M ARCH 2019 | DISASTER PREPARATION | Emergency preparedness tips for seniors Natural disasters can strike at any time, and when they do, the damage is oft en considerable. According to the United Nations Offi ce for Disaster Risk Reduction, between 2005 and 2014, natural disasters caused $1.4 trillion in damage across the globe, aff ecting 1.7 billion people along the way. Various preventive measures can protect people and their homes from the potentially devastating impact of nat- ural disasters. For example, oceanfront communities may be able to decrease property damage by exacting certain measures, such as building homes on stilts. Another way to prevent tragedy related to natural disas- ters is to develop an emergency preparedness plan before the next storm strikes. Th at’s important for everyone, but especially so for seniors, many of whom live with mobility issues that can compromise their ability to escape the eye of oncoming storms. In recognition of the potential problems seniors face when natural disasters strike, the American Red Cross of- fers the following tips to seniors and their families so aging men and women can make it through such situations safe and sound. • Make arrangements to contact loved ones. Prior to an emergency, seniors and their support network should make arrangements to make immediate contact once a disaster strikes. Determine who will make initial contact and how that contact will be made (i.e., via phone, text message, social media, etc.), as well as who will be responsible for providing assistance if necessary. Such a plan lets everyone within the support network know their precise responsibil- ities, which limits confusion in the sometimes hectic hours and days aft er disaster strikes. • Exchange keys. Make sure everyone in the support network has keys to seniors’ homes. In so doing, support networks are increasing the chances that someone will be able to reach potentially vulnerable seniors if the primary contacts are incapable of doing so. • Let others know where emergency supplies are kep Everyone should have emergency supplies in their home Seniors should not take it for granted that such suppli can be easily found if they become incapacitated during storm. Make sure such information can be easily access during a storm by emailing it to your support network an or posting the information in a convenient location in yo home, such as on the refrigerator. • Share your evacuation plans. In the wake of recent d sasters, many communities that did not previously feel vu nerable to natural disasters have devised evacuation pla for residents. Seniors should share these plans with the support networks. Doing so makes it easier for relatives fi nd you if you must evacuate your home before help a rives. • Share important medical information. Seniors shou share medical information, such as healthcare provide and a list of the medications they’re taking. Th is can ma things easier for emergency responders to successfully tre people who become incapacitated during storms. Emergency preparedness strategies save lives. More i formation about how seniors can prepare for emergenci is available at www.redcross.org. PREP YOUR BUSINESS! Come by the information table for important tips on preparing your business for all kinds of situations! Not a member yet? Join us today! 541-997-3128 www.FlorenceChamber.com Bettina@FlorenceChamber.com 290 Hwy. 101 • Florence www.ci.fl orence.or.us