2A | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS On The Record OBITUARIES NAUGLE—Ned Stanley Naugle was born July 1, 1925, in Shickshinny, Pa., to Stanley and Maude Nau- gle. After attending Ben Franklin High School in Philadelphia, he served in the U.S. Army during WWII (1943 to 1946) as a PFC in the 86th “Black- hawk” Infantry Division. He fought in both the European and Japanese campaigns and was hon- orably discharged after the war at Fort Lewis, Wash. Ned worked for the American Car and Found- ry Company at Berwick, Pa., and Saint Charles, Mo., for 13 years. He studied en- gineering at Penn State and worked as a Senior Techni- cian and Engineer at Beth- lehem Steel in Bethlehem, Pa., and Burns Harbor, Ind., for 26 years. He retired in 1990 and traveled extensively with his wife Nancy in their RV throughout the U.S. before settling in Florence in 1995. Ned had a lifelong devo- tion to Jesus Christ as his savior and was a member of the First Baptist Church and Church of the Naza- rene. He loved being out- doors, fishing, hunting and photography. He collected coins for 50 years and was especial- ly proud of an old Civil War pistol he collected. He enjoyed visiting with his friends at the senior center. He is preceded in death by his sister, Dorothy; brother Larry; first wife, Marie; and two daughters: Karen Jumper and Regena Muschlitz. He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Nancy; his son Kevin; his stepchildren: Cat, Leslie and Paul; his five grandchildren: Sarah, Jon- athan, Shana, Derek and Kaya; and his great-grand- son, Adrian. Newd died Feb. 19, 2021, at age 95. He and Nancy are grate- ful to all those who pro- vided care the last year of Ned’s life, with special mention to Shana, and to Olivia and nurse Lisa of Bristol Hospice. Church of the Nazarene will hold a memorial on- line March 6. Call 541-997-9020 for information. Burns’s Riverside Chapel Florence Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. AMBULANCE/FIRE Western Lane Ambulance District and Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue Ambulance and fire call runs Feb. 14-21 Date Time 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/14/21 2/15/21 2/15/21 2/15/21 2/15/21 2/15/21 2/15/21 2/15/21 2/15/21 2/16/21 2/16/21 2/16/21 2/16/21 2/16/21 2/16/21 2/16/21 2/17/21 2/17/21 4:28 11:00 11:34 12:30 12:53 14:41 15:54 16:34 16:36 17:05 17:45 21:38 23:06 9:18 11:35 12:36 16:02 16:44 18:14 18:45 19:00 6:19 10:27 12:14 12:28 12:38 19:36 23:10 2:03 8:15 Area Type Medical, Collard Lp SVFR Transport Medical, Kingwood St SVFR Transport Hwy 101 LUA, GRFPD Transport to LUH Medical, Darlings Lp SVFR Transport 9th St CCT -Transport to RB 9th St CCT -Transport to RB Medical, North Ln SVFR Transport to PHH 9th St CCT -Transport to RB 9th St Transport to ALF Terrace View Dr SVFR Transport to PHH Medical, 3rd Ave SVFR Transport to PHH 9th St Transport to OHSU 9th St Transport to BAH Maple Ave Transport to PHH Star View Dr Transport to PHH Medical, Western Wy SVFR Transport 9th St Transport to PHH 21st St Transport to PHH Rescue, Ten Mile Creek SVFR Public Assist 9th St Transport to ALF Sailors Ravine Ct Assist, Public 9th St CCT -Transport to RB Walnut Ave Transport to PHH Darlings Lp Transport to PHH Ford Wy Assist, Public Medical, Airport Rd SVFR Transport 9th St Transport to RB 9th St CCT-Transport to BAH Medical, Ben Bunch Rd SVFR Transport Oak St Transport to PHH Date 2/17/21 2/17/21 2/17/21 2/17/21 2/17/21 2/17/21 2/17/21 2/17/21 2/17/21 2/18/21 2/18/21 2/18/21 2/18/21 2/18/21 2/18/21 2/18/21 2/18/21 2/18/21 2/19/21 2/19/21 2/19/21 2/19/21 2/19/21 2/19/21 2/20/21 2/20/21 2/20/21 2/20/21 2/20/21 2/20/21 Time 10:38 10:50 13:37 14:41 14:45 16:13 16:57 21:07 21:38 6:11 9:10 11:15 11:16 14:40 17:57 18:17 21:02 22:25 10:41 12:52 13:47 17:06 19:01 19:28 5:18 8:39 10:27 11:15 11:52 13:20 Area Type Woodmere W Assist, Public 21st St Transport to PHH 12th St No Transport 9th St Transport to ALF HWY 126 Transport to PHH 9th St Transport to RB 9th St Transport to RB Medical, 9th St SVFR — LZ at Airport 9th St CCT-Transport to RB Medical, Hemlock St SVFR Transport E Myrtle Lp Assist, Public Rhododendron Dr Transport to PHH Skookum Assist, Public 9th St Transport to PHH 21st St Transport to PHH 21st St Transport to PHH 21st St FPD Assist, Agency 9th St Transport to RB Hwy 101 no Transport 9th St Transport to ALF Medical, Kingwood St SVFR Transport 9th St Transport to RB Medical, Cherry St SVFR Transport to PHH 16th St Assist, Public Maple St Assist, Public Alarm, Harvard Ave SVFR Public Assist Rhododendrin Dr Assist, Public Munsel Creek Dr Transport to PHH 9th St Transport to RB Hwy 101 Transport to PHH Date Time 2/20/21 2/20/21 2/20/21 2/20/21 2/20/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 2/21/21 14:06 16:06 17:19 22:26 23:58 1:08 1:15 6:31 10:56 12:52 13:13 17:02 17:55 18:08 19:21 23:12 Area Type 9th St Transport to RB Upas St no Transport Smoke, N Jetty Rd SVFR Public Assist 9th St CCT-Transport to RB private residence Transport to RB 31st St No Transport Medical, Willow Lp SVFR Transport 9th St Transport to PHH Medical, Boy Scout Rd SVFR Transport Maple St Assist, Public 9th St Transport to ALF MVA, Sweet Creek Rd SVFR Transport Harbor St Transport to PHH Medical, 9th St SVFR Transport to PHH Hwy 126 Transport to PHH Hwy 126 No Transport Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue seeks budget committee members plications, the SVFR Board will appoint a new member at its March 25 board meet- ing. Applicants must be regis- tered voters residing within the SVFR district. The SVFR district in- cludes a 120 square mile area extending north to milepost 181 on Highway 101, south to milepost 198.5 near the Douglas County line, and east to milepost 9 on Highway 126. SVFR protects our com- munity with six fire sta- tions, which are staffed with 35 volunteers supported by six full time employees. Administrative and man- agement services are pro- vided by Western Lane Fire and EMS Authority. The Budget Committee is a standing committee of five members that sit jointly with the SVFR Directors to publicly review and revise the annual budget. The Budget Committee approves the budget and tax levy. The budget then goes to the SVFR Board of Directors to be adopted. Committee members serve three-year terms which expire Dec. 31. A Budget Committee Member is expected to spend up to 20 hours that includes reviewing the bud- get and meeting 1-3 times from April through June each year. Questions should be di- rected to Dina McClure at 541-997-3212. Lane County residents: Pre-register now for COVID-19 vaccination Lane County Public Health has opened up pre-registration for vacci- nation to all members of the public. This pre-registration in- formation effort will help populate a centralized da- tabase to help vaccinating health partners countywide contact those who wish to be vaccinated and schedule an appointment when they are eligible. You can pre-register on- line in either English or Spanish right now at www. lanecounty.org/covidvac- cine. Important things to con- sider when pre-registering: • LCPH encourages any- one who has internet access to pre-register on the on- line portal. • If you have a friend or loved one who does not have internet access, or has difficulty navigating the in- ternet, we encourage you to help by assisting them in pre-registering online. • You only need to pre-register once and by only one method (either phone or online, not both to avoid duplicate entries). • If you have already reg- istered with a provider or with your workplace, please do not register again with the county’s database. • If you are part of Phase 1a and have not heard from Lane County Public Health or a local provider to re- ceive a vaccine, please do re-register using the new link. • If you provide an email address you will receive an email confirmation that your registration has been received. • Pre-Registering to re- ceive the vaccine does not mean you will be contacted to schedule an appointment right away. Lane County does not determine which groups are eligible. • This process is not first come, first serve. We will be working from the phases and eligibility guidance provided by the Oregon Health Authority. Some personal demo- graphics will be collected Barbara Martin TAXES & BOOKKEEPING Due to Covid 19, we are discouraging “in offi ce” appointments but are glad to receive your tax information by drop off in the mail slot at our offi ce or by mail or email. Please feel free to contact the offi ce with any questions or concerns. Please stay safe!” BARBARA MARTIN Licensed Tax Consultant #71554 • EA #00107916 SHARI JAMES Licensed Tax Preparer #31250-P (541) 997-8833 • Toll Free (877) 549-6899 2285 Highway 101 Suite “K” • Florence, Oregon, 97439 (In the Coastal Fitness Shopping Center) during registration process to identify which phase/ group you are in. Information entered will only be used for the vacci- nation effort and will not be shared outside of the HIPAA compliant partners distributing vaccines. As vaccine becomes available, you will be con- tacted. We are open for dine in, take-out, sidewalk & patio seating We are doing everything we can to safely serve our community. We are open: 11-8 daily 9 201 VOTED F BEST O E The Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue (SVFR) Board of Directors invite appli- cations from residents in- terested in serving on the SVFR’s Budget Committee. Interested persons should obtain an application from the SVFR station located at 2625 Highway 101, or from the SVFR website at www. svfr.org. Applications will be ac- cepted until noon on Mon- day, March 15. After the review of ap- F LO E N C R 1285 Bay Street, Old Town Florence (541) 902-8338 www.1285Restobar.com