4A | SATURDAY EDITION | MARCH 21, 2020 NED HICKSON , EDITOR | 541-902-3520 | NHICKSON @ THESIUSLAWNEWS . COM Editor’s Note: Siuslaw News P.O. Box 10 Florence, OR 97439 Due to the frequency of information being received from local governent agencies and its importance to the community, we will be including that information in place of our normal Opinion page as needed to assure it reaches as many community members as possible, both in print and online. “I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.” —Thomas Jefferson (1800) Letter to the Community from the Mayor Dear Florence Community, I wanted to take a moment to connect with our community and provide some information on the current situation we all find ourselves in. I know the past few weeks, especially the past few days, have been filled with uncer- tainty, fear, and heartache. Many of us have never experi- enced something like this in our lifetimes. Working together I think we can come through this stronger as a community, but we know it will be difficult before it gets better. Our fight against the corona- virus or COVID-19 has entered a stark new phase. The Federal Government and our State have taken extraordinary actions over the past few days to slow the spread of COVID-19, under the guidance of the Centers for Dis- ease Control. This includes limit- ing public and private gatherings, restricting restaurants to take-out and delivery services, and ex- tending school closures. During a public health emer- gency, Lane County Public Health in conjunction with the Oregon Health Authority are the lead agencies in our area. There- fore, the City is looking to those lead agencies for guidance and information on response. We recommend that our com- munity members follow the in- formation provided by these two organizations, along with the Centers for Disease Control, for the most up to date and accurate information. In their open letter to Orego- nians on Tuesday, the Oregon Health Authority acknowledged the following: “Social distancing measures are urgent and necessary to slow the spread of COVID-19. These sweeping actions will create profound disruption and hard- ship in all our daily lives. The From Florence Mayor Joe Henry impact of these decisions will ripple through homes, schools, communities across Oregon — and through our state economy. These restrictions will demand unprecedented sacrifice from all of us. But they are urgent, nec- essary, and justified in the face of the COVID-19 threat. Every one of us must help. We all have the power to stop COVID-19 and save the lives of people we care about.” In Florence, our local agencies and regional partners are taking steps to prepare for and slow the spread of COVID-19. The City of Florence is committed to the safety and well-being of our com- munity and staff and will contin- ue to provide essential services to the Florence community. The City has taken measures to implement social distancing and provide relief in the form of sus- pending utility shutoffs, among other items. We urge our com- munity members to adhere to the social distancing measures being implemented by the State of Or- egon and the Centers for Disease Control. While these measures mean we may need to postpone our important events, such as wed- dings, celebrations of life and other events or gatherings, it is our shared responsibility to pro- tect each other and our most vulnerable populations. I un- derstand that making these hard decisions is difficult and often disappointing. If we do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19, those events will be all the more meaningful. The virus does not dis- criminate. We cannot combat COVID-19 if we turn on each other or stigmatize people who test positive and become ill. That only puts sick people and the broader community at-risk be- cause it discourages people from getting tested, getting care, and staying home. We are all afraid of the un- known and how this virus will end up impacting our lives. It is our job to remain kind and sup- portive during these uncertain times. Please educate yourself through trusted and official resources to reduce the spread of misinforma- tion. Much of what is shared on social media does not have a reli- able or trackable source. We urge our community to be diligent in ensuring the information they consume and share is from offi- cial sources. The City of Florence has out- lined the measures we are taking and provided links to Lane Coun- ty Public Health and the Oregon Health Authority at www.ci.flor- ence.or.us/covid19. So, in closing, I urge you to stay safe and healthy, stay informed, and continue to be the caring and compassionate community I know we are. And, may God bless the City of Florence. School District emergency meal service plan update Updated March 20 for Spring Break and Beyond The Siuslaw School District will continue to pro- vide breakfast and lunch to students and families during the mandatory school closure. The follow- ing is a list of serving sites and times available, as well as bus delivery sites and approximate serving times. Anyone who is not able to make it to a site and needs food and/or resources, call the district of- fice at 541-997-2651. The school district wants to ensure that every student has access to meals and educational materials. Serving Sites (Drop-by in person): Spring Break: Delivery will be Monday, March 23, Wednesday, March 25 and Friday, March 27. Beginning Monday, March 30, food deliveries will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday until fur- ther notice. Siuslaw Elementary School Breezeway • Breakfast 8:00-8:30 • Lunch 11:30-12:00 Miller Park • Lunch 12:00-12:20 Public Library • Lunch 12:30-12:50 Siuslaw High School • Lunch 1 to 1:20 p.m. Serving Locations (via bus stop delivery): In-Town: Boardwalk Parking Lot (1st and Bay Street) • 11:45-12:15 Cross Road Church (1380 10th St) • 11:45-12:15 Siuslaw 97J Transportation Lot (2420 Kingwood) • 11:45-12:15 35th Street tennis court parking lot (35th St. and N. Siano Loop) • 11:45-12:15 Parking Lot at the corner of Bay Street and Juni- per Street • 12:20-12:50 City Lights Movie Theatre Lot (1930 Hwy 101) 15th St Community Garden (at Maple) • 12:30-1:00 Police Station Parking Lot (900 Greenwood) • 12:45 - 1:15 p.m. Florence Christian Church lot (2nd & Ivy) • 12:55-1:25 FEC Overflow Lot (across from 715 Quince) • 1:15-1:45 First Baptist Church (25th & Spruce) • 1:30-2:00 NORTH: Sutton Lake Fire Station (89973 Sutton Lake Rd) • 11:45 - 12:15 p.m. Baker Beach Campground State Park (Hwy 101 / Baker Beach Rd) • 11:45-12:15 Darlingtonia State Park (5400 Mercer Lake Rd) • 12:30-1:00 SOUTH: Dunes City Boat Launch (End of Pacific — West- lake) • Noon - 12:30 p.m. St Marys Catholic Church (85060 Hwy 101) • 12:00-12:30 Clear Lake Fire Station (83345 Clear Lake Rd) • 12:45-1:15 Canary Rd: Woahink Lake Parking Lot (On Canary Rd) • 12:00-12:30 Canary Road Fire Station 5 (MP 4.8 on Canary Rd.) • 12:45-1:15 EAST: Tiernan Boat Ramp (Tiernan@126) • 11:45-12:15 C & D Dock on Hwy 126 (9634 Hwy 126) • 12:30-1:00 North Fork: Fire Station MP 11 (9181 North Fork) • 12:00-12:30 Bender Landing MP 2 (6100 North Fork) • 12:45-1:15 USPS# 497-660 Copyright 2020 © Siuslaw News Siuslaw News Published every Wednesday and Saturday at 148 Maple St. in Florence, Lane County, Oregon. A member of the National Newspaper Association and Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association. Periodicals postage paid at Florence, Ore. Postmaster, send address changes to: Siuslaw News, P.O. Box 10, Florence, OR 97439; phone 541-997-3441; fax 541-997-7979. All press releases may be sent to PressReleases@TheSiuslawNews.com. Jenna Bartlett Ned Hickson Susan Gutierrez Cathy Dietz Ron Annis Publisher, ext. 318 Editor, ext. 313 Multimedia Sales Director, ext. 326 Office Supervisor, ext. 312 Production Supervisor DEADLINES: Wednesday Issue—General news, Monday noon; Budgets, four days prior to publication; Regular classified ads, Monday 1 p.m.; Display ads, Monday noon; Dis- play classified ads, Friday 5 p.m. Saturday Issue—General news, Thursday noon; Budgets, two days prior to pub- lication; Regular classified ads, Thursday 1 p.m.; Display ads, Thursday noon; Display classified ads, Wednesday 5 p.m. Soundings, Tuesday 5 p.m. NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Lane County — 1-year subscription, $79; 6-month in-county, $56; 10-week subscription, $25; Out of Lane County — 1-year subscription, $102; 6-month out- of-county, $69; 10-week subscription, $35; Out of State — 1-year subscription, $134; E-Edition Online Only (Anywhere) — 1-year subscription, $65. Mail subscription includes E-Edition. Website and E-Edition: TheSiuslawNews.com Letters to the Editor policy The Siuslaw News welcomes letters to the edi- tor as part of a community discussion of issues on the local, state and national level. Emailed letters are preferred. Handwritten or typed letters must be signed. All letters need to include full name, address and phone number; only name and city will be printed. Letters should be limited to about 300 words. Letters are sub- ject to editing for length, grammar and clarity. Publication of any letter is not guaranteed and depends on space available and the volume of let- ters received. Letters that are anonymous, libelous, argumen- tative, sarcastic or contain accusations that are unsourced or documented will not be published. Letters containing poetry or from outside the Siuslaw News readership area will only be pub- lished at the discretion of the editor. Political/Election Letters: Election-related letters must address pertinent or timely issues of interest to our readers at-large. Letters must 1) Not be a part of letter-writing campaigns on behalf of (or by) candidates; 2) En- sure any information about a candidate is accu- rate, fair and not from second-hand knowledge or hearsay; and 3) Explain the reasons to support candidates based on personal experience and perspective rather than partisanship and cam- paign-style rhetoric. Candidates themselves may not use the letters to the editor column to outline their views and platforms or to ask for votes; this constitutes paid political advertising. As with all letters and advertising content, the newspaper, at the sole discretion of the publish- er, general manager and editor, reserves the right to reject any letter that doesn’t follow the above criteria. Email letters to: nhickson@thesiuslawnews.com WHERE TO WRITE Pres. Donald Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20500 Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461 TTY/TDD Comments: 202-456-6213 www.whitehouse.gov Oregon Gov. Kate Brown 160 State Capitol 900 Court St. Salem, Ore. 97301-4047 Governor’s Citizens’ Rep. Message Line: 503-378-4582 www.oregon.gov/gov U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden 221 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5244 541-431-0229 www.wyden.senate.gov U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley 313 Hart Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202-224-3753 FAX: 202-228-3997 541-465-6750 www.merkley.senate.gov U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio (4th Dist.) 2134 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 202-225-6416 541-269-2609 541-465-6732 www.defazio.house.gov State Sen. Arnie Roblan (Dist. 5) 900 Court St. NE - S-417 Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1705 FAX: 503-986-1080 Email: Sen.ArnieRoblan@ oregonlegislature.gov State Rep. Caddy McKeown (Dist. 9) 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1409 Email: rep.caddymckeown @oregonlegislature.gov West Lane County Commissioner Jay Bozievich 125 E. Eighth St. Eugene, OR 97401 541-682-4203 FAX: 541-682-4616 Email: Jay.Bozievich@ co.lane.or.us