The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, March 06, 2021, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 12, Image 12

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1. Large dung beetle
7. Representation of a plan
13. In a fervid way
14. The Book of Psalms
16. Morning
17. Exactly the same
19. About
20. Brown and basmati
are two
22. Swiss river
23. Philippine island
25. Expressions of surprise
26. An ant
28. Common Japanese
29. Deoxyribonucleic acid
30. Car mechanics group
31. A person’s brother or
33. Ancient pharaoh
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20
This week some of the puzzle
pieces in your life may not fit
correctly. That’s okay, Aries.
You will find a way to make
things work even if they don’t
exactly line up.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21
Your thoughts may be fo-
cused on the spiritual for much
of the week, Taurus. This is an
opportunity to get in touch
with meaningful things in your
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21
Gemini, if things haven’t
been going as planned, perhaps
it’s time to reevaluate some of
your choices. Have confidence
that you will find a solution
that works.
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, your sensitivity is
heightened this week, so you
may need to think twice or
Alexandrite is an 8 month old, female cat. She has
short hair which is grey and white in color. She is
a little shy at fi rst, but once she gets to know you
she becomes very sweet. She would prefer to be
the only cat, but could live in a household with
another quiet cat.
34. Quantitative fact
36. Vividly colored bird
38. Your home has one
40. Organic compound
41. Section at the end of
a book
43. Flat tableland with
steep edges
44. Criticize
45. Split pulses
47. Brief trend
48. Cool!
51. Purposes
53. Brews
55. Skin condition
56. Pops
58. American air travel
59. Minute bug
60. Anno Domini (in the
year of Our Lord)
even three times before you
share your opinions. Cool
down before becoming chatty.
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23
Figure out how you can or-
ganize your day to get things
done with more efficiency, Leo.
This is a better option than get-
ting frustrated by a lack of time
in your schedule.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22
You may realize that the
conventional ways of doing
things simply are not working
anymore, Virgo. Start thinking
61. One who rides in your
64. One of the Gospels
65. City in southern Spain
67. Inquisitive
69. Jean Paul __, author
70. Pop singer Harry
1. An ape or monkey
2. Chemical element
3. Zodiac sign
4. Removes
5. Brew
6. Nickname
7. Architectural structures
8. Trigonometric function
9. Postmodern
architectural building
in Vienna
10. Henderson and
creatively rather than analyti-
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23
Dreams and fantasies are
more than wishful thinking,
Libra. They can be the catalysts
to actual goals and plans if you
let them. Start making your
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22
Scorpio, you may be more
attuned to your dreams this
week. While they are not true
predictions of what will hap-
pen, pay attention to any recur-
Fitzgerald are two
11. Mountain (abbr.)
12. Landscaping practice
13. Capacitance unit
15. Redirect
18. Hat for women
21. In a way, dressed down
24. Granny
26. Feed
27. Endpoint
30. Indian instrument
32. Bleated
35. Cablegram (abbr.)
37. Root mean square
38. Jellyfishes
39. Individual TV
42. Talk
43. More (Spanish)
46. Leaseholder
ring themes.
Dec 21
A drastic change may be
coming but you don’t know
what that change will be just
yet, Sagittarius. Keep your eyes
peeled for opportunities that
may be on the horizon.
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan
Playful emotions and day-
dreams are filling your days
and nights, Capricorn. Why
not let them come out in very
47. Monetary units
49. Hostility
50. Work stations
52. Linguistics giant
54. Female sheep
55. Calendar month
57. Seasoning
59. Lofty nest of a bird of
62. Single Lens Reflex
63. A way to remove
66. Virginia
68. Old English
real ways? Find ways to incor-
porate more fun into your life .
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
If you have been taking
someone for granted lately
you can rectify that this week,
Aquarius. Put this person first
for a change and he or she may
reciprocate in the future.
PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
Always be truthful, Pisces.
Just remember you cannot
control how others may react
to whatever it is you have to
Hector is a 2 year old Australian
If you would like to meet these two or any of their friends, please visit us at: Shepherd mix. He is looking for a
qutie home, with a fenced yard. He is
timid and would prefer a home with
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no small children.