SIUSLAW NEWS | WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2021 | 7A Get Results...List With Crystell. Crystell Wise Broker, SRS, SRES 541 991-9487 5285 Herman Cape Rd – Two for the price of one! Two tax lots in the sought after Herman Cape neighborhood. Minutes from the beach and downtown Florence. Bring your ideas and build your dream home! $90,000. #3151-20605666 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 240 HOURS Is your family prepared? If an emergency happens in your community, it may take emergency workers some time to reach you. You should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 240 hours. Get your emergency kit started with these essentials: marine businesses.” The position will serve the initiating a new Entrepreneur in whole central Oregon Coast re- the Community (EIC) position. gion. Ruben called it “an evolution of “It’s nice to allocate resources RAIN’s model,” shifting some of in one direction and provide plac- the workload from the venture es and resources for people more catalysts to local businesspeople. cohesively,” Ruben said. “(RAIN) “Someone in the communi- just goes where we’re needed. … ty should really be leading this Overall, I think we are skyrocket- work,” she said. “To have someone ing and RAIN is in for some big there whose eyes and ears are on growth.” Lynda Colter-Bergh Elaine McMillan the ground, and who is so much The network is also working Colter-Bergh is a consultant and personal more invested in the communi- on a calendar of events for 2021. ty and who can be a champion, makes so coach. These include some smaller, one-time “It’s awesome, and they’re both very dif- events like “Talk to the SEC (Securities and much sense. That income is going directly back into the community — which is also ferent, which is great,” Ruben said. “Elaine Exchange Commission)” on Wednesday, is a mile a minute and has so many re- Feb. 24, at 10 a.m., and “Climate Action in what we are into.” Currently, Ruben is only able to dedi- sponsibilities and a huge network. Lynda Lane County & Emerging Opportunities cate one or so days a week to each of her is pretty well plugged in as well but has in for Entrepreneurship” on Thursday, Feb. six cities. Now, bringing in local people a quieter temperament, so I think we’ll be 25, at 3 p.m., both over Zoom. People will will help RAIN provide relevant resources able to reach a broader audience with the also get the chance to meet Florence’s two two of them.” to each community. EICs via Zoom. Veneta is also in the process of hiring an “Essentially, the EIC will be activating Additionally, there will be a course in events, supporting entrepreneurs and put- EIC. financial literacy. “Florence, being our flagship city, al- ting them in the top end of the funnel (for “After the sales and marketing ac- resources),” Ruben said. “The EIC will also ways gets to do things first,” Ruben said. celerator, we realized that there are a be good for business activity, support the “This is definitely an evolution for RAIN, lot of entrepreneurs who lack finan- efforts of the chamber and the city at large where we feel like we’re still going to be in cial understanding,” Ruben said. “We’re and just add another layer of local activity the community as much as we can, but it’s pulling together a 12-week ‘MONEY so nice to have someone there full time.” for businesses.” maker’ course focused on financial literacy RAIN has also worked to create another for small businesses.” Ruben will still be the venture catalyst for the region and provide mentorship and new position to support coastal commu- The program will run from March 31 to support, but the EIC will work with her to nities. Partnering with Hatfield Marine June 30, with weekly meetings from 9 to create excitement and build relationships Science Center, Oregon State University’s 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. RAIN is accept- marine laboratory located in Newport, ing applications now online at www.ore- at the local level. Florence is the first city to establish an RAIN announced the hiring of Laura Fur- EIC; in fact, RAIN selected two local entre- gurson as the first blue economy innova- “RAIN is just more and more excited to preneurs to assist the coastal community: tion catalyst. offer exciting programs and activities to According to Ruben, Furgurson will be local entrepreneurs,” Ruben said. Elaine McMillan and Lynda Colter-Bergh. McMillan owns Beauty By Delivery working to promote “marine science, blue Learn more about RAIN and its pro- Wellness Spa and Homegrown Public tech or anything to do with ocean innova- grams at and House & Brewery in Florence. Lynda tion. It’s really exciting to have support for RAIN from page 1A Beware of carbon monoxide when using alternate heat sources ❑ Pen and paper ❑ Money ❑ Address and phone numbers ❑ Work gloves ❑ Basic tools This message brought to you by the West Lane Emergency Operations Group. IDENTIFY • PREPARE • SURVIVE SALEM—Loss of power and freezing temperatures have some Oregonians using alter- nate heating sources, many of which come with the added risk of carbon monoxide poi- soning. Carbon monoxide is a col- orless, odorless, toxic gas produced when anything is burned. Gas and oil furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces as well as wood burning and gas stoves are common sources. The only way to know if you are being exposed to carbon monoxide is by using a detec- tor. Common symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are headache, dizziness, weak- ness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain and confusion. Expo- sure to carbon monoxide can cause loss of consciousness and death. If carbon monoxide poi- soning is suspected, seek fresh air and consult a health care professional right away. If used inappropriately, items that emit heat can produce dan- gerous levels of carbon monox- ide. Prevent carbon monoxide poisoning: • Use caution with kerosene or gas space heaters; use vented space heaters whenever pos- sible and make sure they are clean and inspected. • Never use a gas range or oven to heat your home. • Check exterior exhaust vents to be sure they are clear of snow, ice and fallen debris. • Do not use charcoal grills or camp stoves indoors. • Never run a portable gener- ator or any gas-powered engine in a basement, garage or other enclosed area, even if doors and windows are open. For more information on carbon monoxide safety, visit ness/CurrentHazards/Pages/ CarbonMonoxidePoisoning. aspx. Pass Creek Nursery NOTICE: WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE 2021 SEASON FOR REMODELING AND REPAIRS. 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