week of
Feb. 8 include Cleawox,
Munsel, Lost, Carter, Dune,
Alder and Thissel. Tis’ the sea-
son for mid-coast trout. This
week (Feb. 15), the Big Creek
Reservoirs near Newport will
be stocked.
SIUSLAW RIVER: Winter steel-
Winter steelhead fishing
continues to be slow on the
Siuslaw like all the other coastal
rivers this season. The river has
dropped into shape and will
have good conditions through
the upcoming weekend. Expect
the fishing to improve as
February is typically the peak
month on the Siuslaw. The
Whitaker Creek area is the best
place to target returning hatch-
ery fish.
ALSEA RIVER: Winter steelhead
Winter steelhead fishing
continues to be slow on the
Alsea. Even with the ideal con-
ditions over the weekend, the
fishing was slow. Anglers are
still catching some fish every-
day throughout the system
from the NF Alsea bank fishery
all the way down to the plunk-
ing shacks on the lowest por-
tions of the river, but it’s been
tough. The later returning wild
broodstock fish are providing
the majority of the catch now
and typically peak in February
and early March
Reminder: The popular win-
ter steelhead bank fishery
around the Alsea Hatchery
remains open but the hatchery
grounds are closed to the pub-
lic. Anglers Alsea bank fishery
all the way down to the plunk-
ing shacks on the lowest por-
tions of the river, but it’s been
tough. The later returning wild
broodstock fish are providing
the majority of the catch now
and typically peak in February
and early March
Reminder: The popular win-
ter steelhead bank fishery
around the Alsea Hatchery
remains open but the hatchery
grounds are closed to the pub-
lic. Anglers are required to park
in the designated parking lot to
access the river and are not
allowed to park near or enter
the hatchery grounds.
Be respectful of the hatchery
staff and follow these rules to
ensure this popular fishery
remains open for the 2021 sea-
Cutthroat trout fishing will
reopen May 22.
SALMON RIVER: Winter steel-
Winter steelhead are around
in the Salmon River. The peak
for winter steelhead on the
Salmon River is typically Janu-
ary to March.
Note: Reminder, the Salmon
River hatchery remains closed
to walk in anglers. Anglers can
use access points upstream and
downstream of the hatchery to
access those traditional fishing
SILETZ RIVER: Winter steelhead
Winter steelheading contin-
ues to be slow on the Siletz
despite the ideal conditions and
dropping river levels over the
weekend. There are still fish
being caught every day but it
has been tough. The river
remains in good shape for the
weekend with good color.
Mid-February to mid-March
Hello Florence! Yeah! I fi nally got my fi rst vaccination shot at the FEC last week and look forward to the fi nal shot in
2-3 weeks. It went well and was nicely organized. Th anks for the city to have staff there to help with the process.
It will be nice to put this in the rear view mirror. Did you know that 11 million families are at risk of losing their homes due
to the pandemic. Such a sad state of aff airs. Let’s hope the new administration can help those families. Also, last
week 30 year fi xed rate mortgages inched up over 3%, but still a really nice interest rate for those buying homes.
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