2A | WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2020 | SIUSLAW NEWS On The Record OBITUARIES S H O U P P E — A m a n - in business. da Lynn “Mandy Stroud” Mandy met her hus- Shouppe, of Florence, band, Richard Shouppe, passed away in Bremerton, March 20, 2020. Wash., while he Mandy was was stationed with born April 25, the U.S. Navy. To- 1970, to Gene and gether, they had Gayle Stroud of their beautiful Florence, Ore. She daughter, Dillan, graduated from in 1996 and lov- Siuslaw High ing son, Tyler, in School in 1988 2001. Amanda and continued Her children Shouppe her education, at- looked up to her tending Northwest Chris- as “Mama Bear” and she tian College and earning never disappointed. Mama herself a bachelor’s degree Bear worked diligently to instill a sense of passion, courage and unconditional love to her family, especial- ly towards her two wonder- ful children. Mandy had a soft spot, (and a notably large col- lection) for Disney movies — she shared this passion with her two children. Of- ten, the family would va- cation to Disneyland and create many loving and hu- morous memories togeth- er. These handful of family trips that were taken — the laughter they shared and joy that was felt — were just a small snippet of the cherished memories her family (and loved ones) will remember her by. Mandy will be laid to rest, along with babies Christian (1999) and Lau- ren (2000), during a private family ceremony at Pacif- ic Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery in Florence. She is survived by her fa- ther, Gene, and stepmother Myrtle, both of Florence; husband Richard Shouppe; and close friend Dea Car- son; daughter Dillan and her fiancé Alex; and son Tyler (all of Eugene, Ore.); sister Robin and her hus- band Jeremy Miller, along with their three children: Megan, Payton and Carter, all of Oregon; and Rich- ard’s family of Florida. Future plans will be an- nounced for a Celebration of Life ceremony to be held in Florence. Mandy’s family would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers “ I’m here to support the community and the Siuslaw News.” City updates Public Meeting Procedures following EO 20-16 On April 15, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown issued Executive Order 20-16 authorizing Oregon local governments to hold pub- lic meetings and hearings by teleconference, video or through other electronic methods. In particular, the exec- utive order gave local gov- ernments the authority to not provide a physical space for the public to attend meetings or hearings, pro- vided a virtual attendance mechanism is in place. Given the recent exec- utive orders, citizens will not be able to attend City meetings in person. Inter- ested citizens who would like to view and listen to public meetings may do so via live broadcast on Char- ter Cable Channel 191 or web broadcast at www.ci. florence.or.us/citymanager/ public-meetings-live. During this time, City Council meetings will not allow for verbal public comments on any item oth- er than a mandatory public hearing, but citizens are still encouraged to express their views to the City Council. Those interested may do so by submitting written communications in one of the following ways: 1. Submit written com- ments via email to the City Recorder’s Office at kelli. weese@ci.florence.or.us; 2. Mail written comments to Florence City Hall, Attn: City Council, 250 Hwy 101, Florence, OR 97439 3. Drop off written com- ments to the City of Flor- ence drop box located at Florence City Hall (250 Hwy 101) to the right of the main entrance. On Monday, May 4, at 5:30 p.m., the Florence City Council will hold a public hearing related to the Elks Lodge Zone Change. Those interested in providing tes- timony during the public hearing may do so via one of the following methods: 1. Written Testimony: It is strongly encouraged that interested parties provide testimony in writing prior to the meeting in one of the ways referenced above. All written testimony re- ceived at least 2 hours pri- or to the Council meeting (May 4 at 3:30 p.m.) will be distributed to the City Council and made part of the record. 2. C onference Call: Should it be necessary to provide verbal testimony; interested parties can par- ticipate via a conference call line. To do so please com- plete a speaker’s card online at www.ci.florence.or.us/ council/request-address- city-council-speakers-card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting (May 4 by 4:30 p.m.). Speaker’s cards must in- clude the speaker’s name and phone number they seek to call into the meet- ing from. City staff will then contact the speaker to let them know the confer- ence call line number and protocols. For details regarding the upcoming City Council meeting, contact City Re- corder / Economic Devel- opment Coordinator Kelli Weese at 541-997-3437 or via email at kelli.weese@ci. florence.or.us. during this most difficult time — they are all deeply appreciated. The family respectfully requests that all donations be sent to the National Kid- ney Foundation. Condolences to the fam- ily can be sent directly to Burns’s Riverside Chapel Florence Funeral Home in Florence, Ore., to where they will be respectfully forwarded to the family. Delbert L. "Del" Phelps Real Estate BROKER “I love to help people buy and sell property” Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate 1875 Hwy 101, P.O. Box 276, Florence, OR. 97439 Cell - 541-991-7787 dphelps@bhhsnw.com • oregoncoastallistings.com A member of the franchise system of BHHS affi liates, LLC Pandemic Unemployment Assistance now available in Oregon As of yesterday, April 28, the Oregon Employment De- partment (OED) bagen pro- viding unemployment bene- fits through the CARES Act Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program. In preparation, the agency has recruited and trained staff to process PUA claims. Eligibility: Oregonians who are eligi- ble for this program include individuals who do not qual- ify for or cannot collect ben- efits on a regular unemploy- ment insurance claim. This includes Oregonians who: • Are self-employed and not subject to unemploy- ment insurance tax; • Perform work as an inde- pendent contractor; • Perform work not sub- ject to unemployment insur- ance tax, such as agricultural workers; • Did not earn enough in wages or work enough hours to qualify for regular unem- ployment benefits; • Exhausted regular un- employment benefits, and are not eligible for another extension. • In addition, to be eligible, you must be unemployed, partially unemployed or unable and unavailable for work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Covered situations include individuals who: • Are directly caring for a member of the household di- agnosed with COVID-19; • Have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or are seek- ing a medical diagnosis for COVID-19; • Are unable to reach the place of employment be- cause of a quarantine im- posed as a direct result of the COVID-19 public health emergency; • Are primary caregiv- ers for a child or person in the household who is un- able to attend school or an- other facility closed due to COVID-19, and that atten- dance is required for their work; • Were scheduled to start a new job and were un- able to because the business closed as a direct result of COVID-19 public health emergency; or • Owned or worked for a business that closed as a di- rect result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Federal law provides that PUA benefits are retroactive to the first week a worker was impacted by a qualifying COVID-19 reason, poten- tially from the week starting Feb. 2, 2020, through the week ending Dec. 26. The PUA process can take as little as one week or sever- al weeks, depending on the claim complexity. How to Apply: People can access the PUA application and certification forms on the CARES Act sec- tion of the Employment De- partment’s COVID-19 web page, govstatus.egov.com/ ui-benefits/CARES. There are three ways to start a new application for PUA benefits: • Email: You can email OED_PUA_INFO@oregon. gov to request a secure email link, then attach your PUA application and weekly claim reports to the secure email. Only use the secure email link we send to provide per- FTS Computer Repair MAC or PC Support • Virus Removal • Phone Upgrades • Email Support • Tutoring • Data Recovery • Security Soft ware • Smart Phone | Tablet • Computer Tune-Up • Printer | Scanner Setup • Computer Sales • Screen Repair • Remote Support • Soft ware Sales • Game Console Repair Owner | Technician info@ft scomputerrepair.com 1255 Bay Street (Old Town) www.ft scomputerrepair.com sonal identifying informa- tion relevant to your claim. • Mail: You can mail your PUA application and weekly claim reports to Oregon Em- ployment Department at P.O. Box 14165, Salem, OR 97311. The CARES Act page also provides information for self-employed, contract, gig and other PUA-eligible workers who filed regular claims for unemployment benefits prior to the start of the program. Equal Oppor- tunity program — auxiliary aids and services available upon request. Family in Need To the Florence Area Com- munity: We are a family new to Florence, we moved from Wis- consin and came to the coast at the end of August 2019. We are reaching out to our new loved community for help and sup- port through this tragic time, since . Jeff rey was in a major car accident on March 26th on Hwy. 126 and suff ered exten- sive injuries. He broke his back in three diff erent spots, his left arm from bracing himself upon impact, his right knee, which had to be completely re-built, his left hip was dislocated and fractured, and his left fi bula was broken. I received the call that morning that no one ever wants to get, as I was getting ready for work. Lady on the phone: “Is this Brittany?” Me: “Yes, it is.” Lady: “this is so and so from Eugene paramedics, your husband has been in a car ac- cident.” In that very moment my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. All I could do was cry….the paramedic explained to me that Jeff was awake and alert, he was able to talk and tell them his medical history, but he does have some exten-sive injuries. I was able to talk to him very briefl y for a few seconds. Me (sobbing): “Honey, what happened?!” Jeff : “Honey, I don’t know, it was so bad! I love you!” Me: “I love you so much!” He was taken by ambu- lance to PeaceHealth Sacred Heart RiverBend in Eugene. He was rushed in to x-ray’s and scan to determine how bad his injuries actually were. Aft er that I felt helpless. I didn’t know what to do, but his team at the hospital was very good at keeping me updated. Th ey informed me the extent of his injuries and told me he would be going into surgery at some point that day to fi x his legs, hip, knee & shin, and would continue to keep me up- dated. I asked if we could pos- sibly talk before surgery and the nurse told me he was on a lot of pain meds and wouldn’t be able to hold a conversation. Th at put me at ease. I thought to myself “at least I know he’s being taken care of.” Breeze and I were not able to go see him at all in the hos- pital because of COVID-19, which was so incredibly hard to deal with until I could actually talk to him! A few hours later I fi nally got a call, it was his nurse. She was calling to let me know he was going into surgery; Breeze and I were able to talk to him for a minute. He was still very out of it from the meds but told us he was going into sur-gery and he loved us. Surgery took about eight hours. We were waiting and waiting and waiting for the sur- geon to call, as I was promised a call aft er surgery! Finally, around 11:00 pm the orthopedic surgeon called. He said surgery went well but his hip was one of the hardest he has every had to reduce in his career and he had to use every trick in the book. He explained how that part of the surgery was like a three hours process. Jeff ’s hip dislocated, then the ball tore out of the socket and was also cracked so he had to smooth out the ball then fi x all of the nerves, tendon and ligaments to put the ball back in the socket and then put his hip back into place. On top of all that he explained how he had fun rebuilding Jeff ’s know because it was broken in many diff erent spots, but aft er many hours of basically putting the “pieces of the puzzle” back together he got it done. He told me Jeff needed to go back into surgery for his arm yet, but that would be to much surgery for him in one day. So, his fellow surgeon would take Jeff back into surgery tomorrow. To- morrow rolled around, he went into surgery for his arm and all went well. He spent fi ve days in the hospital. Th ey HIGHLY recom- mended Jeff go to a rehab facil- ity for at least 30 days for fur- ther treatment and around the clock care. With the worldwide pandemic going on right now and the president stating that healthcare facilities are one of the most dangerous places to be right now Jeff did not feel com- fortable going into a facility like that. His doctors agreed with him that he would be a dead man if he would get COVID-19 because of how broken his body is and because his immune sys- tem is now compromised. So, aft er he put up a fi ght and got every-thing fi gured out for him to come home, one of my good friends here in Florence gave me a ride to Eugene Tuesday, March 31st to pick him up. I cannot explain to you guys how great it was to hug him and kiss his face! We had to sop and pick up his wheelchair and commode then we were home- ward bound. We got home, which is an RV we just bought and moved into four days before the acci- dent, and got him comfortable, he was fi nally able to give me de- tails that I had been wanting, of how the accident happened… For anyone who doesn’t know Hwy. 126 (Eugene to Florence) it is a very curvy road in some spots through the mountains and it was a foggy morning. He had already pulled over to allow traffi c to pass him, as they were fl ying up on him, he didn’t want to go any faster than he already was. He said something caught his eye on his passenger side, so he looked, and by the time he looked up out of the windshield his driver’s side tire was already hitting the gravel on the other side of the road and he was be- ing sucked into the ditch. He hit a tree head on at 55-60 mph. He said it happened so fast that he had no time to hit the brakes, and all he could do was brace himself. He was not wearing his seatbelt, but with how strong he is and the way he braced his up- per body he didn’t move from his seat. He told me he couldn’t feel any pain at the time but could see the bone sticking out of his knew and steady fl ow of blood. Come to fi nd out, he al- most bled out at the scene. He was not under the infl uence of any drugs or alcohol. For un- known reasons he got a ticket for not having a valid driver’s license. Th is doesn’t make sense to either of us especially since we had police contact a few days prior while being told we had to leave the national park due to COVID-19. Unfortu- nately, since he doesn’t hold a valid license (which he is going to fi ght in court) the car insur- ance won’t cover anything. We just recently had work done on the car but still needed to get some of the front end fi xed. Jeff is unsure if something was broke and that’s why he ended up on the other side of the road. Th e fi rst couple days of being home were challenging. He had to learn the best way to do certain things and what was the most comfortable for him and how we were going to set his area up. Within four days he had accomplished so much including a TANF and SSDI ap- pointment, his in-home phys- ical therapy and even helped me get his little corner set up just the way he likes it! Since then he has continued to do his FaceTime physical therapy (due to COVID-19) and gets stron- ger by the day! We are extremely grateful he made it out of the crash alive. We are also forever grateful to Breonna (for all the help, sup- port and ride), the paramedics, all of the nursing and medical staff , both of his orthopedic surgeons, his primary physician (she has been amazing though all of this) and everyone else for all of the well wishes. We have exhausted all of our funds and our savings. Jeff even got a credit card that we’ve already maxed out. We are a family new to Florence, we moved from Wis- consin and came to the coast at the end of August 2019. We are reaching out to our new loved community for help and sup- port through this tragic time, since So I made a gofundme page for Jeff , it’s called #Jeff rey- Strong if anyone is interested in donating to our cause, or you can contact me personally at (920)579-4635. Th ank you to everybody who took the time to read our story, who has donat- ed already, and to anyone who is kind and generous enough to donate. God bless each and every one of you. Respectfully, Brittany Mulholland