2A | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2019 | SIUSLAW NEWS On The Record OBITUARY PA R K E R — R o b e r t a “Bobbi” Parker, 80, of Flor- ence, passed away at her home while surrounded by family on Sept. 19, 2019. Bobbi was an only child and was born July 25, 1939, to parents Robert and May Somer- meyer in Oak Park, Ill. B o b - bi’s father Roberta died three Parker months before her birth, causing her to be raised by a single mother. At age 8, Bobbi had an accident while trying to teach herself to roller skate. Her mother rushed her to the doctor’s office, where she was given an anti-tox- in shot, which later caused a severe allergic reaction, paralyzing her from the waist down and causing deafness. The paralyzation even- tually went away but the deafness did not. From that point on, she was forced to continue her education in special schools specifically for the deaf, teaching how to live and maintain in a “hearing world.” She was not allowed to learn sign language but later in life Bobbi took sign language classes and taught herself. She completed her edu- cation in 1960, when she graduated from Northern Illinois University with a bachelor’s degree in ac- counting. Bobbi met her husband, Loren Parker, while attend- ing Northern Illinois Uni- versity. They married in August 1960 and remained married until her death. They had two children; Kim, born in February 1962, and Scott, born in August 1965. They lived in Plainfield, Ill., until they moved to the Oregon coast in the summer of 1979. Bobbi’s employment ca- reer consisted mainly of working for the Olin Cor- poration as an accountant for a little over 10 years in Illinois, and then again managing books for her and Loren’s business, West- lane Disposal in Florence for 20 years. Bobbi was very active in all sorts of endeavors. She loved to play cards and was an excellent bridge player and holds a “Life Master” in Duplicate Bridge. She played weekly in the Flor- ence Bridge Club. She also loved to read books and volunteered some of her time at the Florence Public Library as well as the Food Share program in Florence. She loved flowers and would garden every summer around their home as well as at the office where their business was located. Then there were the crafts — she was amazing! She was a seasoned seam- stress and made home- made gifts and holiday decorations which she shared with many family members and friends. She loved to make all her own cards and had quite the stamp collection. She framed many of her nee- dlepoint projects and put them up as lovely decora- tions on the walls in her home. There was not a time when Bobbi sat idle. Even at the end of the day, when all work was done, she would be playing games on her computer or watching her favorite CSI episode (with closed captioning, of course). She was very competitive and hated losing. She en- joyed watching Scott play football and became an avid sports fan. Bobbi loved her fam- ily — she loved her two kids, her three grandchil- dren: Jeremy, Ashley and Gabbi; as well as her three great-grandsons: Mason, Jax and Jace. And we all loved her — immensely! We have so many great stories to share because our Mom/Gramma was one funny lady! She had a way of making whatever event we were celebrating even more fun because of her bright and shining spirit. It’s going to be tough to celebrate without her; she will be sorely missed. She was a “light” most definitely. Roberta is survived by her husband, Loren; her two children, Kim and Scott Parker; her three grandchildren, three great-grandchildren; as well as numerous cousins, nieces and nephews. A celebration of her life will be held Oct. 20 at Gre- entrees Village Rec Hall from 1 to 4 p.m. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome. Outdoor burning season now open, daily home wood-heating advisories begin The fall outdoor burning season opened on Tues- day, Oct. 1, for many Lane County residents. Fall out- door burning seasons close at the end of the month for many areas inside Lane County. The outdoor burning season has been delayed in the past due to dry weather and fire danger. This year, weather conditions permit the season to start on time. Outdoor burning, also known as open or backyard burning, allows some Lane County residents to burn only dry woody yard debris that was generated on their own residential property. Rules concerning outdoor burning differ throughout the county. Burn barrels are prohibit- ed county-wide. Before starting an out- door burn, all residents must check the daily burn- ing advisory, which indi- cates to the community if burning is prohibited on a given day. The advisory also tells residents when all fires must be extinguished by. The daily burning advi- sory can be found by calling Lane Regional Air Protec- tion Agency’s (LRAPA) ad- visory line at 541-726-3976 or by visiting www.lrapa. org. Although burning is an option for some Lane County residents, LRAPA encourages exploring al- ternatives to burning. Resi- dents can dispose of woody yard debris for a mini- mal charge at one of Lane County’s various collection depots or with Rexius and Lane Forest Products. Chipping and compost- ing are also alternative op- tions to burning. Failure to adhere to ad- visories can result in hefty fines, including a $500 fine for residents’ first citation. Opacity limitations exist on Green and Yellow days that limit how thick your smoke can be. For information, visit www.lrapa.org or call the advisory line at 541-746- 4328. Residents can also sign up for text messages alerts that will notify of a red advisory day by texting: “LRAP-AHWH” to 313131. Smoke from wood stoves and fireplaces are the main source of air pollution in Lane County in the fall and winter. To help Lane Coun- ty meet the federal clean air standards every year, residents are encouraged to burn smart and clean. LRA- PA advises people to make sure they only burn wood that has been seasoned for a minimum of six months to Save $ 50 prevent excessive smoke. Additionally, use a certi- fied wood stove and make sure your chimney is clean and free of creosote. 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