2A | WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2020 | SIUSLAW NEWS On The Record Rhododendron Drive sewer extension project begins today Today, May 20, the City of Florence’s contractor, Pleasant Hill Development Co. LLC, will begin work on a $86,325 sewer exten- sion project along Rhodo- dendron Drive, between Treewood Court and South Harbor Vista Drive. This project will provide municipal sewer service to existing homes that have failing septic systems or prefer to have municipal sewer service. Specifically, the project will install 410 lineal feet of 8-inch PVC sewer pipe; one 48-inch sanitary sewer manhole; three sewer lat- erals; two sewer cleanouts; and 275 square yards of hot mix asphalt trench patch. During construction of the project, the south bound travel lane of Rho- dodendron Drive between South Harbor Vista Drive and Treewood Court will need to be closed; only one lane will be closed. A travel lane will remain open and controlled by flag- gers during the duration of the activity. Motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians are advised that the construction and lane closure begins today, be- tween 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and short delays are possible. The temporary lane clo- sures will last through May 29. An emphasis will be made to provide accessibili- ty to emergency vehicles. The city has planned the construction in a way to minimize impacts. But due to the nature of this con- struction project, there will be slight inconveniences, particularly to the resi- dents along Rhododendron Drive. The city and the contrac- tor will expedite the con- struction through the area so that disruption to resi- dents and visitors alike will be limited. Florence Public Works would like to extend its thanks to the public in ad- vance for their patience as it begins this important proj- ect that will bring improved sanitary sewer service to the community; staff is working hard to minimize inconve- niences. Residents are encouraged to call the City of Florence Public Works office with any concerns or questions by calling 541-997-4106. Be aware: Four coronavirus stimulus check scams and how to avoid them The distribution of $1,200 stimulus checks to Amer- icans has given rise to un- precedented online scams. 1. Robocall Check Scams: The scammer will call pre- tending to be the IRS and ask for your personal finan- cial information. They will claim they need this to de- posit the stimulus check into your account and will also ask for a fee to deposit said check. In reality, they want your information so that they can pretend to be you and claim the check for themselves. They can also drain your bank account of your funds with this information and will keep the fee for them- selves with no check, in re- turn. How to Avoid: Do not give out any personal infor- mation. The government already has your informa- tion on file from when you filed your taxes. The stimu- lus check will either be au- tomatically deposited into your account or you will get it mailed to your house. 2. Email and Text Scams: Scammers will pretend to be the IRS or federal govern- ment by emailing or texting you a link to click to receive your check. If you click on the link your electronic de- vice will get plagued with malware and your informa- tion gets stolen. How to Avoid: Do not click on any links that are emailed or texted to you. The government already has your information. 3) Google Search Scam: Scammers have created cop- ies of the official IRS “Get My Payment” site and have updated their search engine terms so that people con- ducting google searches for information find these fake sites. How to Avoid: Do not go on any website to get your stimulus check unless it is an official “.gov” or “.ca” site and beware of being redi- rected to a website from a non-reputable news source. 4) Third-Party Stimulus Check Scams: Scammers have come up with their own stimulus check programs claiming that they can give you additional money along with the government. How to Avoid: Only be- lieve stimulus check pro- grams announced by the government reported by reputable news outlets. POLICE LOG May 5 May 6 • Criminal mischief was re- ported on the 1400 block of Highway 101. • Trespass was reported on the 1900 block of 37th Street. • Theft was reported on the 1600 block of Rhododendron Drive. • Trespass was reported on the 400 block of Highway 101. • Dispute was reported on the 1700 block of 12th Street. • Trespass was reported on the 2400 block of Highway 101. • Trespass was reported on the 1900 block of 25th Street. May 7 • Theft was reported on the 1600 block of 15th Street. • Accident, with injury, was reported on Highway 126 and Spruce Street. • Trespass was reported on the 3900 block of Spruce Street. • Arrest, with warrant, was re- ported on the 2200 block of 20th Street. 2100 block of 10th Street. • DUII was reported on High- way 126, mile marker seven. May 8 May 12 • Trespass was reported on the 1800 block of Oak Street. • Harassment was reported on 21st Street and Highway 101. • Theft was reported on the 900 block of Highway 101. • Hit-and-run accident was reported on the 4700 block of Highway 101. • Assault was reported on the 400 block of 9th Street. • Theft was reported on the 5000 block of Munsel Lake Road. May 10 • Dispute was reported on the 400 block of Ivy Street. • Dispute was reported on the May 13 • Dispute was reported on the 5200 block of Highway 101. • Dispute was reported on Glenada Road. • Assault was reported on the 400 block of 9th Street. • Theft was reported on the 1300 block of Highway 101. • Fight was reported on the 88500 block of Fourth Avenue. Visit us on the web T HE S IUSLAW N EWS . COM High Visibility DUII enforcement this weekend Department, along with law enforcement agencies throughout Oregon and the rest of the United States are continually making ef- forts to get impaired driv- ers off the road. These funds are made WEATHER DATA D ATE May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17 May 18 H IGH L OW R AIN 53 53 55 62 66 60 55 48 47 47 41 49 48 49 0.71 0.67 0.70 0.00 0.38 0.33 0.19 DAILY SERVING: Pizza Calzones Clam Chowder available to the city from Oregon Impact, who ad- ministers DUII grant fund- ing in Oregon. For more information, contact the Florence Police Department at (541) 997- 3515. FAMILY STYLE SPECIALTIES: Wednesday- Prime Rib Thursday- Lasagna Friday- Spaghetti & Meatballs Take Out Only 1285 Bay Street, Old Town Florence (541) 902-8338 VOTED F BEST O F LO E N C R www.1285Restobar.com Rainfall Week: 2.98” Month: 5.63” Year: 38.08” Courtesy of Roger Cunningham As your community newspaper, we are committed to delivering the latest and most accurate COVID-19 news and local updates in print and online every day. We also remain dedicated to serving our local advertisers, as they struggle to overcome unprecedented economic challenges resulting from the pandemic. 9 201 E For the upcoming Me- morial weekend, May 22- 25, the Florence Police Department will be con- ducting extra DUII En- forcement patrols. The Florence Police De- partment has received ad- ditional DUII enforcement funds to help seek out im- paired drivers and to deter people from driving while they are impaired. The Florence Police Stocks. Bonds. CDs. IRAs. Mutual funds. In uncertain and troubled times like today, the importance of local news and community connection is more evident than ever. You can help support businesses in our community by purchasing gift cards for later use, frequenting restaurants that are open for takeout, leaving positive online reviews, spreading the word on social media or checking to see if your favorite businesses have opened online stores. You can also support the future of local news and reporting by becoming a subscriber or making a donation today. Together, we are all stronger. Thanks to the dedicated team members and subscribers who keep your local newspaper going! Andy Baber, AAMS® Financial Advisor Ryan Hitchcock Financial Advisor Earth System Research Laboratory Global Monitoring Division 1010 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 541-997-8755 February 2020: 413.22 ppm February 2019: 410.09 ppm Last updated: May 5, 2020 FTS Computer Repair MAC or PC Support • Virus Removal • Phone Upgrades • Email Support • Data Recovery Member SIPC MKT-5894I-A Contact us for curbside pick up. www.ft scomputerrepair.com • Security Soft ware • Smart Phone | Tablet • Computer Tune-Up Diagnostic and Repair • Computer Sales • Screen Repair • Remote Support • Soft ware Sales • Game Console Repair S Siuslaw News thesiuslawnews.com DONATE online at givebutter.com/SupportSiuslawNews or call 541.997.3441 ADVERTISERS, call 541.997.3441 to learn how we can help you. Speak your peace. Write a Letter to the Editor today. Owner | Technician info@ft scomputerrepair.com Email Editor@TheSiuslawNews.com