SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2021 | 5A Extension from 1A businesses as safely as possible, now is not the time to let up our guard,” the governor cautioned. “New, more infectious COVID-19 variants are circulating in the United States, including sever- al confirmed cases in Oregon. We will continue to keep each other safe in the months to come by following the same safety measures we have throughout the pandem- ic—wearing face cover- ings, staying home when sick, maintaining physical distance and avoiding social gatherings.” Learn more at www. Visit us on the web T HE S IUSLAW N EWS . COM Organizations receive grants from Oregon Arts Commission SALEM—Small grants that often make a large difference in ensuring arts access for Oregonians, especially in rural areas, have been awarded to 97 statewide arts organiza- tions by the Oregon Arts Commission for FY2021. Awarded to arts organi- zations in virtually every region of the state, Small Operating Grants are de- signed to provide support to arts organizations with budgets under $150,000. Eligibility is limited to organizations who have operated as an IRS recog- nized 501(c)(3) nonprof- it for two years or more and provide ongoing, sus- tained artistic program- ming and outreach pro- grams. Each organization received $1,159. At the Coquille Val- Celebrating over 30 Years in Real Estate VOTED #1 REALTOR 6 YEARS Siuslaw News Readers Choice • RESIDENTIAL • LAND • COMMERCIAL • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • ley Arts Association, a FY2020 Small Operating Grant award supported the purchase of a Peter Pugger Pugmill for the pottery department. The equipment recycles scrap clay that would otherwise end up in a landfill. “ W e c a n ’ t thank you enough for your generous support of our art center,” said Bonnie Stowe, the Arts Association’s pottery supervisor. “It has made a world of difference in our ability to provide quality, affordable ceramic pro- grams to our community and a comfortable, profes- sional studio for creative minds to gather.” “For years the Ore- gon Arts Commission’s Small Operating Grant has helped organizations like the Astoria Arts and Movement Center sur- vive,” added Jessamyn West, executive director of the Movement Center. “So many grants are proj- ect-oriented when what most small organizations need is basic operating support to be able to even offer programming. Be- cause this grant can be and underserved regions of the state.” Locally, Florence Re- gional Arts Alliance, 120 Maple St. in Historic Old Town Florence, received one of the grants. used for expenses like rent and utilities, it truly supports organizations at their most fundamental level. We thank-you, Or- egon Arts Commission, for keeping us afloat and supporting organizations like ours in rural areas throughout Oregon!” “This grant program was developed to increase the Arts Commission’s support of Oregon’s small but mighty arts provid- ers,” said Arts Commis- sion Chair Anne Taylor. “These organizations fre- quently represent the only arts presenter for remote For more information about the Small Operating Grant Program, contact Liora Sponko at 971-345- 1641 or via email at liora. See a complete list of the recipients at www.orego- The Oregon Arts Com- mission provides lead- ership, funding and arts programs through its grants, special initiatives and services. Nine com- missioners, appointed by the Governor, determine arts needs and establish policies for public sup- port of the arts. The Arts Commission became part of Business Oregon (for- merly Oregon Economic and Community Devel- opment Department) in 1993, in recognition of the expanding role the arts play in the broader social, economic and edu- cational arenas of Oregon c o m mu - nities. In 2003, the Oregon legisla- ture moved the operations of the Oregon Cultural Trust to the Arts Com- mission, streamlining operations and making use of the Commission’s expertise in grantmaking, arts and cultural informa- tion and community cul- tural development. The Arts Commission is supported with general funds appropriated by the Oregon legislature and with federal funds from the National Endowment for the Arts as well as funds from the Oregon Cultural Trust. Florence Area Community Coalition learns about 90by30 1870 Hwy. 126, Suite A • PO Box 3040, Florence, OR V JIM HOBERG E U OT S Broker/Owner • • • F E BEST O F LO E N C R 541.997.7653 Fax: 541.997.7654 E U OT S E V VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW . JIMHOBERG . COM Wednesday, March information session with is available at www.flor- Zoom, the Florence 90by30. Community Coa- The meeting will be at 90by30 Director Jeff will be holding an 9 a.m. Log in information Todahl, based in Eugene, will be presenting. It has been eight years Getting rid of 'Huh?' since West Lane and the University of Oregon for over 20 years joined forces to prevent Call today to schedule child abuse and neglect in an appointment. the region. 541.991.4475 Scott C. Anderson, Au.D. Todahl, Professor in the Steven G. Anderson, Au.D. College of Education and HEARING F Director of the Center for O ASSOCIATES BEST the Prevention of Abuse of Florence and Neglect, will share FLORENCE • 1901 Hwy 101, Ste A how the 90by30 effort has On 3, via Area lition F LO E N C R 150 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE evolved to connect chil- dren, support families and engage community mem- bers, in a unique part- nership that is unlike any other effort in the United States. Join the Florence Area Community Coalition’s meeting to be a part of the discussion around how families are getting much needed support through 90by30, and how the com- munity can expect the work to accelerate in 2021 and beyond. ENJOYING A NEW SHOWER IS EASIER THAN YOU THINK N IG W S DE E R N OWE SH FREE IN-HOME DESIGN CONSULTATION-CALL TODAY | 855-774-3886 *Offer valid only while supplies last. Limit one per household. Must be first time purchase. Minimum spend amount applies. Financing subject to third party credit approval. 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