BACK TO SCHOOL | S EPTEMBER 2020 |3 How to set up a home office for distance learning R emote work has been around for many years, though it certainly picked up steam in 2020. In an ef- fort to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, in March 2020 government offi cials imple- mented stay-at-home mea- sures that mandated that teachers and students begin working from home. Th at transition occurred seem- ingly overnight, forcing ev- eryone to fi nd somewhere in their homes to work. As the dust settled and people grew accustomed to working from home, many recognized the need to have an offi ce in their homes. Var- ious factors can make home offi ces more conducive to getting work done, and the following are some home of- fi ce must-haves that can help people be more productive while working from home. be necessary, and lights that can dim can allow each per- son to adjust their lighting based on how much they need at any given point in the work- day. Lighting Lighting is im- portant in a home offi ce. Natural light can help save on Quiet energy costs and When design- boost mood. In ing a home offi ce, fact, natural light is people should make a valued commod- their offi ces con- ity for people used Everyone working from home, including students and teachers, ducive to concen- to working in offi ce should have designated areas for their home office space. tration. Look for settings. areas of the home sought aft er attribute of a offi ce. A 2018 survey that don’t get much When designing work-at- foot traffi c. Kitchens are of more than 1,600 workers workplace environment. In addition, 47 percent of home spaces, people should very popular rooms in many conducted by the human re- sources advisory fi rm Future workers surveyed admitted choose areas of their homes homes, so try to locate your Workplace found that access they felt tired or very tired that get ample natural light home offi ce away from the to natural light and views of from the absence of natural during a typical workday. kitchen. A desk in a bed- the outdoors were the most light or a window at their Additional lighting also will room or space away from others working from home should help. Electrical outlets Recently built homes tend to be equipped with enough outlets to accommodate our increasingly connected life- styles. But older homes may need some electrical updates before they can capably ac- commodate home offi ces. People should set up desks where they won’t overload outlets. If extension cords are used, make sure they aren’t placed where people walk. Home offi ce capabilities became a big priority in 2020. Setting up your space should be part of your prep- aration for the start of the school year. — Metro M,W,F Classes 8 to noon T,Th 8 to noon Monday thru Friday 8 to noon Classes begin September 8 Orientation/ Registration September 1,2,3 ten to one 2100 Spruce street Daren T. Hunt, DMD at New Life Lutheran Church 950 9th Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 Contact us: Director Kristi Ryan Text 541 999 0783 541-997-7181 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Th ursday: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Licensed though the State of Oregon