4B | SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2019 | SIUSLAW NEWS CLUES ACROSS 1. Scottish tax 5. Filled with horror 11. Type of music 14. Variety act 15. Half-conscious state 16. Discontinued European money 17. Formal declaration 19. Shaft horsepower (abbr.) 20. A way to express concentration 21. Airline 22. Goes well with a carrot 23. Length of pant leg 25. Mark with a cut 27. One who destroys completely 31. Greek sophist 34. Thomas Hobbes’s “De __” 35. Copyreads 38. Talk 39. Endangered 41. Snag HOROSCOPES ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Th ere are a few obstacles in your career path right now, Aries. Th ankfully, you have a clever way to navigate right around them. All it takes is a little charm. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 It can be diffi cult to make decisions when under pres- sure, Taurus. Th is week you may be put on the spot to an- swer some diffi cult questions. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Now may be a good time to invest some money into a luxu- ry purchase, Gemini. Th is can be anything from an extensive vacation to a new car. Just con- sider the budget beforehand. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, a minor health scare could have you rethinking your diet and exercise regimen. Speak with a doctor about the MEET SUNDAY Sunday is a laid back 3 year old gal, with plenty of love to give. She loves to explore and play, but also loves to just lounge around and enjoy the sun. Sunday has been diagnosed with liver disease, but with high quality food and medication (which she takes very easily) she is doing fantastic and enjoying life. If you’re looking for a great cat with that special personality, come and meet Sunday. 42. Comedienne Tyler 44. Castrate a male animal 45. Taj Mahal site 46. Tending to concede 49. One who accepts 51. Albanian capital 55. Takes kids to school 56. About Moon 60. __ Seamounts: underwater volcanoes 61. __ Lilly, drug company 62. Not working 64. Alaska nursing board 65. Howl 66. Muslim ruler title 67. Famed arena 68. Back again for more food 69. Cheek best course of action if you want to overhaul your health. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, some tough choices will be falling on your shoulders in the days ahead. Not everyone may agree with your decisions, but you need to stand by them. VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Th ere is only so much that debate will accomplish, Virgo. You may have to sit back and go with the fl ow on this one, even if that may be diffi cult. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 All it may take is a weekend getaway to completely recharge your mind and body, Libra. Trips do not have to be long to prove rejuvenating. A change of scenery is important. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, make a list of the pros and cons of a career change and then mull it over carefully. Explore if salary, en- vironment or status are driving factors in wanting something new. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/ CLUES DOWN 1. Raccoonlike animal 2. Small 3. Separates 4. Parties 5. Automated teller machine 6. One who earned his degree 7. Dislike 8. Flowering plant 9. Nova __, province 10. Inhabited 11. Breathing 12. Partner to pains 13. Immature insects 18. The back 24. Heavy club 26. Edible fi sh 28. Lament for the dead 29. Woody climbing plants 30. Small rooms for prisoners 31. Ottoman military commander Dec 21 Memories of good times could have you temporarily living in the past, Sagittarius. Th at is okay as long as you can come back to the present when necessary. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, put your pride to the side and focus on what would be best for the majority of people in your family circle. Th en you can gear your deci- sions toward their well-being . WE NEED A HOME.... If you would like to meet these two or any of their friends, please visit us at: OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY 2840 Rhododendron Drive • Florence • 541-997-4277 •oregoncoasthumane.org 32. “The Crow” actress Ling 33. A way of lopping off 36. Cigarette (slang) 37. Helps little fi rms 39. Member of small discussion group 40. Copyread 43. V-shaped open trough 45. Pokes holes in 47. Beloved “Captain” 48. Resume 49. On a line at right angles 50. Light up lamps 52. Part of the psyche 53. Leeward Island 54. 1960s counterculture activist 57. Edible seaweed 58. Imitator 59. Look at and comprehend 63. Root mean square (abbr.) AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, if your diet and exercise regimen hasn’t been as successful as you’d hoped, you may want to speak with a dieti- cian. Th en you can get back on track. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, there are a few cos- mic disturbances on the ho- rizon but nothing you cannot handle with a little fi nesse. Expect things to blow over shortly. MEET TIPPY Tippy is a one year old, female, lab/hound mix who loves people. This sweet girl would love a family to call her own who will take her hiking and running and to the dog-park. Tippy has been diagnosed with muscular atrophy and will need to be on medication for it, but she takes it well and it’s inexpensive.