SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2019 | 3B Horse Club begins soon for local youth C&M Stables will again offer Horse Club to area boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 18 during the 2019-20 school year. Horse Club sessions are held after school, with spe- cific class days and times dependent upon the num- ber of students that partic- ipate. Through this program, children learn about the day-to-day chores that take place to have a horse and be able to ride. Their interaction with the horses also enables them to gain confidence as their skills and abilities increase over time. There are occasional mini trail rides planned as students get to a safe riding level, as well as a trail ride that includes parents at the end of the session. Sign-ups are being ac- cepted now for the first session, which begins Sept. 15. For more information or to sign up for Horse Club, stop by C&M Stables be- tween 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., seven days a week. C&M Stables was es- tablished in 1981 by Jeff Chastain, a Florence na- tive, and is located just eight miles north of Flor- ence at 90241 Highway 101. For more information, call the stables at 541-997- 7540. C&M Stables also offers beach, dune and trail rides, as well as an Adult Riding Club. Tee it up for Military Museum! Camp from 1B in particular catches Fleming’s eye — but not just because of the young- ster’s efforts. Fleming wistfully shakes his head and smiles. “I remember when his father came through this camp at about the same age,” Fleming remarks with a chuckle. “One of my favorite parts of this [camp] is watching gener- ations of Siuslaw players come through here. They come in as little guys and then, one day, they’re on the varsity practice field with you.” And then, at some point, the cycle begins again as the children of past players find themselves working on proper stance at the line of scrimmage. Back across the field, coaches begin calling for a group huddle to end the day. Following Viking tra- dition, players join hands and jog across the field. Today, hands of all sizes join together, with those of younger players complete- ly swallowed up by the larger, beefier hands of varsity players. Minutes later, everyone has gath- ered into a semi-circle of kneeling players — large and small — like irregular pickets making up a com- mon fence. “All of you did a great job today,” says Johnson. His words draw a few beaming smiles from the younger players. After explaining what to expect for the final day of camp, Johnson lifts his hand, prompting everyone in the group to jockey for a spot to pile their hands into the mix. “Viks on three” some- one announces, and the countdown begins. “One, two, three … VIKS!” The chant has a special harmony as it echoes into the warm afternoon air, made up of voices carrying the tones of Vikings past, present and future. Though the echo fades, it’s clear that the tradition that carries it will continue on for generations to come. Florence Golf Links Saturday August 24, 2019 Fun and unique event with different format on each hole! RaŋĞƉƌizĞƐ͕ŚŽůĞ-in- tĞƐƚ͕ĐloƐĞƐƚtŽƉŝŶΘůoŶŐĞƐtĚƌŝvĞƐ! $100 per player includes awards dinner at Oregon Coast Military Museum! Forms available at Museum, Beach House Help us honor our Veterans! VOICE YOUR OPINION! — Write a Letter to the Editor today: NED HICKSON/SIUSLAW NEWS A varsity football player encourages a young camper through the barrels. Little from 1B another ring for LeBron. Th e next $uper$tar look- ing for a ring wa$ Kevin Du-rant. He joined the Golden $tate Warrior$ and wa$ rewarded with two ring$. Th e pre$$er i$ on the player$. Gone are the day$ when loyalty to your team la$ted year$. Th ere were no le$$ than nine 2019 all $tar player$ moving to a diff er- ent team thi$ $ummer. Th e opportunity to earn a ring and make million$ of dol- lar$ ha$ become the only loyalty for many player$. Even Zion William$ ha$ said he will leave New Or- lean$ a$ $oon a$ it looks like the Pelican$ do not have the talent to win a champion$hip. Trying to stack teams is nothing new. Colleges re- cruit as many top players even if they already have positions fi lled with qual- ity players. Keeping other good players on their ros- ters prevents them from having to play against them. But now the eligi- bility of college players has changed. Players are now allowed to transfer without having to sit out a full year. Even the SEC power league will have fi ve trans- fer upper class quarter- backs this season. Wanting to play on a winning team goes way back to when I taught phys- ical education at Siuslaw High School. Th ere were always students trying to jockey their place in line so they could stack a team. Knowing this happens, my methods of team selection took this as a challenge. I used more than the stan- dard count off by numbers to choose the teams in my class — or I just made the teams up before class. Profe$$ional athletes have been $poiled. Tele- vi$ion and fan$ are willing to pay money to produce and watch game$. Th e price to watch any pro- fe$$ional $port ha$ made attending game$ a luxury many true fan$ cannot af- ford. If you want to go to a live game $tart $aving your money now. Hopefully by the time you have enough $aved your favorite player will still be on your team. Fishing Temporary fall Chinook salmon regulations started Aug. 1. Salmon anglers in Coos Bay will only be able to harvest 1 wild Chinook per day and 5 wild Chinook for the season in aggregate from all waters from Coos Basin, Coquille Basin, Sixes River and Elk River. The South Fork Coos River will be closed to salmon fishing upstream of Myrtle Tree Boat Ramp, and the Millicoma River will be closed to salmon fishing upstream of Rooke Higgins Boat Ramp. Marine perch species are available around rocks, riprap, pilings, and docks at this time of year. TENMILE LAKES: Trout, warmwater species, largemouth bass Bass fishing has been good on Tenmile Lakes. Anglers are catching most of the bass along the deep- er weedlines and sub- merged trees, but are also catching a few on topwater lures in the mornings and evenings. Yellow perch fishing is picking up with anglers catching yellow perch along the edges of weed- lines. Most of the fish are under 10 inches long but there are a few 12-inch plus fish being caught. Trout fishing has slowed down on Tenmile Lakes. 7th Annual Florence Area September -, 2019 How To Participate The fee to participate is $20. An ad for the Community Wide Garage Sale with a map of all participation sales will be published in the Siuslaw News on September th and th. Because of print deadlines, the registration deadline is 5pm Thursday August 2019.