4B | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS CLUES ACROSS 1. One of Noah’s sons 5. Openings 11. Rising from the dead 14. Expressions for humorous effect 15. North American country 18. Flowed over 19. Tags 21. Long-lasting light bulb 23. Off-Broadway theater award 24. Khoikhoi peoples 28. Beloved movie pig 29. South Dakota 30. Tai language 32. Get free of 33. Afflict 35. Transmits genetic information from DNA 36. Commercials HOROSCOPES ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Expect to be in high demand this week, Aries. You have the time and energy to give to oth- ers, so make the most of each chance to lend someone a helping hand. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Now is a good time to focus on your relationships, Taurus. There may be a close friend who can use a little more at- tention from a confidante and you can fill that role. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 There is work to be done, Gemini. If your work space is a tad chaotic, then hunker down somewhere less hectic. This can provide the right environ- ment for focus. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, make a habit of finding the silver lining to any MEET REGGIE Reggie is a three year old. male, small mixed breed. He is very cute and has a lot of energy. 39. Digits 41. Expression of sympathy 42. Bleats 44. Swiss Nobel Peace Prize winner 46. Vegetable 47. Turf 49. Disorganized in character 52. Takes 56. Rules over 58. More fervid 60. Sweet drink 62. Cry loudly 63. A friendly nation CLUES DOWN 1. A title of respect in India 2. His and __ 3. Employee stock ownership plan situation. This shift in attitude can bring more positivity and sunshine into your life, partic- ularly when you need it most. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Shift your focus to your home life, Leo. Find various ways to make things more pleasant at home so it can be the respite that it should be. VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 You are usually better at focusing on the tasks at hand than most other astrological signs, Virgo. Don’t be hard on yourself if you get a tad dis- tracted in the next few days. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Get a firm grasp on your fi- nances this week, Libra. Start browsing your bank accounts so you have a better idea of your spending. This way you can better plan for the future. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Normally you are very good at keeping your emotions in check, Scorpio. However, let- ting others see what’s beneath the surface can be beneficial to 4. A type of bond (abbr.) 5. Acting as if you are 6. Affirmative 7. Not caps 8. Type of medication 9. Monetary unit 10. Private school in New York 12. Small stream 13. A person of wealth 16. Exclude 17. Someone who vouches for you 20. Vegetable part 22. Gov’t lawyer 25. Term to address a woman 26. Swiss river 27. About senator 29. __ Paulo, city 31. Native American tribe 34. “Titanic” actor you in the weeks to come. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/ Dec 21 Take your foot off of the ac- celerator, Sagittarius. You don’t have to race to the finish line; enjoy the scenery for a change. Stop as many times as you can along the way. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, no matter how much time you want to devote to your personal goals, you just may find that other activities WE NEED A HOME.... 36. Campaign for students’ rights (abbr.) 37. Capital of Senegal 38. Slang for military leader 40. Football’s big game 43. Women who threw themselves on funeral pyres 45. Equally 48. Forest animal 50. Heavy stoves 51. Releasing hormone (abbr.) 53. Song 54. Type of pickle 55. Offer in return for money 57. Soviet Socialist Republic 58. Burns wood (abbr.) 59. Beloved singer Charles 61. Three-toed sloth require much more attention than you anticipated. AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, don’t be surprised if you have your patience test- ed a bit this week, especially at the workplace. You’ll find a way to come out shining, how- ever. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Take a big, deep breath and focus on all the good things in your life, Pisces. This will help you ride out any rough spots that crop up. MEET MILLIE Millie is a black and white domestic If you would like to meet these two or any of their friends, please visit us at: short hair, very friendly female cat. She is two years old and gets along OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY with other cats. 2840 Rhododendron Drive • Florence • 541-997-4277 •oregoncoasthumane.org