SIUSLAW NEWS | WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020 | 7A Department of Revenue warns of COVID-19 scams Studded tire deadline The Oregon Department of Revenue is warning tax- payers of calls and email phishing attempts related to the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic and federal government relief payments. These scams can lead to tax-related fraud and identity theft. Taxpayers should watch not only for emails but text messages, websites, and social media attempts that request money or personal informa- tion. “Oregon taxpayers should take extra precaution to guard their personal infor- mation from these unscru- pulous scam attempts,” said Oregon Department of Reve- nue Director Nia Ray. “Most people who qualify to receive a stimulus check do not need to sign up, apply, or verify any personal information, online or elsewhere.” The Department of Reve- nue and the IRS remind tax- payers that scammers may: • Emphasize the words “stimulus check” or “stimulus payment.” The official term is economic impact payment. • Ask the taxpayer to sign over their economic impact payment check to them. • Ask by phone, email, text, or social media for verifica- tion of personal and/or bank- ing information saying that the information is needed to receive or speed up their eco- nomic impact payment. • Suggest they can get a tax refund or economic impact payment faster by working on the taxpayer’s behalf. This scam could be conducted by social media or even in per- son. • Mail the taxpayer a bo- gus check, perhaps in an odd amount, then tell the taxpay- er to call a number or verify information online in order to cash it. Taxpayers should look out for phishing emails asking them to verify their personal information in order to re- ceive an economic stimulus check from the government. While talk of economic stimulus checks has been in the news cycle, government agencies are not sending un- solicited emails seeking tax- payers’ private information in order to send them mon- ey. Phishing emails may also claim to be related to: Char- itable contributions, general financial relief, airline carrier refunds, fake cures and vac- cines, as well as fake testing kits. The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with taxpayers by email, text messages, or so- cial media channels to re- quest personal or financial information. People should be alert to scammers posing as the IRS to steal personal information. The IRS initi- ates most contacts through regular mail delivered by the United States Postal Service. Those who receive unso- licited emails, text messages, or social media attempts to gather information that ap- pear to be from either the IRS or an organization closely linked to the IRS, such as the Electronic Federal Tax Pay- ment System should forward it to Taxpayers are encouraged not to engage potential scam- mers online or on the phone. Learn more about reporting suspected scams by going to the Report Phishing and On- line Scams page on Official IRS information about the COVID-19 pan- demic and economic impact payments can be found on the Coronavirus Tax Relief page on The page is updated quickly when new information is available. For more info on protec- tion, or what to do if they’re a victim of identity theft, visit, or (%!,4(ȩ./4)&)#!4)/. !REȩ9OUȩ(ARDȩOFȩ(EARING $PDMRUQDPHEUDQGKHDULQJDLGSURYLGHU ZLVKHVWRILHOGWHVWDUHPDUNDEOHQHZ GLJLWDOKHDULQJLQVWUXPHQWLQWKHDUHD7KLV RIIHULVIUHHRIFKDUJHDQG\RXDUHXQGHUQR REOLJDWLRQ 7KHVHUHYROXWLRQDU\'LJLWDO LQVWUXPHQWVXVHWKHODWHVWWHFKQRORJ\WR FRPIRUWDEO\DQGDOPRVWLQYLVLEO\KHOS\RX KHDUPRUHFOHDUO\7KLVWHFKQRORJ\VROYHV WKH³VWRSSHGXSHDUV´DQG³KHDGLQD EDUUHO´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extended until May 15 SALEM — Oregon driv- ers will not be required to remove studded tires until 11:59 p.m. Friday, May 15. The deadline had previ- ously been extended from April 1 to May 1. While studded tires are allowed in Oregon by law from Nov. 1 through March 31, the Oregon Department of Transportation decided to again extend that dead- line in response to the con- tinuing public health emer- gency of COVID-19. ODOT encourages driv- ers to have their studded tires removed before May 15 if it can reasonably be done while maintaining so- cial distancing. For additional informa- tion about the state’s efforts in response to COVID-19, visit the Oregon Health Authority website at gov- COVID-19. For additional information about steps ODOT is taking to slow the spread of the virus, please visit pages/incident.aspx. Expect delays on Highway 126 for tree removal A tree removal safety project will cause delays on Highway 126, the Flor- ence-Eugene Highway, about one mile east of the tunnel for the next two weeks. An Oregon De- partment of Transportation maintenance crew will be removing trees from the state’s right of way to en- hance safety for travelers at mileposts 20-22. The work is scheduled weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. starting on Monday, April 20, and lasting the next two weeks. At least one lane of travel will be open with flaggers controlling two-way traffic. Travelers should expect de- lays. For more information about road conditions, check SWANSON’S PEST MANAGEMENT INSPECT – CORRECT – PROTECT SUSTAINED PEST MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR HOME AND BUSINESS SOME OF THE PESTS THAT WE TREAT: ANTS • COCKROACHES • FLEAS • RODENTS BIRDS • BEDBUGS • STORED PRODUCTS PESTS BEES/WASPS • GOPHERS 541-997-4027 1-800-622-8993 “Since 1983” Visit our Website: DENTURE SERVICES INC. LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED Open 4 days a week! Here to serve your denture needs: Dentures Partial Dentures Immediate Dentures Implant Dentures Relines & Repairs Same Day Monday-Thursday 10am - 2 pm William Foster LD Sherry, Offi ce Manager “As a denture wearer myself, I can answer your questions and address your denture concerns.” ~ William Foster, LD Financing: Citi Health Card 12 Month no Interest 524 Laurel St. 541-997-6054 Get Results...List With Brian. Brian Jagoe Principal Broker 541 999-1314 4()3ȩ 7%%+ȩ /.,9 )NSERTȩ%XPIRATIONȩ$ATE EXPIRES APRIL 24TH 88307 Hwy 101 – Great op- portunity to own this 3 bdrm, 1 bath home on 1/4 acre. Two-car garage with lots of room to park your RV or boat. New roof in 2016 and new septic in 2020. Great stick-built home for only $185,000. #3073-20120130 CODE:20AprHealt 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 FEATURED HOME OF THE WEEK ?Վ+ÚńOwêŽOńćžùƒOťÚćù =ÚùwŽĔûûƢťÕŽ+ÚńOwêŽØOńćžùƒOťÚćùŴÕOʼngŽŽùĦńćƐڃÚùÆՎOńÚùÆOڃʼn€¬ćêêćƒØžĦwOńŽ€OùƒŽƒžwOťÚćùOêńŽʼnćžńwŽʼnťć ĦŽćĦêŽƒÚťÕՎOńÚùÆêćʼnʼnƒÕ惎óćùʼnťńOťŽĦŽńʼnćùOêÚùOgÚêÚťƖťć±ùOùwÚOêêƖĦńćƐڃŽ¬ćńťÕŽÚńՎOńÚùÆՎOêťÕùŽŽƒʼnįHŽƒć ťÕÚʼngŽwOžʼnŽƒŽgŽêڎƐŽŽƐŽńƖćùŽÚùćžńwćóóžùÚťƖƒŽʼnŽńƐŽʼnķžOêÚťƖՎOńÚùÆÚùʼnťńžóŽùťʼnį Z Ĥ¼›ê|ùCĒŒê›¼ZŒ|Œ¼ăĤùĒź¼¼ń tĒşă|źış|ùêÏźÏĒļ|ä¼|ļêĉÖ|ꮐ¼ĉ¼ÐŒşĤŒĒ·Ô©ƃƃƃ¼Ŷ¼ļźÔź¼|ļńĪ|ùùÏĒļ ¼ùêÖêêùêŒźńŒ|ŒşńĪ ZĤ¼›ê|ùCĒŒê›¼ZŒ|Œ¼ăĤùĒź¼¼ń tĒşă|źış|ùêÏźÏĒļ|ä¼|ļêĉÖ|ꮐ¼ĉ¼ÐŒşĤŒĒ·Ô©ƃƃƃ¼Ŷ¼ļźÔź¼|ļńĪ|ùùÏĒļ ¼ùêÖêêùêŒźńŒ|ŒşńĪ FLORENCE 2775 Hwy 101 Suite B • Florence, OR 97439 541-423-3142 NORTH BEND NEWPORT ,OCATIONSȩ!DDRESSȩ0HONEȩ 1938 Newmark St., North Bend, OR, 97459 1217 N. Coast Hwy. Suite D Newport, OR 97365 541-236-2628 NUMBERS 541-435-2753 3910 MUNSEL CREEK DR Great location, in-town on .30ac site w/ 80’ concrete RV pad, w/ hot & cold water, elect. & sewer dump. This well cared for, 1-owner home has it all: 1979 total SF with 3 BR, 2.5 BA, built-in 1994. Newer roof, siding, paint & flooring. Studio & shed in private backyard. Cozy woodstove and excellent floor plan. Large kitchen w/ lots of cabinets. $50,000+ Sequoia grove in rear yard. Seller will provide financial details on tree harvesting. $448,900 #11920 MLS#19291558 “We’re next to the Bridge” VISITȩUSȩONLINEȩATȩWWWMIRACLE EARCOM +HDULQJWHVWVDUHDOZD\VIUHH+HDULQJWHVWLVDQDXGLRPHWULFWHVWWRGHWHUPLQHSURSHUDPSOLILFDWLRQQHHGVRQO\+HDULQJ$LGVGRQRWUHVWRUHQDWXUDOKHDULQJ,QGLYLGXDOH[SHULHQFHVZLOOYDU\GHSHQGLQJRQVHYHULW\RI ORVVDFFXUDF\RIHYDOXDWLRQE\RXU&RQVXOWDQWSURSHUILWDQGWKHDELOLW\WRDGMXVWDPSOLILFDWLRQ,I\RXDUHQRWFRPSOHWHO\VDWLVILHGWKHDLGVPXVWEHUHWXUQHGZLWKLQGD\VRIWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIILWWLQJLQVDWLVIDFWRU\ FRQGLWLRQIRUDIXOOUHIXQG 100 Hwy. 101 See all Florence Listings at COAST REAL ESTATE 541-997-7777