8A | SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 2020 | SIUSLAW NEWS Census takers to be following up with non-responding households in Oregon The 2020 Census Nonresponse Follow- up operation start this week throughout all counties in Oregon. The census is one of the few national activi- ties the American public does together — it’s the largest peacetime mobi- lization in the country. The current self-re- sponse rate for Oregon is 65.4 percent. The Census Bureau will need to visit the remain- ing addresses to collect responses in person. Households can still respond now by com- pleting and mailing back the paper ques- tionnaire they received, by responding online at 2020census.gov, or by phone at 844-330-2020 for English, and 844- 468-2020 for Spanish. Households can also respond online or by phone in one of 13 lan- guages and find assis- tance in many more. Those that respond will not need to be visit- ed to obtain their census response. What Households Can Expect Census takers will fol- low local public health guidelines when they visit. Census takers will be wearing masks. Cen- sus takers must complete a virtual COVID-19 training on social dis- tancing protocols and other health and safety guidance before begin- ning their work in neigh- borhoods. ƒ5i5]w>><—]cw——:TcF—Cci—5t—Tc]F—5t—‹cƒ—cˆ]—‹cƒi—Hc[>—cj—ˆ>—ˆMTT—:R>5]—‹cƒj—Fƒww>it—Cci—Ci>>— COURTESY PHOTO Census Non-Participation Follow-Up operations begin this week in counties throughtout Oregon. Census takers are hired from local communities. All census takers speak English, and many are bilingual. If a census taker does not speak the householder’s language, the household may re- quest a return visit from a census taker who does. Census takers will also have materials on hand to help identify the household’s language. If no one is home when the census taker visits, the census taker will leave a notice of their visit with information about how to respond online, by phone or by mail. People are encour- aged to cooperate with census takers and ensure that everyone who was living in their household as of April 1, 2020, is counted. How to Identify Census Takers Census takers can be easily identified by a val- id government ID badge with their photograph, a U.S. Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date on the badge. To confirm a census taker’s identity, the pub- lic may contact the Los Angeles Regional Census Center at 213-314-6500 to speak with a Census Bureau representative. About the 2020 Census The U.S. Constitution mandates a census of the population every 10 years. The goal of the 2020 Census is to count everyone who lives in the United States on April 1, 2020 (Census Day). Census statistics are used to determine the number of seats each state holds in the U.S. House of Representa- tives and informs how billions of dollars in fed- eral funds will be allocat- ed by state, local and fed- eral lawmakers annually for the next 10 years. For more information, visit 2020census.gov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p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