SN YOUR #1 LOCAL YARD, GARDEN, AND LANDSCAPE EXPERTS! WE’RE GLAD TO GET YOU GROWING! 32 YEARS 88493 Hwy. 101 Florence Open 7 days a week Senior Discount Every Tuesday Siuslaw News Siuslaw News NEWS & VIEWS THAT DEFINE OUR COMMUNITY VOL. 131, NO. 20 M ARCH 10, 2021 F LORENCE , O REGON WEATHER WEDNESDAY EDITION | MARCH 10, 2021 | $1.00 THESIUSLAWNEWS.COM 997-5973 Lane County progresses to ‘moderate risk’ of COVID-19 public health framework to reduce transmission and protect Orego- nians from COVID-19. The frame- work uses four different risk levels for counties based on COVID-19 spread — extreme risk, high risk, By Chantelle Meyer moderate risk and lower risk — and Siuslaw News assigns health and safety measures On Tuesday, Oregon Gov. Kate for each level. Brown today announced updates to Effective March 12 through county risk levels under the state’s March 25, there will be two coun- Governor announces updates to County Risk Levels ties in the extreme risk level, nine at high risk, 12 at moderate risk and 13 at lower risk. Lane County shifts down to moderate risk after just two weeks at high risk, along with four other counties. “We are largely seeing case rates decline across the state, with the most counties in the lower risk level since the framework was introduced in November,” said Brown. “This Florence inn fined $21,600 for accusations of price gouging Partly sunny with a high of 51 and a low of 35. Full forecast on A3 COMMUNITY MARK BRENNAN/SIUSLAW NEWS PeaceHealth allows visitors INSIDE — A3 SPORTS Mapleton wins at home INSIDE — B RECORDS Obituaries & response logs Inside — A2 TV GUIDE Inside — B3-B4 KIDS CORNER Activities for kids Inside — A7 CLASSIFIEDS Listings & notices Inside — B6 FOLLOW US FOR THE LATEST NEWS : /S IUSLAW N EWS @S IUSLAW N EWS T HE S IUSLAW N EWS . COM Le Chateau Inn, also called Economy Inn of Florence, is one of four Oregon lodgings fined by the Or- egon Department of Justice for raising room prices after September’s wildfires displaced families. By Mark Brennan Siuslaw News Le Chateau Inn, located at 1084 Highway 101 in Florence, has been fined $21,600 for price goug- ing, according to the Oregon De- partment of Justice (ODJ), which said room rental rates were hiked during the aftermath of numerous area wildfires in 2020. Le Chateau is one of four ho- tels and motels in Oregon fined last week by the ODJ as a result of what the agency termed “price gouging.” The decision to fine the busi- nesses was based on what the ODJ said was the owners’ intentional increase of more than 15 percent over normal rates charged prior to the wildfires — an act that is in violation of an order put in place by Oregon Gov. Kate Brown to prevent emergency-related over- charges levied on consumers. In a statement, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum report- ed the amounts charged and the rationale for the decision to fine the establishments. “More than 40,000 Oregonians had to evacuate their homes during the fires that spread so rapidly through our state. With- out much warning, many families had to seek shelter in hotels and motels,” she said. “Unfortunately, some hotels upped their prices significantly and took advantage of this horrible situation.” See FINE page 5A A heart for kids By Chantelle Meyer Siuslaw News S IUSLAW N EWS 2 S ECTIONS | 16 P AGES C OPYRIGHT 2021 On March 3, Boys and Girls Clubs of Western Lane Coun- ty (BGCWLC) welcomed a new CEO, Josiah Pleasant, to replace former executive director Chuck Trent. While Pleasant fully transi- tions to life in Florence, Trent will remain in leadership as he contin- ues to serve on the board. “When I first talked with Josiah, I was so impressed because it was obvious that he had the right kind of heart, and he had the business experience that we were looking for as well,” said Trent. “This is the kind of job that if you don’t con- nect with the kids, and also the community, you can’t be success- ful.” The BGCWLC board under- went a stringent process in hiring Pleasant, starting with 1,000 appli- cations and narrowing it down to 70 requests for interviews. Pleas- ant went through four rounds of interviews and extensive reference checks before coming to the club should serve as a reminder that when we follow the health and safe- ty measures we know work against this virus, we can truly make a dif- ference in infection spread.” Only Coos and Douglas counties remain at extreme risk. Additional restrictions are lift- ed as counties reach fewer cases of community spread of COVID-19. See RISK page 5A Filing deadline for May Special Election approaches May 18 is the next election date in Lane County. Filing deadlines for the Tuesday, May 18, Special Elec- tion is March 18. People can still run for positions on several local boards, including school districts, emergen- cy response departments and special districts. April 27 is the last day to regis- ter to vote in the election. People can confirm their voter registration status online at ing-elections/. Ballots will be mailed by the end of April. People can go to lanecoun- for more informa- tion. Measure Filings: • Measure #20-319: Supporting 4-H and OSU Extension Programs in Lane County Regional Candidate Filings: • Lane Community College — four positions, residents will vote for their zone • Lane Education Service District — three positions, residents will vote for their zone See ELECTION page 5A New executive director begins at local Boys and Girls Club and meeting the board “Based on my business in person. background — and I “He spent a couple definitely have a heart of weeks with us so we for kids like Josiah does could make sure we — I stepped into that drew the right picture role thinking it would be of what the club looks for about three months.” like and where we want- The plan was to make ed to go,” Trent said. “A a plan to keep the club couple of things were open, support kids, really important to us. serve the community First, that we needed to and prepare for the fu- make sure that the per- Boys and Girls Clubs of Former Boys and Girls ture. son we hired to fill this “As I got into that role, Western Lane County Clubs of Western Lane position had a heart CEO Josiah Pleasant County CEO Chuck Trent it became very obvious for kids. You can learn that this was not a three- a lot of things about running an egon from Juneau, Alaska, as he month kind of thing.” organization, but the heart is what ships his belongings and moves In fact, this past Feb. 14 appro- here permanently. matters.” priately enough marked Trent’s BGCWLC first began looking sixth year. Second was business experience, especially as the club continues to for a new executive director more However, right before the navigate COVID-19. The third than a year ago. Trent had decided COVID-19 pandemic began a year important thing was connection that the club was in a good place ago, Trent realized that BGCWLC to the community and dedication financially, had excellent staff had all the pieces in place that he members and was improving its wanted as the club prepared for to underserved populations. “We had a unanimous decision programs. finding a new CEO: the right staff, “When I first took over respon- quality programs and solid finan- by the board and by the staff, that he was the right person,” Trent sibility as the executive director, cials. the club was in a lot of financial said. Then the lockdown began. Now, Pleasant is moving to Or- and operating distress,” Trent said. See CLUB page 6A C elebrating Over 30 Years in Real Estate JIM HOBERG Broker/Owner 9 201 VOTED F BEST O E SIUSLAW NEWS READERS CHOICE WINNER Voted Best Realtor for 6 Years! F LO E N C R 1870 Hwy. 126, Suite A • PO Box 3040, Florence, OR