SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 2019 ❚ SIUSLAW NEWS Brought to you by this newspaper in partnership with Good Luck National Camera Day June 29, 2019 Here is how it works… We will put a graphic or photo in the box to the left. You find it somewhere in the classifieds. Come into our office, Enter your name, phone number and describe where you found the graphic or bring in a clipping to attach to your entry into the drawing for a gift certificate. Gift Certificates must be picked up within 2 weeks of winning Deadline for today’s paper: Monday by 2:00 PM KATHY JOHNSON found the National Beautician’s Day Graphic on Page 4B (Right side of ‘2016 ROCKWOOD LITE vehicle promo). She won a gift certificate to Kathleen & Nina’s Restaurant. Wednesday’s Graphic Visit us on the web BLINDS / INTERIOR Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience 541-991-3405 CCB#212734 D-085 EXCAVATING DEQ#37263 Ray Wells, Inc CB# 91052 E XCAVATING • S EPTIC S YSTEMS • S UBDIVISIONS L AND C LEARING • P AVING • T RUCKING B RUSH & D EBRIS R ECYCLING • D EMOLITION P H . 541-997-2054 • F AX 541-997-3499 • 1-877-201-0652 P.O. B OX 3467 • 1770 L AUREL P L . • F LORENCE , OR 97439 D-070 CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS Robert’s Handyman Service PUBLIC NOTICES G ENERAL C ONTRACTOR We specialize in Structural Problems and Dry Rot Always in your newspaper: Now in your inbox, too. 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Call 1-877-246-1527. 094 FLOORING James Ruppert Water Damage Specialist 541-579-1716 CCB#220145 D-182 PEST CONTROL For What’s Bugging You Environmentally Responsible Free Inspections 541-997-4027 CCB#79884 D-222 REAL ESTATE Lynnette Wikstrom – Broker (541) 999-0786 Y Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Au- thors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Ser- vices: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-844-803-4427 or visit Oregon. Frontier Communications Internet Bundles. Serious Speed! Serious Value! Broadband Max - $19.99/mo or Broadband Ultra - $67.97/mo. Both Include FREE Wi Fi Router. CALL For Details! - 1-855-972-6641. D I f n o b o d y k n o w s w h a t ’ s g o i n g o n , n o b o d y c a n d o a n y t h i n g a b o u t i t . That Th T h at’s at t ’s ’ s w hy y w e ke e ep e p s sa a y in ay ing g y ourr l loc ocal al and sta tate t g ov v e r nm n m en n t sh h ou u ld l d k eep e e p ee p u bl pu b is ishi hing ng g t the heir ir p pub ub b li l i c no noti tices s in n t the he n newsp pap aper er.. Reduce Recyle Reuse Graphic Search D-040 S sity study, charter schools provide: • Increased Innovation. Charter schools have the independence to try new forms of teaching and experiment with the best way to reach their students. • Increased Effi ciency. Charter schools avoid myriad challenging government regulations. • Greater Accountability. Charter schools must attract students to succeed, or their charter can be taken away. • Increased Competition. Like oth- er choice schools, charter schools must compete for families as cus- tomers. Th is is an ultimate form of accountability. • Private Resources. Many charter schools have attracted considerable philanthropic gift s to support more robust programs. 5. Other types of school choice include homeschooling, online learning, and tax-credit scholarships that let taxpayers—individuals or businesses—get full or partial tax credits when they donate to non- profi ts that provide private school scholarships. In addition, individual tax credits and deductions let par- ents get state income tax relief for ap- proved educational expenses, such as tuition, books, supplies, computers, tutors and transportation. Learn More You can get further information about school choice and what it can mean for your kids from the experts at EdChoice, an organization that advocates for the best education possible for students and for parents to have control over their children’s education as a pathway to successful lives and a stronger society. A national leader in school choice research, its premise is: Th e more people know about and understand educational choice, the more they can help advance the movement. You can fi nd it at IREC TORY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF, ROBERT ALLEN SANOV, DECEASED Case No.: 19PB04558 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the under- signed has been ap- pointed personal rep- resentative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned per- sonal representative at P. O. Box B, Florence, Oregon, 97439, within four months after the date of fi rst publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be aff ect- ed by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representa- tive, or the attorney for the personal represen- tative, Scott T. Bailey, At- torney at Law, P.C. at P.O. Box B, Florence, Oregon 97439. Dated and fi rst pub- lished June 29, 2019. /s/Sheldon Sanov Personal Representa- tive Publication Dates: June 29, July 6, & 13, 2019 School choice lets parents pick the kind of education, such as charter schools, they want their kids to have. A great gift for college students is “The Secret to Getting a Job After College: Marketing Tac- tics to Turn Degrees into Dollars” by Dr. Larry Chiagouris. It address- es obstacles that college students must overcome to make it through the job search process. Learn more at https://thesecret- togettingajobaftercollege. com. Home temperature wars don’t have to happen. To help, Fujitsu General America offers Smart Sys- tems with options to con- trol single and multi-zone Halcyon and Airstage heating and cooling sys- tems using a third-party smart thermostat. Learn more or fi nd a contractor nearby at (888) 888-3424 and www.fujitsugeneral. com. A great gift for college students is “The Secret to Getting a Job After College: Marketing Tac- tics to Turn Degrees into Dollars” by Dr. Larry Chiagouris. It address- es obstacles that college students must overcome to make it through the job search process. Learn more at https://thesecret- togettingajobaftercollege. com. ELLOW PUBLIC NOTICE CLAIMS against the Estate of RODNEY G. HAEDRICH, of Florence, Oregon, Lane County Circuit Court Case No. 19PB04240, are re- quired to be presented, with proper vouchers, to the Personal Rep- resentative, GORDON HAEDRICH, at 428 Alex- ander Avenue, Susan- ville, California 96130, within four (4) months from June 29, 2019, the date of fi rst publi- cation, or such claims may be barred. Any person whose rights may be aff ected by the proceeding may obtain additional information from the court records, the Personal Represen- tative or the attorney for the Personal Repre- sentative. Jane C. Hanawalt Attorney for Personal Representative PO Box 1153 327 Laurel St Florence, OR 97439 Publication Dates: June 29, July 6, & July 13, 2019. (NAPS)—For many families, few things are more important than schooling—and an increasing num- ber are taking it into their own hands. Th ey’re welcoming the idea of more ways for children to be edu- cated than simply by going to the district school. In schools, online, at home, with a tutor or through a com- bination, families use school choice options to meet each child’s particu- lar educational needs. Families that can aff ord it may move to a desired school district. But there are many more ways to choose the best educational setting for your kids. Here’s a look at a few of the more popular: 1. Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) let parents withdraw their children from public schools and get public funds paid into govern- ment-authorized savings accounts— oft en via secure debit card—to cover private school tuition, online learn- ing, private tutoring, higher educa- tion expenses, and other approved services and materials. 2. School Vouchers let parents choose a private school using all or part of the public money set aside for their children’s education. Funds typ- ically expended by a school district are allocated to the family instead in the form of a voucher for tuition at private schools, including religious and nonreligious options. 3. Magnet schools are public schools off ering specialized curricu- la and programs. Th ey’re designed to attract students with a common in- terest or skill set, and students must apply and be accepted. 4. Charter schools are inde- pendently run public schools exempt from many rules and regulations in exchange for increased accountabili- ty. Typically, if charters get more ap- plications than they have open seats, they accept students based on a lot- tery. Families don’t need to use ESAs, vouchers or tax-credit scholarships for charter schools because they’re publicly funded. Charter schools put families in charge of choosing their child’s education, principals in charge of running their schools, and teachers in charge of leading their classrooms. Th ey also tend to have high standards for every student and give them the support they need to meet those standards. According to a Columbia Univer- Did You Know? ERVICES Understanding Your Choices PUBLIC NOTICES 7B Living in the Florence area since 1979. COAST REAL ESTATE 100 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 D-230 ROOFING / CONTRACTORS McLennan Construction, Inc. Off ering all types of ROOFING Great References, Senior Discounts Licensed & Insured • Established 2002 541-521-7303 D-245 CCB#150484 STOVES – PELLET / GAS ACE STOVE Gas Lines Installed – Schedule NOW! 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