SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 2019 | 9A no magic wand. You can’t snap your fingers or wiggle your nose to make it happen. No. If you want to help her get here or him here or her here, you have to do this and this and that and the other thing and a bunch of other things on top of the other things. It doesn’t just take a village, it takes an army. It takes a base of operations and trained professionals and innovative teaching strategies and career counseling and help with math and fun and games and tech and science and exercise and college prep and mentoring and hopes and dreams and on and on and on. It does not take one of these things - it takes all of them. Because when it comes to building great futures for our children, good enough is never enough. WE DO WHAT-- WHAT EVER IT TAKES GREAT FUTURES START HERE. OF WESTERN LANE COUNTY HELP US, HELP THEM