2B | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS Volleyball from 1B the small amount of time that we have.” Because the school was technically still considered to be in an ‘extreme-risk’ county pending yesterday’s (Feb. 26) movement day, the team could not practice as a whole group until then. “Friday, we were able to practice as a whole group for the first time, which was good. That's what we need,” said Cole. “It's going to be a hard season with only five practices before our first game. We're going to work it out, but it's going to be difficult. Cole sad the team faces other challenges over the next six weeks of play, but that most of the teams in league are in the same. “So, we're all kind of on the same playing field, which is good. We're going to use every minute of every prac- tice we can get just to try to dial everything in to where we want it,” said Cole. The Viks have a solid group of 15 players on the squad this year, but this year’s roster is young, with only one senior and three juniors. Despite the team’s youth, Cole said it’s a team in which she sees a lot of potential. “I'm looking forward to actually putting that put- ting that to test,” Cole said. Since the team is young- er, and practices have been restricted to small numbers indoors, Cole has been tak- ing the time to work on fundamentals. “We're more working on certain aspects of the game rather than putting it in more of a play style game,” Cole explained. “We're doing a lot of defensive work as groups, and we're just now starting to get into a full court of six, and actu- ally putting it all together and working on the certain defenses and offenses and all of that. “It's a little bit challeng- ing with some of the girls that aren't as experienced yet. You can't really just jump right into three-on- three or anything like that, so we're trying to work through that.” Cole noted that several of her players are showing great promise for the sea- son. Among them, front row players Kya Blake and Desiree Tupua — each of whom have played some club volleyball during their downtime, “So they’ve still been in it a little bit more than some of the other girls,” said Cole. Leading Siuslaw’s setting will be Zoe Alberty, with Hayden Muller back in the libero spot. “She's pretty amazing back there,” Cole said of Muller. A t Mapleton High School, coach Molly Dooley has been fortunate enough to utilize an out- door net, so the team has been able to practice as a whole group despite the fact that they have been an extreme-risk county. “We have been practicing outside, and we're really lucky that we were able to get an outdoor net, which has been really great for us,” said Dooley. “We're able to get in some drills that involve the net and work through all of the plays and rotations to make sure that we're on point with that.” Dooley said one unfortu- nate part of the new guide- lines will be the shortened season (six weeks total), which gives them just one week of solid indoor prac- tice before squaring up against their first oppo- nent on March 11 at Siletz High School. “So, it's real- ly important to start get- ting our rotations going so once we're in the gym, we can get it going full force,” Dooley said. Although there are lim- its to practicing volleyball outdoors, Dooley said she is just grateful to be able to get her team working out as a group again. “At first we were just doing a lot of condition- ing, because the last time they had a practice or a sports season was last year in February with basket- ball,” Dooley said. “And then we had one week of track. The most important part to begin with was to get them back to doing physical activity — espe- cially in a group setting. So, we're really fortunate that we were able to be outside and get some run- ning in, some jumping, some push-ups and sit- ups.” The Lady Sailors will have nine players on this FIRE WATER BIO BOARD UP of Lane County (541) 345-0115 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICES We Love Our Viks & Sailors! season’s roster, comprised mostly of seniors and juniors. The team’s maturi- ty is a feature Dooley is looking forward to seeing play out on the court. “We have three seniors this year,” said Dooley. “Emily Stevens has been on the team for four years now. Her hitting has been great recently in practice. She's really starting to con- trol her power, and she’s getting [the ball] to the spots that we want it to be.” Another senior for the Sailors is Briena Jensen, now in her third year with the team after playing for Triangle Lake as a fresh- man her first year. The team’s third senior is Heather Wierichs, who is in her second year at Mapleton after transferring from Willamette High School as a sophomore. “So, what I'm really look- ing for with them is they're going to be bringing in experience and leadership, which I'm really excited to see,” Dooley said of the team’s senior trio. Dooley noted the prom- ise of the four juniors on her team as well, which includes Brier Shird, Opal Burruss, Summer Flansberg and Jahala Blake. “The last time they were in a sport, they were underclassmen, this is going to be their first sport where they're the upperclassmen. Said Dooley. “I'm really interest- ed to see what leadership skills developed in this time — especially because I haven't seen them playing in a sport for almost a year now. “I've been seeing all this improvement where they've gone from being a younger player to being this more experienced upper class- man, which is just cool to see.” Rounding out the roster are two players who are both new to the game: freshman Kylee Carson and senior Jadah Harper. “This will be both girls’ first year playing,” said Dooley. “But they're already making huge improvements, which is great to see. “It's really fun to see this new team dynamic that is happen- ing.” As far as gameplay, Dooley anticipates growing strength on offense with her front row. Aside from senior Emily Stevens, the juniors on the team are showing improvements already. “I’m excited to see what power our hitters are going to have,” said Dooley. “Our juniors coming up. Before, they've been a little bit more hesitant with the hit- ting. [Now,] they're getting so much more confident with getting it down, and it's good to see.” Siuslaw and Mapleton are clearly eager to play the season and get back to the court. Siuslaw High School plays its first game Tuesday, March 2, at home against Marist Catholic High School. First serve goes up at 6:45 p.m. Mapleton High School’s first game is Tuesday, March 9, when the Sailors host Siletz High School beginning at 6 p.m. Due to current guide- lines — as with all sporting events this season —no spectators are allowed to attend. SWANSON’S PEST MANAGEMENT INSPECT – CORRECT – PROTECT SUSTAINED PEST MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR HOME AND BUSINESS SOME OF THE PESTS THAT WE TREAT: ANTS • COCKROACHES • FLEAS • RODENTS BIRDS • BEDBUGS • STORED PRODUCTS PESTS BEES/WASPS • GOPHERS 541-997-4027 1-800-622-8993 Visit our Website: www.swansonspm.com “Since 1983” BEACH SAFE! BEWARE THE SNEAKER WAVE NOW G HIRIN They´re called sneaker waves because they appear without warning, often surging high up on the beach with d eadly force, and are impossible to predict. Sneaker waves also carry a large amount of sand that can saturate your clothes, weighing you down and making escape diffi cult if not impossible. How to play it safe: Never turn your back on the ocean. 5292 Harvard, Florence • 541-590-3831 (across the bridge, turn by Best Western Pier Point Inn) WATCH THOSE LOGS The ocean is strong enough to pick up even the biggest log and plop it down on top of you. Some logs may look small, but even the tiny ones can be waterlogged and weigh tons. How to play it safe: If you see a log in the surf or on wet sand, stay off it. RIP CURRENTS On Siuslaw! Go Viks! 541-997-8474 3231 Hwy. 101 N, Florence copeland.doitbest.com Rip currents are strong currents of water that rush out to sea. They are stronger than even the best swimmer. These currents can swiftly sweep unwary beachcombers and waders off their feet and out to sea. Rip currents may appear as dark, choppy water. Any time you see debris and foam fl oating out to sea, chances are you have found a rip current. Avoid the area. How to play it safe: Parents keep your kids close when playing in the ocean. If caught in a rip current, don’t panic . Swim parallel to the beach until you are out of the current, then head for the beach. KNOW THE TIDES Incoming tides isolate rocks from headlands and the shore. Avoid the temptation of strolling out to an interesting rock without knowing when the tide rolls back in. Free tide tables are readily available at state park offi ces, information centers and many shops and motels. How to play it safe: Stay off rocks and small, enclosed beaches. Know when the tide is coming in by visiting the tidetable website at the Hatfi eld Marine Science Center http://weather.hmsc.oregonstate.edu/weather/ tides/tides.html GO, TEAMS! We hope all of our student athletic teams have a ball this year! We applaud each student athlete’s hard work and dedication both on and off the fi eld, and we wish you much success in the coming season. Good Luck! HIGH WAVES CAN REACH YOU Tides and waves can sweep over rocks, jetties and headlands, knocking you off and carrying you out to sea. How to play it safe: Assume nothing is “high enough” and avoid exposed rocks, jetties and headlands during strong wave action (like during and after storms). BEWARE OF HIGH, STEEP CLIFFS Assume that all cliff edges are unstable. Wet trails or soft sand and earth can make for unstable footing. Rocks can be slippery even when it isn’t raining. How to play it safe: Make sure you wear proper footwear, and stick to the trails. Stay behind guard fences and railings, and don´t get too close to the edge. HEADS UP Standing at the base of an Oceanside cliff can be dangerous, especially if it has an overhang. In some places, winter storms and high waves have eroded the shoreline, increasing the chance of collapse and slides. How to play it safe: Beware of falling rocks, and don´t climb on bluffs and eroding hillsides. Don´t walk along the base of cliffs unless absolutely necessary. This message sponsored by: 541-997-2422 “Open Daily” Jim Hoberg, ABR, ABRM, CRS, GRI BROKER/OWNER 541-902-9100 1252 Bay Street Florence, Or 97439 thewaterfrontdepot.com P HONE 541-997- SOLD (7653) F AX 541-997-7654 T OLL F REE 1-866-967-7653 jim@jimhoberg.com www.wcresi.com